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Academic Timeline Governance Framework

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Background

(1) ACU strives to deliver a distinctive perspective to higher education in Australia with a focus on opportunity, innovation, and ethics. Implementation of ACU’s distinctive approach to education requires collaboration across all areas of the University. This collaboration needs to be founded on clear communication, joint action, and mutual understanding.

(2) The Academic Timeline project was endorsed by the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (Provost) to be piloted by the Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI). Through consultation with Directorates and Faculties, CEI has developed an academic timeline; a holistic representation of University-wide tasks and processes. The Academic Timeline Governance Framework was endorsed by Academic Board in February 2023.

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Section 2 - Aim & Purpose

(3) The Academic Timeline is a holistic conceptualisation and presentation of University-wide tasks and processes developed through consultation with all Directorates and Faculties.

(4) The Academic Timeline addresses concerns raised by academics with competing requirements between Directorate requests and student queries, Directorate concerns in not knowing who to approach within Faculties and / or receiving delayed responses and our students having greater access to academics in peak periods of the academic year.

(5) By focusing on tasks, roles and processes, the Academic Timeline not only more accurately reflects the capacity of ACU teaching academics at different times of the year but provides greater efficiencies across all areas of the University by providing clarity around roles and responsibilities within each interaction.

(6) The Academic Timeline further encourages collaborative and effective communication channels and information sharing amongst all ACU staff, enabling the whole University to generate a greater understanding of the roles and responsibilities of our staff within all Portfolios.

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Section 3 - Objectives

(7) Through adoption of the ACU Stewardship Strategy (ACU Strategic Plan) the primary objectives of the Framework are to:

  1. Develop accountabilities for all areas through the illustration of identified interactions between Directorates and Faculties including subsequent agreed and documented processes.
  2. Establish clear communication channels between Directorates and Faculties to foster a collaborative environment.
  3. Identify Focus Zones to allow academics to focus on key teaching activities and identified interactions with Directorates at peak periods of the teaching calendar.
  4. Improve transparency of faculty structures through identified positions, subsequent roles and responsibilities and allocation of workload.
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Section 4 - Scope

(8) The Academic Timeline Governance Framework is applicable to any interaction, information request or participation of ACU teaching academics. In general, these can be categorised as:

  1. Information / data for reporting;
  2. Committee participation;
  3. Project / innovation support;
  4. Focus groups / Community of Practices;
  5. Business as usual activities;
  6. Event participation.
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Section 5 - Oversight of Academic Timeline

(9) The Academic Timeline will be governed by an Academic Timeline Steering Group. The Academic Timeline Steering Group will ensure the delivery of the Academic Timeline through endorsement of recommendations from the Academic Timeline Community of Practice (CoP).

Academic Timeline Steering Group

(10) The Academic Timeline Steering Group membership is to include:

  1. Director, Centre for Education and Innovation as Chair
  2. from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President:
    1. Chair, Academic Board
  3. from the Office of the Chief Operating Officer:
    1. Chief People Officer
    2. Director, Student Administration
  4. from the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education):
    1. Director, Student Experience
  5. from the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic):
    1. Deputy Provost
    2. a Faculty Executive Dean or Deputy Dean (x1)
    3. a Director, Strategy and Operations or Director, Professional Services Hub (x1)
Note: Faculty based committee membership will be selected through an EOI nomination of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

Academic Timeline Community of Practice

(11) An Academic Timeline Community of Practice is established to support the continual review and identification of interactions and agreed processes for inclusion in the Academic Timeline. The CoP will further provide support and accountability within processes and roles. The CoP will submit recommendations to the Academic Timeline Steering Group.

(12) Membership within CoP will consist of positions with intermediate leadership levels (e.g., National Manager, Head of Discipline, National Coordinator), with representation from both portfolios (COO, Provost). Members are to have a wide-ranging understanding of their respective areas and ability to communicate CoP requirements to executive management and communicate and integrate recommendations effectively into their respective functional units.

(13) To allow a collaborative and cohesive approach, Focus Groups may be established as required to review identified interactions. Focus Groups will review and / or document identified processes ensuring subject experts and functional units are consulted. Focus Groups will report to the Academic Timeline Community of Practice.

(14) A visual representation of this structure is available in the Academic Timeline Structure.

(15) The Academic Timeline Community of Practice Terms of Reference and Membership are as below.


(16) Chair - Director, Centre for Education and Innovation

(17) from the Office of the Chief Operating Officer:

  1. Student Administration (x1-2)
  2. Marketing and External Relations (x1)
  3. Information Technology (x1)

(18) from the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic):

  1. Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) / Centre for Education and Innovation (x1)
  2. Global and Education Pathways (x1)
  3. Faculty of Health Sciences (x1)
  4. Faculty of Education and Arts (x1)
  5. Faculty of Law and Business (x1)
  6. Faculty of Theology and Philosophy (x1)
Note: Faculty based committee membership will be selected through an EOI nomination of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

Meeting Frequency

(19) Initially bi-monthly for first twelve months of implementation, upon establishment transfer to quarterly (i.e., six times in commencing year 2023, then four times per year from 2024).

Executive Sponsor

(20) Chief Operating Officer in partnership with Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

Responsible Officer

(21) Director, Centre for Education and Innovation.

Standard Agenda Items

(22) Review of interactions (past quarter & future quarter).

(23) Identify challenging interactions.

(24) Recommendation on prioritising funds and / or resources for interaction’s improvements.

(25) Interaction Focus Groups updates.

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Section 6 - Framework Principles

Academic Timeline

(26) The Academic Timeline is an interactive platform, highlighting interactions between Directorates and Faculties that occur throughout the teaching calendar and have mutually agreed detailed processes. The Academic Timeline will be available to all ACU Staff promoting empowerment and growth through clear communication and understanding of all roles and responsibilities.

(27) The Academic Timeline is a living document to reflect the University’s ever-changing environment. The Academic Timeline Community of Practice will support the review and inclusion of the University’s interactions and processes.

Focus Zones

(28) Focus Zones are peak periods within a teaching academic’s calendar which demand the academic’s complete attention and time. Directorates agree not to interact with academics, unless the interaction is identified in the Academic Timeline or is for ongoing student engagement activities that are integral to the student experience at that time. As a result, teaching academics will have greater capacity for collaboration and participation during non-peak periods with Directorates.

(29) When planning to implement a new process or innovation project, care should be taken to ensure focus zones are taken into consideration, and to minimise communications around focus periods. This includes the request of information from centralised positions within the faculties that would require clarification or support from teaching academics through these periods.

(30) Focus Zones dates are available on the CEI Website and are updated annually.

Requesting Faculty Participation outside of Academic Timeline

(31) Throughout the academic year Directorates will require Faculty and / or academic participation outside of Academic Timeline identified interactions. Prior to submitting a request to Faculties and / or academics, a review of existing information should be undertaken (e.g., course information – CMAS, student data – Banner).

(32) All Faculty and / or academic additional requests for information or participation in activities will need to be scheduled outside of Focus Zone dates and endorsed through the Centre for Education and Innovation, prior to distribution.

Change Request to Processes & Reviews

(33) As a living document the Academic Timeline will be continually reviewed to ensure University wide-tasks and processes accurately reflect the needs of both the University and ACU staff. Whilst each identified interaction will include an appropriate review cycle (e.g., 12 months or 24 months), staff can also raise review requests through Service Central.

(34) Directorates, as owners of processes, will resume responsibility for updating process mapping documents for their designated interactions, noting the following:

  1. Where an amendment impacts on both Directorates and Faculty, this change will be deemed major, therefore consultation must occur with all related parties, prior to amendments being documented and implemented. The form of consultation will vary depending on the extent of change and time limitations, allowing for an agile approach.
  2. Where an amendment impacts only the Directorate activity, this change will be deemed minor, therefore not requiring consultation.
  3. Centre for Education and Innovation, as Responsible Officer of the Academic Timeline, must be included in the consultation process and will coordinate Focus Groups as required.

(35) Maintenance of the Academic Timeline Dashboard will remain with the Centre for Education and Innovation, and any additional (currently unlisted) interactions or structural amendments should be identified via

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Section 7 - Further Assistance

(36) For any enquiries about the Academic Timeline Governance Framework and the approval process, please contact the Centre for Education and Innovation at