(1) This Protocol outlines the processes relating to travel, accommodation and ancillary expenses associated with Academic Board meetings and activities charged to the Academic Board Project Code (901022). It is a protocol of the Travel Policy. It is also subject to the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register, the Purchase Card Policy and the Reimbursement of Actual Expenses Policy. (2) This Protocol applies to all staff who seek to charge expenses against the Academic Board Project Code. All such expenses must be approved by the Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance. (3) Staff who seek to charge expenses against the Academic Board Project Code are required to update their travel preferences in Serko to nominate the Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance as the approver of all expenditure against the Academic Board Project Code. (4) Only expenses properly incurred in undertaking activities for Academic Board and that fall within the scope of the Travel Policy will be met by the Academic Board overhead. Any requests to depart from this Protocol due to exceptional circumstances must be approved by the Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance. (5) Staff who undertake travel associated with Academic Board must take advantage of the best available fare defined in clause (21) of the Travel Policy. (6) Bookings for flights to attend Academic Board meetings may be made by the staff member (or their authorised representative) or a Governance Officer on their behalf. (7) The Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate will assist staff with details of flights that fall within the parameters of clause (21) of the Travel Policy and that comply with the operational requirements of the meeting, including the home city of the staff member, start and finish times of the meeting and daylight savings. (8) Staff seeking assistance from the Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate will be required to complete the pro forma Academic Board Travel Request Form no later than one (1) week prior to the date of intended travel. (9) Preferred airline, membership of an airline’s frequent flyer loyalty program or airline lounge access is not to be taken into consideration in any determination of the best available fare. (10) Unless exceptional circumstances exist, flexible fares will not be approved for flights. Staff who travel for Academic Board will be required to nominate flight times that take into consideration the advertised start time (ordinarily 10:00am) and finish time (ordinarily 2:00pm) of Academic Board meetings with an appropriate time allowance for overruns and transfers to and from the airport to be factored into the booking. (11) Academic Board meetings are scheduled to ensure that staff will be able to attend the meetings within the envelope of a single day’s travel. The annual Academic Board Governance Day will generally comprise the only exception to the accommodation requirements contained within this Protocol. Aside from this exception, the Academic Board overheads budget will not fund accommodation expenses unless exceptional circumstances exist. In such cases, approval of the Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance must be obtained. (12) To avoid incurring multiple booking fees with FCM Travel Solutions, flights and any accommodation properly chargeable to the Academic Board Project Code must be booked simultaneously. (13) Any incidental expenses incurred on an ACU purchase card coded against the Academic Board Project Code require the approval of the Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance. Copies of tax invoice for incidental expenses charged against the Academic Board Project Code are to be provided to the Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate for reconciliation purposes. (14) Staff are expected to take advantage of economical forms of transport to and from the airport and/or relevant campus in accordance with the Travel Policy, where appropriate, including travel by train and mini-bus (which may be organised by the University from time to time), and coordinating transfers with other members of Academic Board, where feasible. (15) Staff charging expenses to the Academic Board Project Code are expected to plan their travel arrangements to ensure additional fees (FCM Travel Solutions booking fees, airline change fees etc) are not incurred for multiple bookings and/or amendments to existing bookings. (16) The Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance is the Responsible Officer for this Protocol. Further assistance in relation to this Protocol may be obtained by contacting the Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate (governance@acu.edu.au).Academic Board Travel Protocol
Section 1 - Purpose and scope
Section 2 - Principles
Incidentals including transfers and sustenance
Booking and administration fees
Section 3 - Further assistance
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