(1) ACU acknowledges the importance of cultural and ceremonial obligations to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. (2) To support and enable staff to attend to their cultural and ceremonial obligations, ACU provides Cultural and Ceremonial Leave for staff. (3) This Guideline provides further information about what leave is available and how to access it. (4) Cultural and Ceremonial leave can be utilised by continuing and fixed term Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff who are employed on a full-time or part-time contract. (5) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff can access 10 days of paid Cultural and Ceremonial Leave each calendar year. This leave can be accessed for cultural and ceremonial purposes without needing to exhaust personal leave entitlements. (6) Cultural and Ceremonial Leave is granted at the start of the calendar year and does not accumulate from year to year. (7) When Cultural and Ceremonial Leave has been exhausted, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff can utilise their Community and / or Personal Leave for the purposes of attending to ceremonial obligations. (8) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff can also apply for paid Extraordinary Leave when all their Personal Leave, and Cultural and Ceremonial Leave has been exhausted. (9) Cultural and Ceremonial Leave can be used to participate in the following activities: (10) If you have any questions on Cultural and Ceremonial leave, please reach out to the Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment through Service Central or email: firstpeoplesemployment@acu.edu.au (11) ACU recognises the important cultural and ceremonial contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff perform for or on behalf as ACU. Some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff hold roles where cultural and ceremonial duties form part of their role. (12) Where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff are invited and / or would like to contribute their knowledges to provide cultural and / or ceremonial activities for or on behalf of ACU, that is not a requirement of their role; staff can ask their supervisor for time release from their role. (13) Where cultural and ceremonial duties performed involve the use of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ languages, staff may be eligible for a language allowance. More information regarding language allowances can be found here and in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Language Allowance Guideline. (14) Cultural and Ceremonial Leave should not be used for duties performed for or on behalf of the University. (15) Cultural and Ceremonial Leave, Personal Leave and Extraordinary Leave can all be accessed through Staff Connect. Refer to the Staff Connect Process for Cultural Leave Applications. (16) A Leave Tutorial is also available that navigates the general leave application process, as well as a handy guide. (17) Providing evidence for activities covered under Cultural and Ceremonial Leave can be difficult and supervisors need to be understanding and flexible with this requirement. (18) Some events may have evidence such as a poster or itinerary, whilst at other times, staff may need to explain the importance of the cultural or ceremonial event. The Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment can support staff and supervisors further. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural and Ceremonial Leave Guideline
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Who can utilise Cultural / Ceremonial Leave?
Section 3 - What leave is available?
Section 4 - What is Cultural and Ceremonial Leave?
Section 5 - Cultural and ceremonial duties performed for or on behalf of ACU
Section 6 - How to access leave?
Section 7 - Evidence required?
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