(1) This Policy reflects ACU’s commitment to provide an independent, objective assurance approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes across Australian Catholic University (ACU). (2) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Internal Audit Charter. (3) Internal Audit is an independent, objective assurance service designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations. It helps ACU accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Audits are scheduled throughout the year depending on several factors, such as peak business periods, reliance by the external auditor on internal audit work, availability of key staff members and changes to systems. Internal audit is an outsourced function completed under contract to ACU by an external service provider. (4) Internal audit is responsible to Senate reporting through the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC). (5) Internal audit ensures governance, risk management and control processes are adequate and functioning in a manner to provide a reasonable level of confidence in operations. (6) A typical review conducted by internal Audit involves a detailed review of a process or function to test processes, systems and controls to ensure they are working as desired. (7) This testing can be conducted in a variety of ways, including: (8) A report will be produced and shared with the Review Sponsor. This report will set out observations and recommendations for further actions to address issues. This report will be provided to senior management and ARC for their consideration. (9) The Internal Audit function will apply and uphold principles of integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and competence as required by the Code of Ethics - The Institute of Internal Auditors. (10) Internal Audit is authorised to: (11) Internal Audit is not authorised to: (12) To ensure that the objectivity of the Internal Audit is not adversely affected, Internal Audit staff shall not develop and install systems and procedures, nor be engaged directly in any other activity which Internal Audit would normally review and appraise. (13) Internal Audit may provide a consultative role in determining and recommending the standards of control to be incorporated in new systems. Internal Audit should, wherever appropriate, have the status of observer and adviser on any steering committee or review group established for new or existing systems whether manual or automated. (14) The ARC is a standing committee with powers to act delegated to it by Senate. It is chaired by an expert in audit committee and financial matters who may be external to the University and Senate. (15) A Review Sponsor will be identified at the start of an Internal Audit review. This staff member will be a senior leader of the operational area under review and be a subject matter expert in the area under review and senior enough to be able to reach across the operational portfolio and into other operational areas as needed with confidence and authority. (16) This Review Sponsor will cooperate with Internal Audit personnel and; (17) The Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance (Dir LAG) acts as the Chief Audit Executive and reports to the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for administrative matter. Impairments to independence or objectivity (real or perceived) will be disclosed to the Chair, Audit and Risk Committee and the Vice-Chancellor and President, if required. (18) The Dir LAG will: (19) ACU may have both insourced or outsourced (or combination of these) Internal Audit Provider to provide Internal Audit services to ACU. (20) The Internal Audit Provider will under contract: (21) The internal audit function operates under an Internal Audit Charter which establishes the objective, scope and authority conferred by the Vice-Chancellor and President through the Audit and Risk Committee on Internal Audit, to ensure an efficient, effective and economical internal audit function is provided to the University in accordance both legislative and professional requirements. (22) The Internal Audit Charter contains specific requirements applicable to the University’s operations, including: (23) The Internal Audit function will provide assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of financial and operational systems, reporting processes and activities; and aid in risk management through identifying deficiencies and opportunities in risk management activity. (24) The Internal Audit Charter is reviewed by the Audit and Risk Committee every two years, and changes are recommended to the Vice-Chancellor and President for approval. (25) For further assistance, please contact the Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance.Internal Audit Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Introduction
Section 3 - Internal Audit Operations and Services
Section 4 - Authority to Act
Section 5 - Responsibilities
Functional responsibilities
Audit and Risk Committee
Review Sponsor
Director, Data Analytics and Strategic Insights
Internal Audit Service Provider – Insourced and Outsourced
Top of PageSection 6 - Internal Audit Charter
Section 7 - Further Assistance
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