(1) The University seeks to provide a family friendly work and learning environment. This Procedure supports this aim and recognises the University's duty of care to staff, students and visitors. This Procedure seeks to address both health and safety and equity and inclusion issues by striking a balance between the safety of children on University premises, limiting their exposure to risks, and the maintenance of equity standards. (2) The following ACU policies describe the frameworks that support a safe, healthy and equitable ACU workplace: (3) This Procedure operates in conjunction with these policies and provides guidance in relation to the arrangements for bringing children onto University premises for staff and students who are carers and those making decisions on such matters. Good judgement, discretion and reasonableness are expected to be applied in the application of this Procedure to specific circumstances. (4) For the purposes of this Procedure: (5) ACU recognises that: (6) Consequently, it is necessary to identify: (7) ACU also recognises that care must be taken to ensure that the implementation of this Procedure: (8) While the University precincts are private property, some areas are publicly accessible and permission to enter them is not normally required. Examples of such areas are: (9) Children are welcome on campus for approved University activities such as Open Day, concerts and performances, and guided tours. These activities are to be informed by WHS risk assessments, which should address specific hazards relevant to attendance and participation by children as well as suitable controls. Staff, students, visitors and contractors that are accompanying children in such circumstances, and in publicly accessible areas, are at all times responsible for their care, safety and welfare and compliance with relevant requirements and should be reminded of this through event invitations and other communication prior to and, where possible, at the event. (10) Libraries are accessible to the public and are both a learning environment for staff and students, and a working environment for Library staff. All users of the Library are required to respect and uphold conditions necessary to provide an appropriate atmosphere for study, research and work. Staff, students and other adults accompanying children within the Library are responsible for ensuring that the conduct of the children in their care is appropriate. (11) Staff and students are expected to obtain prior permission to bring a child or children under their care into a working or learning environment on ACU premises. This is necessary to allow supervisors and teaching staff to carry out their responsibilities under this Procedure (refer to parts 9.3 and 9.4). Staff and students who are carers should refer to part 9.5 for their responsibilities under this Procedure. (12) In considering requests to bring children into the learning and working environment, supervisors and teaching staff should: (13) All decisions relating to a request to be accompanied by a child or children need to take account of factors such as: (14) If a student requests to be accompanied by a child or children and the teaching staff member is concerned that the content may be inappropriate or upsetting for children, the teaching staff member should advise the student of what will be covered. In such cases (providing that the venue has been assessed as posing no other WHS risks to children), the student, as the carer of the child or children, is responsible for making the decision on whether it is appropriate for the child or children to be present. (15) Staff and students with children on University premises can be required to remove a child or children if, in the judgement of the supervisor, teaching staff member or person in charge of the area: (16) In the case of staff with children, their supervisor has the authority to require that a child or children be removed from the work and/or learning environment. (17) In the case of students with children, the teaching staff member involved, or in some cases the person in charge of the area has the authority to require that a child or children be removed from the work and/or learning environment. (18) In the Library, any member of staff on duty has the authority to require that a child or children be removed from the area. (19) Children who are left unsupervised will be managed in accordance with the Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Policy and Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Procedure. (20) ACU is committed to providing an inclusive work and learning environment that supports staff and students to balance work / study and family responsibilities. The University acknowledges the importance of infant feeding for the parent and child, and provides the following information: (21) Students may negotiate subject load within course requirements in order to support parenting responsibilities including infant feeding. (22) Everyone using University facilities has responsibilities in relation to the practical implementation of this Procedure, particularly in terms of making ACU a safe place. Specific responsibilities include the following: (23) The University is responsible for: (24) Members of the Executive are responsible for effectively communicating the provisions of this Procedure in the area under their management by ensuring that: (25) Supervisors are responsible for: (26) Teaching staff are responsible for: (27) Carers wishing to bring children into the University learning environment, or their personal work environment, are responsible for: (28) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (29) The University may make changes to this Procedure from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Procedure may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (30) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (31) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Children of Staff and Students on University Premises Procedure
Section 1 - Background
Section 2 - Glossary of Terms
Infant feeding
refers to the act of providing food and nourishment to an infant by a carer.
Child or children
refers to a person or persons under age 18 who is not enrolled as a student of ACU
refers to a parent, guardian or other person responsible for a child or children.
Unsafe and/or restricted areas
Top of PageSection 3 - Principles
Top of PageSection 4 - Publicly Accessible University Premises
Section 5 - Permission to bring a child or children on University Premises
Section 6 - Considering requests to bring a child or children onto University Premises
Section 7 - Withdrawing permission for a child or children to be present in a learning or working environment
Section 8 - Infant Feeding on University Premises Parents and Expressing Parents
Section 9 - Responsibilities
The University
Members of the Executive
Teaching staff
Top of Page
Section 10 - Revisions made to this Procedure
27 July 2016
4 May 2023
Section 11 - Further Assistance
Section 12 - Associated Information
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This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this document to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.
are areas in which children are not permitted and include:
Major, Minor or Editorial