(1) This Procedure is governed by the Academic Staff Teaching Qualifications and Equivalent Professional Experience Policy. (2) This Procedure outlines the criteria to be used when determining whether an academic staff member has the appropriate level of academic, professional, or practice-based experience and expertise to be deemed equivalent to one qualification standard level above the program of study. (3) Teaching that engages with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and knowledges should be undertaken in partnership with, and through leadership by, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and their communities at the curriculum design stage and in delivery. (4) The Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI) provide resources for curriculum development and design in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges, perspectives and pedagogical practice. Supervisors will raise awareness of these resources with teaching staff. (5) Supervisors will encourage engagement with culturally informed teaching practices through partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, students, communities and visiting guest lecturers and presenters, as appropriate. (6) Academic staff maintain currency in their disciplines by producing scholarship, engaging with industry and/or completing relevant professional learning, to ensure they stay up to date with advances in the field. (7) Academic staff are enabled to maintain currency through the provision of time as per the Academic Workload Policy. This Policy details allocation of hours for these activities by academic career pathway. (8) CEI provide up to date resources and training opportunities for scholarly development and recognition, and best practice pedagogy. (9) Through their career lifecycle, academic staff will be supported to apply appropriate pedagogical principles through a suite of professional development offerings. These include the Graduate Certificate of Higher Education. (10) ACU, through recruitment and ongoing support, ensures its teaching staff add distinct and useful industry perspectives to its teaching programs. Staff without the required qualification are not recruited based on convenience or lack of availability of appropriately qualified staff. (11) Where Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification requirements are met, academic supervisors will confirm alignment between staff qualifications, publication record, teaching history, and curriculum. (12) Where equivalence is sought, supervisors will assemble evidence that supports this, and will use the Faculty approval process. Such evidence will be stored in the agreed storage repository. (13) Such evidence includes assessment of formal qualifications as well as relevant teaching, professional, research and work experience that aligns directly with the Learning Outcomes of the unit/s to be taught. (14) This evidence is documented as per Section 4, clause (19) of the Academic Staff Teaching Qualifications and Equivalent Professional Experience Policy (‘the Policy’) (15) A register of documentary evidence is maintained by work units in accordance with Section 4, clause (17) of the Policy. (16) Faculties and their Schools, and Institutes and Centres may develop discipline specific schedules for assessing equivalence as per Section 4, clause (18) of the Policy. (17) Approval for these schedules must be sought as per Section 4, clause (18) of the Policy, and they are to be lodged as an appendix to these Procedures. (18) Some disciplines may not require schedules of equivalence and will therefore undertake to assess qualifications as per the minimum requirements that align with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. (19) In line with the Policy Development and Review Policy, this Procedure will be reviewed in line with the governing policy and is scheduled for review every five years or more frequently if appropriate. (20) Unless otherwise indicated, this policy will still apply beyond the review date. (21) A staff member who requires assistance in understanding these Procedures should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. For further queries, please contact the policy Responsible Officer, Chair, Academic Board. (22) For related Legislation, Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Academic Staff Teaching Qualifications and Equivalent Professional Experience Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Scope/Application
Section 3 - Requirements for all teaching staff
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledges
Currency of Knowledge
Section 4 - Assessment of Qualifications and Equivalent Experience
Section 5 - Review
Section 6 - Further Assistance
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