(1) This Procedure is governed by the Course and Student Monitoring Policy. (2) This Procedure is applicable to learning and teaching activities in non-award and award pathways, undergraduate and postgraduate (coursework) courses and units on all campuses and in all modes of offer. This includes offshore and partnership education programs, placements, practicums and work integrated learning activities. Monitoring of research and research training is accomplished through activities aligned with the Higher Degree Research Regulations. (3) Course Monitoring Committees (CMCs) will have Terms of Reference (TOR), which include membership, responsibilities, and meeting protocols, tabled for approval with the relevant Faculty Board. (4) CMCs will include in their membership all National Course Coordinators and Course Coordinators, and at least one member who represents each campus or mode where courses are offered. (5) CMCs may include, as required by the needs of the course/discipline/program, and approved by the Faculty Board, other members such as Heads of Discipline, Deputy/Assistant Heads of School, other School/Faculty leaders, and/or other university staff. (6) CMCs may co-opt academic staff members as required to fulfill their function. (7) The Chair of a CMC will be an academic based in the relevant School at the level of senior lecturer or higher and will be appointed by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Executive Dean. The Chair does not need to be a Course Coordinator. (8) Chairs of CMCs are appointed for a two-year term and are eligible for re-appointment. (9) The Chair will liaise with School and Faculty leaders to ensure the membership of the CMCs are inducted, trained, and enabled to fulfil their responsibilities as members of the CMC. (10) CMCs will meet as often as necessary to fulfil the functions outlined in this procedure and not less than twice per year. (11) CMCs will keep records of meetings and report regularly to the relevant Faculty Board or committee of Faculty Board. (12) CMCs will maintain an annual workplan that systematically addresses the committee’s monitoring obligations under its TORs. (13) CMCs will undertake an annual self-evaluation to ensure its activities align with its responsibilities. (14) CMCs operate in line with the principles articulated in Section 4 of the Course and Student Monitoring Policy. (15) CMCs are responsible to the Faculty Board for scrutinising all matters under Section 6 of the Course and Student Monitoring Policy. (16) CMCs will, via inclusion as standing items on their annual work plans, monitor, quality assure and suggest improvements in relation to the following matters per Section 6 of the Course and Student Monitoring Policy: (17) Where a course monitoring committee identifies areas for action, further investigation, or improvement, it provides advice to management and furthers matters through via the relevant ACU policy. CMCs do not exercise any academic delegation aside from ongoing monitoring. (18) Cohort Monitoring Committees (CoMCs) are designed to facilitate the monitoring of Identified Cohorts per Section 5 of the Course and Student Monitoring Policy. (19) CoMCs will have TOR which include membership, responsibilities, and meeting protocols, tabled for approval with the Academic Board or relevant Committee of Academic Board. (20) The Chair of CoMCs will be appointed by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or relevant member of the Senior Executive. (21) The Chair will liaise with relevant university leaders to ensure the membership of the CoMCs are inducted, trained, and enabled to fulfil their responsibilities as members of the CoMC. (22) CoMCs will meet as often as necessary to fulfil the functions outlined in this procedure and not less than once per year. (23) CoMCs will keep records of meetings and report regularly to the relevant committee of Academic Board. (24) CoMCs will maintain an annual workplan that systematically addresses the committee’s monitoring obligations under its TORs. (25) CoMCs will undertake an annual self-evaluation to ensure its activities align with its responsibilities. (26) CoMCs may employ a naming convention appropriate to its needs. (27) The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Committee functions as the CoMC for this cohort. (28) This Committee monitors and provides advice in relation to: (29) The Pathways Directorate will convene a CoMC to monitor all award and non-award programs and cohorts delivered by Pathways. (30) The Pathways CoMC will include representation from Faculty as required and fulfil the functions of Section 4 of this Procedure. (31) The Internationalisation Committee (IC) of Academic Board functions as the CoMC for International Students. (32) The IC monitors matters related to ACU’s support for international students, Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) compliance and the performance of Agents. (33) Student Success Subcommittee (SSSC) of the University Learning and Teaching Committee (ULTC) is the CoMC for students who access ACU support services. (34) The SSSC monitors the activities and initiatives ACU undertakes to support students through co-curricular activities and their engagement with support services. (35) Curriculum Oversight Committee (CCOC) is the CoMC for the Core Curriculum per clause (34) of the Structuring Coursework Programs Policy. (36) The CCOC monitors unit-based matters outlined in Section 4 of this Procedure. (37) The University Learning and Teaching Committee is the CoMC for Academic Integrity and Misconduct. (38) Monitoring and reporting operates per the Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Student Academic Misconduct Procedure. (39) The responsible Faculty or university work unit must maintain records of monitoring and action arising out of CMCs and CoMCs. (40) Records must be accessible and auditable. (41) Records must be maintained per part 16 of the Records Retention and Disposal Schedule. (42) In line with the Policy Development and Review Policy, this Procedure will be reviewed in line with the governing policy and is scheduled for review every five years or more frequently if appropriate. (43) Responsible Officer - queries on policy and Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 compliance.Course and Student Monitoring Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Section 3 - Composition and Operation of Course Monitoring Committees
Section 4 - Responsibilities of Course Monitoring Committees
Section 5 - Composition and Operation of Cohort Monitoring Committees
Section 6 - Cohort Monitoring: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students
Top of PageSection 7 - Cohort Monitoring: Education Pathways
Section 8 - Cohort Monitoring: Global Engagement
Section 9 - Cohort Monitoring: Student Support Services
Section 10 - Cohort Monitoring: ACU Core Curriculum
Section 11 - Cohort Monitoring: Academic Integrity and Misconduct
Section 12 - Record Keeping and Action Tracking
Section 13 - Review
Section 14 - Further Assistance
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