(1) This procedure is governed by the Independent Review of Appeals or Complaints Policy. (2) Where a matter has not been resolved to a student’s satisfaction, they have the right to refer the matter to a relevant independent external body. External avenues include, but are not limited to: (3) A request for review by the Independent Reviewer may only be lodged where: (4) Any such request for independent review must be lodged in writing by email at Independent.Reviewer@acu.edu.au or by mail, addressed to: (5) A student who has been terminated and has been allowed to remain enrolled under Section 11 of the Student Appeals Policy and who wishes to continue in their program of study under clause (9) of the Independent Review of Appeals or Complaints Policy must, within 20 working days of notification of the relevant final decision under the Student Appeals Policy or Student Complaints Policy: (6) Unless a student has been terminated and is seeking to continue in their program of study at clause (5) of this Procedure, a request for independent review must be lodged: (7) A request for independent review under this Policy must: (8) Upon receipt of any request for independent review, the Office of the Academic Registrar will undertake a procedural assessment as to whether the student has exhausted all internal avenues available to them under the relevant University policies. (9) Within 10 working days of receipt of the application for independent review, the Office of the Academic Registrar will: (10) Upon receipt of the application, the Independent Reviewer will undertake preliminary inquiries (subject to independent advice, if required) as to whether there are any circumstances, taken together or in isolation, that would prevent the Independent Reviewer from undertaking the independent review. Such circumstances may include, (but are not limited to) the following: (11) If a determination is made that one or more of the considerations under clause (10) of this Procedure prevent the Independent Reviewer from undertaking the independent review, the Independent Reviewer may either: (12) Where the Independent Reviewer has determined that the matter will not proceed to investigation under clause (11) of this Procedure, the Independent Reviewer will notify the student of their decision and the reasons for the decision. (13) If a determination is made that the request for review should proceed to investigation under clause (10) of this Procedure, the Independent Reviewer will: (14) The Independent Reviewer will review the appeal/complaint documentation lodged with them and will undertake such investigation as the Independent Reviewer deems appropriate and practicable, having regard to the principles of natural justice, to ensure that the review process is fair and equitable. (15) A student and/or officer of the University will be required to respond to a request for further information by the Independent Reviewer. (16) If any other party is named in the review of the appeal/complaint, the Independent Reviewer will provide that person with: (17) If, at any time during the Independent Reviewer’s review of the appeal/complaint, the student who lodged the review of the appeal/complaint becomes aware of an external avenue for its resolution, and that external process is initiated by the student, the Independent Reviewer’s review of the appeal/complaint may be terminated by the Independent Reviewer. (18) The Independent Reviewer will determine the matter within 30 working days of receipt of the application for review of the appeal/complaint, or such further time as may be determined reasonable by the Independent Reviewer. The Independent Reviewer will notify the student in writing of any delay. (19) The Independent Reviewer will advise the student in writing of: (20) The Independent Reviewer will provide the Office of the Academic Registrar with: (21) The Office of the Academic Registrar will provide a copy or summary of the advice to the: (22) Any action required of the University as a result of an outcome of a review of an appeal/complaint by the Independent Reviewer must be initiated within 10 working days of the notification. (23) All complaints records including correspondence between the University, the Independent Reviewer and a student in relation to a review of an appeal/complaint will be placed on the student file by the Office of the Academic Registrar. (24) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Independent Review of Appeals or Complaints Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Lodgement of Request for Independent Review
c/- The Office of the Academic Registrar
Australian Catholic University
PO Box 968
North Sydney NSW 2059
Top of PageSection 3 - Acknowledgement and Procedural Assessment
Top of PageSection 4 - Decision to investigate
Top of PageSection 5 - Review of the Appeal or Complaint
Section 6 - Notification and Recording of Review Decisions
Section 7 - Associated Information
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The Independent Reviewer