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Authority to Act Procedure

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Section 1 - Governing Policy

(1) This Procedure is governed by the Authority to Act Policy.

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Section 2 - 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure establishes the process and responsibilities for managing Authority to Act at ACU.

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Section 3 - Application for Authority to Act

(3) Current students who wish to nominate an Authorised Representative to act on their behalf must submit an Authority to Act Form which must be completed by the student and the nominated Authorised Representative. The following details must be provided by the student:

  1. Name;
  2. Student ID;
  3. Reason for incapacity;
  4. Supporting documentation relating to the incapacity;
  5. Specify the matters that authority is requested for as set out in Clause (8) of the Authority to Act Policy; and
  6. The duration of the authority to act as set out in Section 5 of this Procedure.

(4) The following details must be provided by the person nominated as an Authorised Representative:

  1. Full name;
  2. Date of birth;
  3. Relationship to the student;
  4. Driver's licence or passport number; and
  5. Consent from the Authorised Representative for the collection and use of personal information.

(5) Where an Authority to Act is submitted by a prospective student, they may apply via email to AskACU providing details as set out in clauses (3) and (4) of this Procedure excluding student ID where one has not been assigned.

(6) Authority to Act applications will be processed by Enrolments and Student Records (ESR).

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Section 4 - Assessment and approval

(7) Applications will be assessed for completeness by ESR and a student may be required to provide further information to support an application.

(8) Any Authority to Act application for under 18 international students will be referred to Global Engagement for a decision.

(9) The Academic Registrar or delegate is responsible for approval or rejection of any application excluding under 18 International students.

(10) Where an application is not approved the applicant will be notified of the decision in writing within three business days.

(11) Where an application is approved the applicant, and the authorised representative will be notified in writing within three business days and the agreement will be recorded on the student file in accordance with Section 9 of this Procedure.

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Section 5 - Time Limits

(12) Any approved Authority to Act arrangement will be time limited.

(13) The maximum time limit for an Authority to Act for a current student will be set in accordance with the minimum duration of a course of study as per the course rules.

(14) The maximum time limit for a prospective student will be one year.

(15) An Authority to Act arrangement will remain in force until:

  1. Expiration of the time limit as specified on the approved Authority to Act; or
  2. The student who granted the Authority to Act completes or ceases their studies with the University; or
  3. The student who granted the Authority to Act revokes the Authority to Act as per the process set out in Section 8 of this procedure.
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Section 6 - Authority to Act for Incarcerated Students

(16) Authority to Act for incarcerated students will be processed by the Admissions unit at the time of application, or by Enrolments and Student Records after the commencement of the student’s program of study and recorded on the student file.

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Section 7 - Authority to Act given through an existing legal instrument.

(17) In certain instances, an Authority to Act on behalf of a student may be approved for an Authorised Representative through an existing legal instrument such as an enduring power of attorney.

(18) If such an Authority to Act has been granted through an existing Legal Instrument, it is the responsibility of the authorised representative who holds the Authority to Act, or the student who is subject to the Authority to Act to make the University aware of the legal instrument that provides the Authority to Act.

(19) The person who makes the notification to the University must complete the Authority to Act Form and satisfy the identity requirements specified on the Authority to Act Form.

(20) An Authority to Act given through an existing Legal Instrument will remain in place until:

  1. The powers given through the legal instrument expire; or
  2. The student subject to the Authority to Act completes or ceases their studies with the University.
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Section 8 - Revocation of Authority to Act

(21) Where a student wishes to revoke an existing Authority to Act arrangement, they can do so by submitting a Revocation of Authority to Act Form to ESR or an email to AskACU.

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Section 9 - Notification and Recordkeeping

(22) The Academic Registrar or delegate will notify the relevant area of the University where there is an action required.

(23) A record of the approved Authority to Act will be recorded on the student file.

(24) Records will be held in accordance with the Records and Archive Management Policy and Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.

(25) Copies of Identity documents provided by proposed and approved or Authorised Representatives will not be retained by the University.