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Course and Student Monitoring Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) ACU is committed to education that prioritises the needs of our students. The institution therefore works to understand and support its students by monitoring learning and teaching activities and outcomes using multiple sources of information to assure quality and continuously improve our offerings.

(2) Monitoring is designed to support staff with delegated responsibility for academic functions to undertake their work effectively and in accordance with policy.

(3) Monitoring constitutes a cycle of activity that includes the setting of goals, standards, expectations, and risk tolerances in line with relevant policies and strategies and activity to systematically assure the institution that its activities operate as intended.

(4) Monitoring involves the systematic collection and analysis of data to inform action that mitigates risk and supports quality. Academic Board and its committees scrutinise monitoring activity and recommend appropriate actions to deal with issues identified through monitoring.

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Section 2 - Policy Scope/Application

(5) Monitoring is an internal academic governance mechanism that operates continuously and cyclically and is designed to support ACU’s culture of Learning and Teaching. It is distinct from but supports and informs other quality assurance measures such as the externally chaired course review and re-accreditation processes, and Thematic and Functional reviews.

(6) This Policy and the Course and Student Monitoring Procedure outline who is responsible for monitoring, how monitoring is enabled and undertaken, and the threshold requirements for monitoring activity, analysis, and action.

(7) This Policy is applicable to learning and teaching activities in non-award and award pathways, undergraduate and postgraduate (coursework) courses and units on all campuses and in all modes of offer. This includes offshore and partnership education programs, placements, practicums and work integrated learning activities. Monitoring of research and research training is accomplished through activities aligned with the Higher Degree Research Regulations.

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Section 3 - Definitions

(8) The terms used in this Policy and the associated Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedure and Course Review Procedure are available in the Glossary of Student and Course Terms.

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Section 4 - Policy Statement and Principles

(9) The foundational principles for monitoring at ACU are grounded in the ACU Mission, Identity and Values. The pursuit of truth, concern for the dignity of the human person, and a commitment to the common good are enabled and expressed through monitoring activities designed to support academic integrity, quality, and academic excellence.

(10) Monitoring at ACU:

  1. enables those with responsibilities for learning and teaching to conduct their work effectively and according to policy;
  2. monitors activities and outcomes to assure the institution of quality and compliance;
  3. considers perspectives of identified cohorts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students;
  4. is systematically applied and operates according to the principles of subsidiarity;
  5. is informed by collectively agreed determinations around academic risk;
  6. is supported through the systematic provision of evidence, data, and reporting;
  7. triggers action to quality assure and continuously improve our educational offerings; and
  8. forms part of the academic governance mechanisms overseen by Academic Board and its committees.
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Section 5 - Scope of Monitoring and Identified Cohorts

(11) Monitoring of outcomes and activities related to courses and units is undertaken at the School and Pathways Directorate levels, and action in relation to monitoring is referred to Course Coordinators and School and Pathways leaders as required. Other work units support Schools and Pathways in monitoring identified cohorts, as outlined in this Policy.

(12) Schools and Pathways are responsible for monitoring students and student outcomes:

  1. for courses where a School/Pathways is the administering organisational unit;
  2. for units where a School/Pathways is the administering organisational unit;
  3. for courses offered in multiple modes of study or study locations;
  4. for units offered in multiple modes of study or study locations; and
  5. where a Course Coordinator in the School has approved a substantial amount of credit or RPL.

(13) The First Peoples Directorate is responsible for monitoring the following identified cohorts and liaising with relevant Schools as appropriate:

  1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who engage with the Indigenous Higher Education Units of the University; and
  2. students in Away from Base Programs in partnership with relevant Schools.

(14) Global and Education Pathways (GEP) is responsible for monitoring the following identified cohorts and liaising with relevant Schools as appropriate:

  1. international students;
  2. students in Pathway programs and units supported by GEP; and
  3. students from Equity Groups as per the Widening Participation Strategy.

(15) Student Experience is responsible for monitoring the following identified cohorts and liaising with relevant Schools as appropriate:

  1. students who have a diagnosed medical / mental health condition, disability or significant carer responsibilities which may impact their studies.

(16) The Faculty of Theology and Philosophy is responsible for monitoring students in ACU’s Core Curriculum.

(17) The Academic Integrity Team based in the Centre for Education and Innovation is responsible for monitoring trends in academic integrity, liaising with Schools and Pathways as appropriate, and reporting to Faculty Boards per clause (25) of the Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy.

(18) In addition to the identified cohorts listed, the university will monitor other groups that are an ACU strategic focus. A timeframe for such monitoring should be articulated in the strategy’s implementation plan.

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Section 6 - Monitoring Lifecycle

Academic Standards

(19) Academic standards and desired learning outcomes are encapsulated in University policy and approved curriculum.

(20) Monitoring functions to support the alignment of learning and teaching activity with the University’s strategy and safeguard an excellent student experience via policy compliance and the early identification and rectification of problems.

(21) Where routine monitoring identifies a systemic issue, the relevant academic governance process is used to elevate and address the matter.

Benchmarks and Academic Risk

(22) The Academic Board sets benchmarks, based on its determination of academic risk, designed to guide and direct monitoring activity related to student outcomes and satisfaction data.

(23) Benchmarks are contained in ACU Internal Benchmarks Schedule of this Policy.

(24) The benchmarks incorporate tolerances coded via RAG (red, amber, green) indicators, which guide action those responsible for monitoring must undertake. Green reflects outcomes within risk tolerance. Amber triggers action at the School level through Course Monitoring Committees. Red triggers an elevated consideration of the identified issues via the Faculty / Pathways or the Centre for Education and Innovation.

(25) Benchmarks operate alongside other sources of information that inform monitoring.

Sources of Information

(26) Monitoring involves the analysis of multiple sources of information such as:

  1. data on admissions and student pathways to undergraduate courses;
  2. data on student outcomes including attrition, progress, grade distribution and completion;
  3. data on student and recent graduate feedback and satisfaction including QILT and SELT data;
  4. data on graduate outcomes;
  5. internal referrals of issues related to courses and units, including via the formal ACU complaints and appeals processes;
  6. evidence of academic decisions made by a National Lecturer in Charge, Lecturer in Charge, National Course Coordinator and Course Coordinator (via moderation of assessment, ratification of grades, scrutiny of Course Coordinator decisions); and
  7. learning and teaching artefacts such as curriculum documentation, learning management sites, developed assessment, and marking rubrics.

(27) Monitoring is supported by external referencing provided by academic peers, partner institutions, and external professional accreditation agencies.

Action in Relation to Monitoring

(28) Routine monitoring and analysis should generate a collective understanding of the causes of undesirable outcomes and result in:

  1. early rectification of localised problems and ‘exceptions’ (isolated instances of policy non-compliance);
  2. the provision of additional support for students at risk;
  3. referrals, as required, to School, Pathways or Faculty leaders to address larger problems;
  4. assurance regarding the effectiveness of academic initiatives and interventions;
  5. an assessment of the efficacy of curriculum and advice to improve, change or review curriculum as required; and
  6. an evaluation of systematic issues or concerns that impact student learning or the student experience. Such systemic issues may relate to:
    1. English language and other admission settings;
    2. post-entry English language development;
    3. the activity of education agents as per the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth);
    4. modes of course delivery;
    5. formal and informal learning environments; and/or
    6. third party arrangements including placement activity.

(29) Formal reporting to the relevant academic governance forum should occur as per the Course and Student Monitoring Procedure.

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Section 7 - Course and Cohort Monitoring Committees

(30) Executive Deans will convene Course Monitoring Committeec (CMCs) made up of relevant staff including all National Course Coordinator and Course Coordinators or equivalent positions in Pathways to accomplish school- based monitoring.

(31) The Provost or appropriate member of the Senior Executive will convene Cohort Monitoring Committee (CoMCs) made up of relevant staff to monitor identified cohorts and academic/support activities of the University.

(32) The composition and activity of a CMC or CoMC depends on the needs of specific programs, but all CMCs and CoMCs must operate in accordance with the Course and Student Monitoring Procedure.

(33) CMCs may oversee the operation of multiple cognate courses and clustered qualifications or parts thereof.

(34) CMCs and CoMCs record and report monitoring and action through Faculty governance channels, and to the Academic Board.

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Section 8 - Roles and Responsibilities

(35) Academic Board:

  1. is responsible for the oversight of governance mechanisms that support monitoring activity;
  2. sets and scrutinises ACU’s monitoring framework;
  3. sets and monitors benchmarks;
  4. considers issues of best practice, innovation, and sector developments;
  5. scrutinises monitoring activity undertaken by the Faculties and other areas of the university tasked with monitoring; and
  6. provides advice to university leaders on outcomes of monitoring activity, including areas of risk.

(36) Faculty Board:

  1. oversees the teaching, examining and assessment in units for Faculty awards;
  2. oversees quality assurance, improvement, and evaluation in relation to the academic work of the Faculty;
  3. submits to the Academic Board, recommendations on any matters concerning teaching, scholarship, and research within the Faculty; and
  4. receives reports on monitoring and analysis undertaken by Course Monitoring Committees.

(37) Centre for Education and Innovation:

  1. facilitates a systematic provision of data to enable monitoring including:
    1. data and reports on student attrition, progress, completion, and grade distribution;
    2. data on English Language Admission Settings; and
    3. the provision of student satisfaction data to lecturers and their supervisors.
  2. facilitates academic quality and student experience improvements via mechanisms including:
    1. the Quality Assurance Framework;
    2. Scholarship of Learning and Teaching; and
    3. direct mentoring and support for ACU academics in terms of teacher formation, professional development opportunities and curriculum design.
  3. supports academic integrity through the Academic Integrity Team.

(38) Executive Deans, Deputy Deans, Associate Deans, Deans, National Head of Schools, Heads of School and equivalent positions in Pathways:

  1. ensure academics and professional staff are enabled to effectively use data to drive improvements;
  2. ensure that unit evaluation results are reviewed within each relevant School;
  3. act on results of monitoring and analysis to prevent and mitigate problems, and drive improvements to units and courses; and
  4. oversee a scheduled annual monitoring exercise for each course in line with clause (13) of the Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy.

(39) Course Coordinators, National Course Coordinators:

  1. exercise the decision-making powers given to Course Coordinators in policy;
  2. participate in CMCs as outlined in ACU Internal Benchmarks Schedule;
  3. undertake and document monitoring activities as required by this Policy and Course and Student Monitoring Procedure; and
  4. liaise with School and Faculty leaders as required to initiate action in relation to monitoring.

(40) Lecturer in Charge and National Lecturer in Charge:

  1. ensure clear articulation of learning outcomes and assessment procedures;
  2. deliver teaching programs in line with approved curriculum;
  3. provide local variation to ensure assessment tasks do not disadvantage a particular student cohort; and
  4. refer issues and concerns arising out of unit delivery to CMCs as required.

(41) Other Work Units. Other work units are responsible for tracking and monitoring identified cohorts. Responsible roles include:

  1. Academic Managers in Pathways (or equivalent);
  2. First Peoples Directorate;
  3. Associate Director, Strategic Support and Operations, Global Engagement; and
  4. National Manager, Access and Disability Service.
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Section 9 - Review

(42) In line with the Policy Development and Review Policy, this Policy is scheduled for review every five years or more frequently if appropriate.

(43) The schedules to the Policy will be assessed annually per the description in the schedule.

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Section 10 -  Further Assistance

(44) Responsible Officer - queries on policy and Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 compliance.