(1) ACU acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s First Peoples and recognises the many different nations and languages that existed prior to Australia’s colonisation and, that still exist today. (2) This document provides information and guidance to staff about the language allowance provisions in the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025 (Enterprise Agreement). (3) Clause 6.2.13 of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025 sets out the entitlement to the language allowance: (4) Language allowance amounts will be updated in accordance with the percentage increases in salaries set out in the Enterprise Agreement. (5) The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language allowance is an annual allowance, payable fortnightly to eligible employees, including during periods of paid leave. (6) For part-time staff members, the allowance will be paid on a pro rata basis. (7) Please note that the language allowance does not apply to overtime, penalty rates, allowances or leave loading. (8) The language allowance applies to fixed term and continuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members during the course of their employment. (9) To be eligible for the language allowance, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members are: (10) Staff are eligible for a Level 1 allowance if they are capable of using minimal knowledge of language for the purpose of communication. (11) Staff are eligible for a Level 2 allowance where their language skills are more proficient than Level 1 for example, where they are using language for general business, conversation, reading and writing. (12) Staff who hold multiple appointments may be entitled to the allowance in respect of each appointment. (13) Lucy holds an Identified professional position, that contributes to supporting success for ACU Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Engagement with local First Nation communities forms part of this role and requires regular travel to community to engage with prospective students and their families about studying at ACU. Lucy regularly uses language as part of this engagement, especially when engaging with Elders and community members. Lucy’s use of language is consistent with the Level 2 allowance requirements. (14) Lucy’s application for a language allowance was accepted on the basis she is required to use language when engaging with community. (15) Ross is the only Indigenous academic appointment in his School and Faculty. He receives multiple requests each year to provide an Acknowledgement to Country at various events. Ross is happy to do an Acknowledgment to Country which he does with a mixture of English and traditional language. He usually does 2 or 3 a year but he will decline depending on work demands and conflicts. (16) Ross is not entitled to a language allowance as he can decline the invitations to undertake the Acknowledgement to Country. Further Ross is not required to use language in the course of his employment. (17) Michelle’s position provides University wide leadership to develop and implement a First Nations curriculum framework as well as developing teaching and pedagogical practices with academic staff members. As a Traditional Custodian of the Kaurna Nation, Michelle has extensively incorporated Kaurna knowledges and languages into the University-wide First Nations curriculum framework which enhanced and strengthened the framework. Michelle’s use of language is consistent with the Level 2 allowance requirements. (18) Michelle’s application for the language allowance was accepted on the basis that she uses language to enhance the development of teaching and pedagogical practises. (19) Gary holds two separate continuing appointments at ACU. He works two days a week in the Indigenous Higher Education Unit (IHEU) supporting students and is not required to use language in this role. Three days a week, Gary works as an Indigenous academic teaching culturally safe practices in the School of Nursing. Gary’s proficiency in language is minimal but he uses it from time to time in his teaching. Gary’s use of language is consistent with the Level 1 allowance requirements. (20) Gary has made an application for the language allowance to his nominated supervisor in the School of Nursing. This was accepted and will be paid to him on a pro rata basis for that position. If Gary was using language in his IHEU role, he would need to make a separate application to his nominated supervisor in that role. (21) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff can apply for the language allowance via the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Language Allowance Form located in Service Central. (22) Prior to application, staff should talk to their nominated supervisor about the ways in which the staff member uses language/s in the course of their employment. Staff should also discuss with their manager / nominated supervisor about what level of language allowance would be appropriate. (23) Where an application for language allowance is made, it must be approved by the staff member’s nominated supervisor. (24) Where a staff member commences in a new role, a new application needs to be made and approved by the nominated supervisor. (25) ACU may make changes to this Guideline from time to time. Any staff member who would like to provide comment or feedback about the Guideline can forward their suggestions to firstpeoplesemployment@acu.edu.au. (26) Staff are encouraged to speak to their nominated supervisor if they have any question about this Guideline. Should further information or advice be required, staff should contact firstpeoplesemployment@acu.edu.au.Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Language Allowance Guideline
Section 1 - Guideline Statement
Section 2 - ACU Enterprise Agreement provision
Section 3 - What is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Language Allowance?
Section 4 - Eligibility
Eligibility examples
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Section 5 - How to apply for the language allowance
Section 6 - Revisions made to this Guideline
Section 7 - Further Assistance
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