(1) This Procedure is governed by the Work, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (2) The University will contribute to the provision of a healthy and safe environment in relation to alcohol and all other drugs by: (3) The University does not condone or support the use, possession, cultivation or trafficking of illicit drugs or the misuse and abuse of prescription or other medication. (4) This Procedure communicates the University’s commitment to: (5) The University believes that: (6) This Procedure applies to all members of the University community, to all activities undertaken on University sites and to University events (wherever located). This includes staff, students, visitors and contractors that are engaged with on and off-campus activities. (7) Staff are responsible for: (8) Preventing and managing work-related incidents due to alcohol and drug use in an appropriate manner. (For a suggested approach refer to the Drug & Alcohol Impairment at Work - Early Intervention Flowchart). Please also refer to Managing Drug and Alcohol Impairment at Work (Information for Supervisors) for further information. (9) Assessing the risks associated with employees who declare they are taking prescription or over-the-counter medicines which may adversely impact on their work and consider appropriate mitigations. Contact the WHS team for assistance if required. (10) Ensuring a suitable event manager is appointed to coordinate University events where alcohol is to be served. (11) Not attending the University if adversely affected by alcohol or drugs. (12) Seeking assistance if they require support in dealing with an alcohol or drug problem. Help and Information Resources provide contact details for the ACU Counselling Service and organisations who are able provide assistance in dealing with drug and alcohol-related issues. (13) Failing to seek assistance for an alcohol or other drug problem may result in disciplinary action or other University procedures being instituted if their behaviour is improper, unsafe or impacts upon the wellbeing of others. (14) Event managers will ensure that alcohol is managed and used appropriately at University events by: (15) The possession and / or use of medications, including prescribed and over-the-counter drugs, is prohibited except when prescribed for the individual by their medical practitioner or permitted by law. (16) Illicit drugs are not to be bought, sold, carried or used by staff, contractors or visitors in any part of the University, or when engaged in University business. When a drug offence results in a criminal charge, the University may initiate actions to protect or preserve the safety and welfare of the University community or the reputation of the institution, including disciplinary actions if appropriate. (17) Individuals who are aware of persons on University premises who are engaged in unlawful drug-related activities, or drug-related activities that have the potential to cause harm to those involved for the University, should advise Security Services who will determine whether the police need to be advised. (18) Under the relevant state legislation, police will be informed if illicit substances are identified or suspected or are known to be in possession. (19) Staff members working alongside colleagues whose well-being or job performance they perceive to be adversely affected by alcohol or drug use are encouraged to support the staff concerned to seek appropriate assistance. (20) Any staff member should request the assistance of University First Aid Officers or security services, who may call an ambulance if urgent medical attention is required for a person whose observed behaviour and work performance appears to be adversely affected by alcohol or other drugs. (21) Managers and supervisors of staff have the responsibility to deal with situations in which the performance and conduct of a staff member appears to be affected by the misuse of alcohol and other drugs. No person should be asked to assess whether another is adversely affected by alcohol or drugs, merely to make a decision on whether the person is capable, at that time, of performing their work in a safe manner. Please refer to the Drug & Alcohol Impairment at Work - Early Intervention Flowchart for a suggested course of action. (22) This responsibility includes: (23) Please refer to Managing Drug and Alcohol Impairment at Work (Information for Supervisors) for further information. (24) Where a staff member has been encouraged to seek assistance for an alcohol or other drug problem, but fails to do so and their actions affect the safety of the individual, other staff or students, disciplinary action may be instituted. (25) See also the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) alcohol guidelines. (26) All approvals of decisions made in relation to the serving of alcohol at University events must be in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (27) The University will manage risk through this Procedure that will: (28) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changeswill show in the Status and Details tab. (29) The University may make changes to this Procedure from time to time. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Procedure may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (30) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Procedure should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required, staff should visit Service Central. (31) Any student who requires assistance in understanding this Procedure should first consult their National Head of School. Students seeking further advice should contact the Counselling Service on their campus. (32) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Alcohol and Other Drugs Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedure Statement
Top of PageSection 4 - Application of Procedure
Managers and nominated Supervisors
Event Managers
Prescription and Over-the-counter Drugs
Illicit Drugs
Staff Impaired by Alcohol or Other Drugs
Section 5 - Approvals
Section 6 - Process
Top of PageSection 7 - Revisions made to this Procedure
Major, Minor or Editorial
4 May 2023
Section 8 - Further Assistance
Section 9 - Associated Information
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