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Facilities Planning, Design and Management Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information

(1) At Australian Catholic University property and space are valuable resources that must be properly managed. Development and maintenance of built infrastructure represents one of ACU's highest annual operating costs.

(2) Space needs to be optimally designed and managed to ensure alignment with the University's core educational and research functions and to maximise the return on the University's investment. The process of facilities development through a robust planning framework is designed to deliver the University's strategic outcomes, provide effective support of the daily operations of the University and aligns with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(3) This Policy sets out the principles and responsibilities associated with the provision and management of University space to ensure operational effectiveness. Its scope includes all use of University space.

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Section 3 - Definitions

Term Definition
Ad hoc booking
means any booking of an ACU facility made by staff, students or external organisation for activities that are not included in the University Timetable. These activities include:
  • ad hoc bookings for teaching and learning purposes such as make-up classes, teaching activities for some non-award courses, etc. Ongoing teaching activities that form part of the University Timetable cannot be scheduled as ad hoc booking;
  • ad hoc booking for ACU staff training and development purposes such as seminars, workshops and training courses organised by the University. The ACU staff training and development calendar can be found on the Learning Calendar
  • ad hoc booking for meeting purposes such as committee meetings, team meetings, video conference meetings etc.; and
  • ad hoc booking for event purposes such as seminars, Vice-Chancellor and President's events, conferences, orientation activities, open days, etc.
Non-teaching space means an area or room which is not scheduled for timetabled classes and may be utilised for training, events, meetings or other activities. Non-teaching spaces are identified within the scheduling system as X-spaces.
Space Management means all activity associated with the allocation, designation and utilisation of University space, including booking and maintenance.
Strategic Space Planning means all activity up to, and including, the acquisition and commissioning of University space.
Teaching space means an area or room used by the University community for teaching, learning and related activities.
University Timetabling means the schedule of teaching and learning activities including assessment. It includes the Class Timetables and Examination Timetables for all relevant study periods.
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Section 4 -   Policy Statement and Principles

(4) The University will plan and manage space to support its strategic objectives and to optimise capital and operational investment in facilities.

(5) Facilities are University-owned resource requiring sound management. The development, use and/or renewal of space are driven by ACU's strategic objectives and by the need for efficiency in the use of space.

(6) All University facilities will be centrally controlled and are subject to review and re-allocation based on needs.

(7) The University recognises the importance of optimising the design and use of campus and building spaces. Facilities planning, design and management will:

  1. be aligned to University strategies, ACU Mission, Identity and Values;
  2. support high quality teaching and learning, research and engagement;
  3. provide appropriate staff and student amenities to high functional, aesthetic, and health and safety standards;
  4. ensure optimal utilisation and efficient management of space; and
  5. be managed in a professional manner.

(8) University space is either allocated to Portfolios (offices, open plan workstations, and break out areas) or it is available for use by ACU staff and students (teaching spaces, computer laboratories, meeting rooms, hot desks, etc.). In addition, in all Libraries there are designated group study rooms available to students.

(9) Non-allocated University space is generally bookable, i.e. available for use by ACU staff and/or students, unless otherwise determined by the Chief Operating Officer.

(10) University bookable space is designated either as 'teaching space' or as 'non­ teaching space'.

(11) The booking of University space for scheduled/timetabled teaching and learning activities is governed by the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Procedure and by the Examination Policy and Examination Procedure for Staff.

(12) Requests for ad hoc bookings made by staff are the responsibility of the staff member/s requiring the space. The procedures to be followed by staff and students for ad hoc bookings are set out in the Space Booking Procedures.

(13) Requests for ad hoc bookings made by external organisations are governed by the Facilities Hire Policy and Procedures.

(14) Where conflicts arise for bookings:

  1. in accordance with the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Procedure and with the Examination Policy and Examination Procedure for Staff, academic teaching requirements take precedence over ad hoc bookings made in teaching weeks and during examination weeks, and take precedence over ad hoc bookings for non­ teaching and learning purposes;
  2. the ACU requirements for staff training and development purposes take precedence over ad hoc bookings for events and meeting purposes;
  3. the University's requirement for rooms and facilities takes precedence over those of external organisations;
  4. organisations or individuals affiliated with the University take precedence over non-University applicants in the granting of access to facilities; and
  5. adjustments to the University timetable to accommodate an external user can only be made with the mutual agreement of the relevant affected Faculty or unit or, in exceptional circumstances, by the Chief Operating Officer.
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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities

(15) The Vice-Chancellor and President, as Chief Executive Officer, has approval authority over this Policy, and authority to delegate responsibility within the Policy.

(16) The Chief Operating Officer is accountable for this Policy and oversees the determination of how spaces are defined and used at ACU, including authorizing changes to the designation of a venue from teaching space to non-teaching space, and vice versa.

(17) The Academic Registrar is responsible for the timetabling and booking of teaching and learning activities included in the University Timetable, via Timetabling and Room Bookings (TRB).

(18) The Director, Properties and Facilities is responsible for planning and strategic management of University physical infrastructure including:

  1. the identification and coordination of space needs and proposed solutions through strategic and operational space planning for ACU campuses;
  2. the design of all spaces;
  3. the procurement and delivery of teaching and learning spaces, workspaces, meeting rooms, amenities and all ACU campus/precinct space;
  4. maintaining appropriate electronic and other systems to support strategic space management; and
  5. implementing and maintaining processes for space audits and space requests.

(19) Campus Deans represent the Vice-Chancellor and President at a regional campus level and are consulted with respect to significant space requests and initiatives from a local perspective.

(20) Properties and Facilities is responsible for high level University campus planning and determining development and resourcing priorities. 

(21) The Chief Information and Digital Officer is responsible for ensuring that ICT equipment and related supporting services provided in all ACU space/precincts are operational and meet the agreed ICT requirements of the relevant space/precinct.

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Section 6 - Review

(22) This Policy will be formally reviewed every five years. However, the University may make changes to this Policy from time to time.

(23) Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy will still apply beyond the review date.

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Section 7 - Further Assistance

(24) Enquiries related to this Policy can be directed to the Director, Properties and Facilities.

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Section 8 - Associated Information

(25) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.