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Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave Procedure

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this document to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Governing Policy

(1) This procedure is governed by the Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave Policy.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This procedure sets out the requisite steps for implementation of the Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave Policy.

(3) All ACU staff involved in the process for Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave should ensure compliance with this procedure.

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Section 3 - Procedure Statement

(4) The steps described in this procedure are required by applicants when applying for a Research Award, including the selection procedure and reporting requirements. The key aim of the Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave Policy is to support primary carers in establishing / re-establishing their academic research profile and career following a period of approved leave in association with the birth of an infant or adoption of an under-school age child. The Award assists in re-establishing research activity and outputs by providing funding in relation to an approved project.

(5) This Procedure also requires actions by the following ACU staff members / areas:

  1. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)
  2. Research Finance, via the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)
  3. People and Capability
  4. Research Award for Academic Staff Committee ("Committee")
  5. National Head of School / Institute Director or relevant executive staff member for non-Faculty based staff
  6. Faculty Executive Dean
  7. Faculty Associate Dean, Research
  8. Finance and Planning
  9. Award Applicants / Recipients.
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Section 4 - Award Process

Award Applicants

(6) All applicants for a Research Award for Academic Staff must be submitted on the Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave Application Form fully outlining the nature of the proposed research project, indicative budget and timeline (including any time required away from the University), and must include a letter of support and signatures from their National Head of School / Institute Director / Dean, relevant Executive Dean (or nominee) or relevant Executive staff member for non-Faculty based staff.

Role of People and Capability

(7) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) forwards applications received by the closing date to People and Capability for checking and verification of approved parental leave.

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)

(8) Completed application forms and supporting documentation are to be emailed to the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) via by the closing time and date as advertised in the Staff Bulletin. Receipt of all applications will be acknowledged in writing.

Research Award for Academic Staff Committee

(9) Completed Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave Application Forms and supporting documentation will be forwarded to the Committee [chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)].

(10) The Committee will determine three Awards valued at up to $12,500 each (assessed on a competitive basis) based on the selection criteria in the Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave Policy. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application.

(11) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) will consider the diversity of committee membership, with a focus on equitable gender representation.

Letter of Award Outcome

(12) A letter of award [signed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise))] will be sent to award recipients, with copies to the Executive Dean and Associate Dean, Research, People and Capability and Research Finance. Unsuccessful applicants will also receive advice in writing of the outcome of their application.

Establishment of an Account Code

(13) Upon request by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise), an account code will be established by Finance and Planning, with notification of the Project account code sent to the respective Awardee, Executive Dean, Associate Dean, Research or equivalent and Research Finance.

Administration of the Award

(14) The expenditure of the award (once a financial code has been established) will be administered by Research Finance, via the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise). Where the award is used for travel, an International Travel Application Form should be obtained from Research Finance and submitted for approval to Research Finance via prior to departure. Receipts / invoices must be supplied for other approved expenditure to be charged against the award.

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Section 5 - Award Recipient Reporting

(15) The award recipient will provide a comprehensive report (on the research and its findings including how the award advanced the research opportunities of the Academic Staff member, the number and detail of grant proposals submitted and / or funded and the number and detail of publications) to the Associate Dean, Research and Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) (via within three months of completion of the project.

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Section 6 - Revisions made to this Procedure

(16) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Date Major, Minor or Editorial  Description
14 September 2018 Major Procedure updated to incorporate updated ACU template, administrative details and relevant University contact details.
17 September 2019 Editorial Changes to submission email details (section 4.3) and Role of Human Resources (section 4.2).
24 August 2020 Minor Amendments to sections 4.1 and 4.4 to ensure consistency with the governing policy. Other minor editorial amendments for consistency with governing policy and application form.
22 September 2021 Minor Increase in number of awards available, minor editorial changes to ensure consistency, and updates to nomenclature.
8 November 2023 Editorial Updated Human Resources to People and Capability.
Updated to reflect provisions of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025, including title change.

(17) The University will review the effectiveness of the Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave process established by this Procedure and corresponding policy. Where applicable, the review will take account of necessary changes to other relevant University policies and procedures. Any staff member wishing to suggest improvements to this procedure is invited to forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 7 - Further Assistance

(18) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding the Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave Procedure should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 8 - Associated Information

(19) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.