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Copyright Notices Signage Procedure

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Section 1 - Governing Policy

(1) This Procedure is governed by the Intellectual Property Policy.

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Section 2 - Scope/Application

(2) The Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (the Act) requires the University to place regulated notices near library or copying machines that can be used to make infringing copies. The wording of the signs is set out in the Copyright Regulations 2017 (Cth) as amended.

(3) This Procedure also implements Third Party copyright material in ACU’s Intellectual Property Policy (as per clauses (22) and (23)), assisting personnel to understand their obligations under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

(4) ACU’s online learning environment is a critical interface between ACU and its students, through which a wide range of copyright materials is disseminated to students. This Procedure supports the lawful use of Third Party copyright material as defined in the Intellectual Property Policy, assisting students to understand their obligations under the Act.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

(5) To assist with the efficient compliance in relation to this Procedure at the University, the following responsibilities are in place:

Chief Information and Digital Officer Responsible for appropriate signage to be located near physical technology and renewed every 2 years.
Library Director Responsible for ensuring signage meets legislative requirements and best practice.
Director, Centre for Education and Innovation (Dir CEI) Responsible for appropriate signage in learning management systems.
Lecturer in Charge or nominated supervisors Responsible for ensuring their staff and affiliates understand their rights and obligations under the Act.
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Section 4 - Physical Signage

Student Access Photocopiers / Printers

(6) ACU is required to place a notice wherever students are able to print or photocopy material. This notice is prescribed in the legislation, and has both size and wording requirements. The sign must be a minimum of A4 and can be up to A3 in size and be in easy viewing distance of device.

(7) The Chief Information and Digital Officer is responsible for ensuring signs are renewed every 2 years. The signs can include varying print colour or paper colour and using small images to increase the visual impact of the notice.

Commonwealth of Australia
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)

Notice about the reproduction of works and the copying of published editions


Copyright owners are entitled to take legal action against persons who infringe their copyright. A reproduction of material that is protected by copyright may be a copyright infringement. Certain dealings with copyright will not constitute an infringement, including:
  • a reproduction that is a fair dealing under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (the Act), including a fair dealing for the purposes of research or study; or
  • a reproduction that is authorised by the copyright owner.
It is a fair dealing to make a reproduction for research or study, of one or more articles in a periodical publication for the same research or same course of study or, for any other work, of a reasonable portion of a work.

For a published work in hardcopy form that is not less than 10 pages and is not an artistic work, 10% of the number of pages, or one chapter, is a reasonable portion.

For a published work in electronic form only, a reasonable portion is not more than, in the aggregate, 10% of the number of words in the work.

More extensive reproduction may constitute fair dealing. To determine whether it does, it is necessary to have regard to the criteria set out in subsection 40(2) of the Act.

A court may impose penalties and award damages in relation to offences and infringements relating to copyright material.
Higher penalties may apply, and higher damages may be awarded, for offences and infringements involving the conversion of material into digital or electronic form.

Staff access to photocopiers / printers

(8) Staff should be made aware that copyright law may apply to printing or copying that occurs using these devices.

(9) The Chief Information and Digital Officer is responsible for ensuring signs are renewed every 2 years. The signs can include varying print colour or paper colour and using small images to increase the visual impact of the notice.

Notice about the reproduction of works and the copying of published material


The Australian Catholic University respects the rights of copyright owners to earn an income from their works, and under moral rights to be attributed as the creator of the work.

Any non-ACU works copied on this device and intended for use with students must be appropriately attributed with source material.

Any non-ACU works copied under the statutory licence must also include the following notice.


This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Australian Catholic University in accordance with section 113P of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (the Act).

The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.

Do not remove this notice.

Student access copying devices

(10) ACU is required to place a notice wherever students are able to copy text or audio-visual works. This notice is prescribed in the legislation, and has both size and wording requirements. The sign must be a minimum of A4 and can be up to A3 in size and be in easy viewing distance of the device. The Chief Information and Digital Officer is responsible for ensuring signs are renewed every 2 years. The signs can include varying print colour or paper colour and using small images to increase the visual impact of the notice.

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Section 5 - ACU Learning Management System (LMS)

(11) ACU is required to place a notice wherever students are able to copy text or audio-visual works. The Learning Management System (LMS) enables the downloading and saving of copyright material. Director, Centre for Education and Innovation is responsible for ensuring a sign is visible on the first or home page of every LMS unit in such a way that staff or students are unable to remove it.

Course materials (including images) in LMS are made available for educational purposes only, it may have been purchased or licenced under a variety of different licences. They may also include extracts and images from copyright works reproduced under statutory licences. (See Notice Below)

You may make one copy for your own personal use. You may not make any further copies or distribute any part of these course materials to others. Any further reproduction and communication of this course material may expose you to legal action for copyright infringement and/or disciplinary action by ACU.


This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Australian Catholic University in accordance with section 113P of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (the Act).

The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.

Do not remove this notice.

Further information available from:
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Section 6 - Audit

(12) Under advice of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), the Library Director is responsible for ensuring signage meets legislative requirements and best practice. To assist with this responsibility, the Library Director will ensure that every two years an audit is conducted of a range of student access printers, staff access printers, ACU-provided student digital copying devices and LMS units to ensure appropriate signage is visible.

(13) Any non-compliance will be reported to the appropriate area, the Chief Information and Digital Officer or the Director, Centre for Education and Innovation as appropriate for remedial action to be undertaken.

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Section 7 - Review

(14) The University may amend this Procedure from time to time and review at least every 5 years, or when there are significant changes to related ACU policies, to legislation, or to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member or student who wishes to make any comments about this Procedure may forward their suggestions to the Responsible Officer.

(15) Unless otherwise indicated, this Procedure will still apply beyond the review date.

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Section 8 - Further Assistance

(16) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Procedure should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further advice be required staff should contact the Copyright Manager,