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Recording of Hours Worked Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information

(1) This Policy has been developed to describe the arrangements made by the University to record the hours worked by certain categories of staff.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(2) The University recognises that there are a variety of work arrangements, which may include a flexible component, undertaken by staff during their employment at the University. This Policy sets out the obligations of individual staff, nominated supervisors and the University to record the hours worked by certain categories of staff.

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Section 3 - Policy Purpose

(3) The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the University meets its statutory obligations by complying with the Record Keeping requirements detailed in Division 3 of the Regulations of Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).

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Section 4 - Application of Policy

The University’s Statutory Obligations

(4) The University is obliged to record the hours worked by several categories of its staff. The Act describes two sets of requirements for the recording of a staff member’s hours of work, depending on the category of staff concerned.

Requirement to record Overtime and Shift Allowance Hours

(5) All Professional Staff (including casuals) classified at HEW Level 1 to HEW Level 7 (inclusive) are eligible to be paid overtime if a supervisor requires overtime to be worked. When overtime is worked, the staff member must record the number of overtime hours she/he has worked, including when she/he started and ceased working the overtime hours.

(6) Professional Staff who are required to work shift work and who receive a shift allowance, are required to record the number of hours worked each day, including the start and finish times of each shift worked.

Requirement to record the hours worked by Casual and Sessional Staff

(7) If a staff member is a casual, sessional or irregular part-time staff member whose salary is derived from an hourly pay rate, the staff member must record the actual number of hours worked each day.

(8) The requirement to record the hours worked applies to all casual Academic Staff (including field practicum supervisors), sessional Academic Staff, all casual Professional Staff and all casual Teachers in Centres (i.e. ELICOS staff).

The University’s Enterprise Agreement and AWA Obligations

Requirement to record hours worked under Flexible Working Arrangements

(9) Professional Staff classified at HEW Level 1 to HEW Level 7 (inclusive) are required to record their daily start and finish times, via a Time Record, in accordance with the University’s Flexible Working Arrangements Policy.

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Section 5 - Approvals

(10) All nominated supervisors are required to confirm and authorise the records of hours worked by staff as outlined in this policy.

(11) All decisions relating to the application of this policy must be in accordance with the relevant University delegations as per the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register.

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Section 6 - Procedures

All continuing and fixed-term Professional Staff classified at HEW Level 1 to HEW Level 7 (inclusive) eligible to be paid Overtime

(12) This group of staff are required to complete and submit a fortnightly Timesheet via Staff Connect to record the number of overtime hours worked, including when they started and finished working the overtime hours.

All continuing and fixed-term Professional Staff classified at HEW Level 1 to HEW Level 7 (inclusive) eligible to be paid a Shift Allowance

(13) This group of staff are required to complete and submit a fortnightly Timesheet via Staff Connect to record the number of hours worked where a shift allowance is payable, including the starting and finishing times of each shift.

All Casual Professional Staff

(14) This group of staff are required to complete and submit a fortnightly Timesheet to record the number of hours they worked, including their daily starting and finishing times. Nominated supervisors are required to ensure that a Timesheet:

  1. is completed each fortnight;
  2. accurately details the hours worked; and
  3. is completed and submitted via Staff Connect on a fortnightly basis.

All Sessional Academic Staff

(15) National Heads of School are required to complete and submit an Employment Request for Sessional Academic Staff to record the total required hours to be worked each day. National Heads of School are required to ensure that People and Capability is advised of:

  1. any variations to the scheduled hours and academic activities that the University requires sessional Academic Staff to work; and
  2. any and all occasions when the sessional Academic Staff member did not work the hours required by the University (e.g. where the staff member takes Unpaid Carer’s Leave).

All Casual Academic Staff and Casual Teachers in Centres (i.e. ELICOS staff)

(16) These groups of staff are required to complete and submit a fortnightly Timesheet via Staff Connect to record the total required hours worked each day (including the daily starting and finishing times).

All Casual Piece Rate Staff

(17) This group of staff are required to complete and submit a fortnightly Timesheet via Staff Connect to record the number of hours worked and the number of students the work has been assigned as relating to, which together informs the hourly piece rate to be paid.

(18) Examples of casual piece rate staff members include; professional experience and practicum supervisors (including supervision in the ‘field’), thesis examiners, peer note takers and scribes.

Related University Policies

(19) The above procedures are required in order to facilitate the payment of hours worked to the relevant staff, in accordance with the University’s Overtime for Professional Staff Policy, Shiftwork for Professional Staff Policy, Employment of Casual Professional Staff Policy and / or Employment of Sessional Academic Staff Policy.

Requirements of Nominated Supervisors

(20) Nominated Supervisors are required to ensure that a Timesheet:

  1. is completed each fortnight;
  2. accurately details the hours worked; and
  3. is completed and submitted via Staff Connect on a fortnightly basis.

Storage of Records of Hours of Work

(21) All approved Timesheets and Employment Request for Sessional Academic Staff must be submitted as outlined above and will be stored by People and Capability in a safe and secure location for a period of 7 years as required by the Act.

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Section 7 - Revisions made to this Policy

(22) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Major, Minor or Editorial
17 July 2018
Update ACU brand template and change to procedural wording for submitting Timesheets in place of payment records via Staff Connect.

(23) The University may make changes to this policy and procedures from time to time. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 8 - Further Assistance

(24) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 9 - Associated Information

(25) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.