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Records Retention and Disposal Schedule

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) The purpose of this Retention & Disposal Schedule is to:

  1. identify records of permanent value to the University;
  2. set out retention periods for records that are not of permanent value; and
  3. act as a guide for staff in determining how long their business unit records need to be kept.

(2) While all due care has been taken to produce this Schedule in line with ACU’s legal obligations as a public company and publicly funded University, some records may have additional retention requirements as a result of one-off agreements or other restrictions. If this is the case, always apply the longest retention period. If you are unsure of retention requirements, please contact for advice.

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Section 2 - Record Formats

(3) This Schedule applies to records created in all formats. This includes, but is not limited to: paper records, digital records, digitised records, maps, plans, photographs, audio-visual records, data in business systems, and proprietary formats.

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Section 3 - Retention Periods

(4) Retention periods listed within this Schedule are the minimum period for which the records must be maintained. If you wish to keep records longer than the stated retention period, please contact and to discuss your requirements.

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Section 4 - Normal Administrative Practice (NAP)

(5) NAP permits the destruction of certain University records not required as evidence of business activities. For more information about NAP, please see the Records Disposal: Normal Administrative Practice Guideline.

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Section 5 - Disposal of Deeds

(6) If any staff need advice about the disposal of deeds, they should seek advice from the Office of General Counsel (OGC) in the first instance.

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Section 6 - Functions and Activities

Part 1: Common Activities

This section will cover functions and activities that may apply to multiple business units within the University.
Ref Activity Description Retention
1.1 Agreements - Routine (not under seal) Records of contracts for smaller scale activities which are not under seal. Includes records associated with the negotiation process.
Destroy 8 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the agreement accrues or may accrue or 8 years after last action, whichever occurs later.
Retain permanently for any continuing obligations that do not merge upon completion.
1.2 Agreements - Routine (under seal) Records of deeds for smaller-scale activities which are under seal. Includes records associated with the negotiation process.
Destroy 17 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the deed accrues or may accrue or 17 years after last action, whichever occurs later.
Retain permanently for any continuing obligations under deed that do not merge upon completion.
1.3 Agreements - Significant Records relating to the formulation and execution of contracts or deeds for significant University commitments. Includes large scale infrastructure projects, memoranda of understanding, inter-organisational or third-party agreements, University-wide workplace agreements, deeds relating to campus property arrangements and intellectual property agreements such as patents. Retain permanently.
1.4 Appreciation & Congratulations Appreciation and congratulation letters / messages sent or received by the University. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.5 Celebrations & Ceremonies - Routine Records relating to routine functions that are not of major significance to the history of the University, e.g. receptions, book launches, openings of exhibitions, fundraising dinners, annual award nights. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.6 Celebrations & Ceremonies - Significant Records relating to functions of significant historical interest to the University. Includes farewell for Vice-Chancellor and President, anniversary celebrations, opening of a new campus or major building. Records include program and guest list. Retain permanently.
1.7 Committees – Strategic Records relating to internal governance committees and sub-committees or external committees. Retain permanently.
1.8 Committees - Operational Records relating to the activities of internal committees that consider operational matters and issues. Includes sub-committees and working parties. Destroy 10 years after last action.
1.9 Complaints & Suggestions Records relating to complaints or suggestions received by the University. Destroy 8 years after last action.
1.10 Compliance Records relating to the University's compliance with rules, specifications, policies, standards or laws applying to the University’s operations. This also includes registration with various bodies, including financial and business-related bodies. Retain permanently.
1.10 Conferences & Seminars - Presentations about ACU Master set of transcripts and speeches, proceedings and reports of conferences convened by the University; papers presented by ACU staff or representatives at external conferences that address the University’s policy, strategic direction or new services, products or partnerships. Retain permanently.
1.11 Conferences & Seminars - Presentations not about ACU Papers presented by University staff on any topic other than ACU itself. Retain permanently.
1.12 Consultants & Contractors Records relating to the activities associated with managing use of consultants and contractors, including contracts.
Destroy 17 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the contract or deed accrues or may accrue or 17 years after last action, whichever occurs later.
Note: Retain permanently for any continuing obligations under contract or deed that do not merge upon completion.
1.13 Contract Register A register of all contracts managed by the University. Retain permanently.
1.14 Customer Service Records related to establishing and administering services to clients. Includes historical records relating to IT Service Portal, Concierge and P&C Advisory Service and Service Central. Destroy 7 years after last action completed.
1.15 Data Breach Records relating to security breaches affecting information resources, and the investigation and reporting on of such breaches in line with ACU's data breach response procedures. Retain permanently.
1.16 Deeds – Routine (under seal) Agreements executed as a deed including deeds of settlement and release.
Destroy 17 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the deed accrues or may accrue or 17 years after last action, whichever occurs later.
Retain permanently for any continuing obligations that do not merge upon completion.
1.17 Donations - Major Records relating to major donations to the University. Includes establishment of trusts (including testamentary trusts), donations, gifts and bequests of historical / cultural significance or long-term value. Retain permanently.
1.18 Donations - Minor The activities relating to items donated to the University. Includes donations, gifts and bequests not covered in DONATIONS - MAJOR. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.19 Enquiries - Routine Records relating to routine enquiries and correspondence from members of the public that require a simple response. Includes information on courses offered by the University, location of campuses, provision of accommodation etc. Destroy 8 years after last action.
1.20 Enquiries - Significant Records relating to enquiries and correspondence from members of the public that require a detailed response or advice that may have legal significance. Retain in accordance with statutory limitation periods for causes of action (or potential causes of action) arising out of the subject matter of the inquiry or 15 years, whichever occurs later.
1.21 External Organisations Records (including general correspondence) relating to ongoing contact between the University and external bodies. (See separate entries for records relating to external committees, joint ventures or reports submitted to government departments). Destroy 12 years after last action.
1.22 Fundraising The activities associated with organising and managing fundraising campaigns, and the management of monies received through fundraising campaigns. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.23 Grants The activities associated with the application for and administration of grants. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.24 Implementation Records related to implementation of systems, applications, databases and programs including, but not limited to, technology related implementations. Destroy 10 years after last action.
1.25 Intellectual Property - Copyright Records relating to arrangements concerning the use of intellectual property. Includes correspondence, agreements, formal arrangements, and copyright declaration forms. Also includes royalty payments to authors for works where the University was publisher.
For contracts - destroy 7 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the agreement accrues or may accrue.
For deeds - destroy 12 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the deed accrues or may accrue.
Retain permanently for any continuing obligations under contract or deed that do not merge upon completion.
Retain permanently when the University is the beneficiary or grantor of a perpetual intellectual property licence or other perpetual intellectual property rights.
1.26 Intellectual Property - Infringements Records relating to infringements and disputes concerning intellectual property.
For contracts - destroy 7 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the agreement accrues or may accrue.
For deeds - destroy 12 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the deed accrues or may accrue.
Retain permanently for any continuing obligations under contract or deed that do not merge upon completion.
Retain permanently when the University is the beneficiary or grantor of a perpetual intellectual property licence or other perpetual intellectual property rights.
1.27 Intellectual Property - Registration Records relating to the registration of intellectual property. Includes application forms, objections, supporting documentation, sealed patent or licence. Retain permanently.
1.28 Joint Ventures Records relating to the management of joint operations between the University and other organisations where there is a contract, formal arrangement or joint contribution of resources. Includes the establishment and strategic direction of joint ventures. Retain permanently.
1.29 Meetings Records relating to routine section, unit or team meetings. Includes agenda, minutes, catering, and venue bookings. Excludes committees. Destroy 10 years after last action.
1.30 Misconduct Records relating to allegations and investigations into breaches of the University’s Codes of Conduct and / or policies relating to conduct and behaviour for Staff, Students or Research. Records include allegations, investigations, disciplinary action and appeals. Includes academic and non-academic misconduct. Retain permanently.
1.31 Operational Audit Records relating to audits that examine the operations of a business unit as a whole or specific operations within the business unit. Retain permanently.
1.32 Planning - Operational The final version of business unit operational plans. Destroy 10 years after superseded.
1.33 Planning - Strategic Final approved strategic plans that have a major impact on the University’s operations and strategic direction, i.e. ACU Strategic Plan Retain permanently.
1.34 Policy Final approved versions of ACU policies. Retain permanently.
1.35 Prizes & Awards - Administration Records related to organisational arrangements for the award. Includes selection process and notification of outcome. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.36 Prizes & Awards - Establishment Records related to establishing the award. Retain permanently.
1.37 Prizes & Awards - Judging Panel Master list of judges or committee members. 10 years after action completed.
1.38 Prizes & Awards - Recipients Master list of all award winners. Retain permanently.
1.39 Procedures & Guidelines Final approved versions of procedures, guidelines, manuals, or directives relating to the University’s processes or operations. Retain permanently.
1.40 Reporting - Annual Reports Master copy of annual reports. Includes reports prepared by faculties and schools, centres and institutes, and the University as a whole. Retain permanently.
1.41 Reporting - External Final version of formal reports submitted to external organisations. Retain permanently.
1.42 Reporting - Internal Final version of formal reports prepared for internal use only. Retain permanently.
1.43 Reporting - Operational Final version of routine reports regarding a business unit’s operations. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.44 Reporting - Outcomes Final reports on research projects and other significant University projects. Retain permanently.
1.45 Reporting - Progress Interim and progress reports for research grants and projects. Destroy 10 years after last action.
1.46 Reporting - Strategic Formal reports that significantly affect the direction and services of the University. Also includes the reports documenting the University’s performance in meeting institutional goals, objectives and performance indicators. Retain permanently.
1.47 Restructuring - Major Records relating to reviews and restructures affecting the University as a whole, or large sections of the University. Retain permanently.
1.48 Restructuring - Minor Records relating to minor reviews and restructures affecting only particular sections of the University and having little effect on the overall functioning of the University. Destroy 10 years after last action.
1.49 Reviews - Major Records relating to major reviews of functions and activities resulting in changes in strategy, policy or procedures. Retain permanently.
1.50 Reviews - Minor Records relating to reviews of minor functions and activities. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.51 Student Recruitment Records relating to activities designed to attract student applicants. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.52 Student Recruitment Agents Records relating to the appointment of advertising and recruitment representatives or agencies. Includes agreements (but excludes deeds). For contracts - destroy 7 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the agreement accrues or may accrue or otherwise 7 years after appointment ceases, or agreement expires, whichever occurs later.
1.53 Surveys Records relating to surveys regarding the University’s programs, activities or services. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.54 Tender Register Register of all tenders issued by the University. Destroy 12 years after last action.
1.55 Tenders Records relating to the development, issue and evaluation of tender documentation. Includes request for tender documents, statement of requirements, requests for expression of interests, draft contracts, evaluation reports, recommendations, final reports and public notices. Retain permanently.
1.56 Visits - Dignitaries Records relating to visits by politicians and other notable figures. Includes any security checks. Retain permanently.
1.57 Visits - General Public Records related to arranging and facilitating visits to University premises by individuals or groups from external organisations or institutions. Destroy 7 years after last action.
1.58 Working Papers Working papers, rough notes and calculations used to prepare a final record. Destroy 7 years after last action.

Part 2: Art & Library Collection

The function of managing art and library collections.
Ref Activity Description Retention
2.1 Access Records relating to the access and use of collections. Includes application for access, access conditions and registers of access. Destroy 7 years after last action.
2.2 Acquisition - Collection Items Records relating to the acquisition of items, subscriptions, information resources and information services. Includes purchase, negotiation and arrangements. Retain permanently.
2.3 Catalogues & Indexes Records related to registering and describing items within the collection. Includes collection catalogues, exhibition catalogues, inventories, electronic control systems, indexes and registers. Retain permanently.
2.4 Collection Audit The activity of auditing art, museum pieces, library collection items and other objects that are either owned by the University or are on loan to the University. Retain permanently.
2.5 Collection Security Records relating to establishing and assigning security processes within library and art collection environments. Includes physical security of collection items (such as RFID), as well as intellectual security for information systems. Destroy 7 years after last action.
2.6 Conservation Records relating to ongoing preservation and restoration measures for the protection of library and art collections. Includes pest control, monitoring of light, temperature and humidity, etc. Retain for 15 years after administrative use ceases or the property is disposed of, whichever occurs later.
2.7 Disposal - Collection Items Records relating to the disposal of collection items by sale, transfer, conversion to another medium / format, auction, destruction or repatriation. Retain permanently.
2.8 Exhibitions Records relating to the planning and implementation of an exhibition. Includes liaison with donors / lenders, invitations to exhibit. Destroy 15 years after last action.
2.9 Library Operations Records relating to administrative and operational arrangements for library services. Includes loans and any fines / penalties imposed on users. Destroy 7 years after last action.
2.10 Loans - Artworks Records relating to the lending of items to the University for use in its exhibitions / displays or lending items owned by the University to other organisations including contracts and deeds. Destroy 7 years (in the case of a contract) or 17 years (in the case of a deed) after the date upon which any cause of action under the loan agreement accrues or may accrue or 17 years after the loan agreement expires, whichever occurs later.

Part 3: Corporate Identity

The activities associated with defining the identity and ethos of ACU, and corporate symbols and brands.
Ref Activity Description Retention
3.1 Corporate Symbols Records relating to the development of symbols and objects reflecting the University’s corporate identity. Includes design and format of the University Crest, brand mark(s), testamurs, common seal, the University Christmas Card. Retain permanently.
3.2 Ethos and Identity Records defining the University’s sense of Catholic identity and ethos. Retain permanently.
3.3 Misuse Records relating to the misuse of corporate identity. Includes falsified transcripts, and fraudulent use of web content. Retain permanently.
3.4 Registration Records relating to protection of the University’s identity. Includes registration of seal and trademarks. Retain permanently.
3.5 Seal Register Records listing instances where the University seal has been used. Retain permanently.
3.6 Usage Records relating to applications and approval to use the University’s corporate identity objects e.g. the University Crest, motto, logo, brand mark(s). Retain permanently.

Part 4: Financial Management

The function of managing the University’s financial resources.
Ref Activity Description Retention
4.1 Accounts Payable Records relating to monies owed by the University to creditors. Destroy 7 years after FY to which the records relate.
4.2 Accounts Receivable Records relating to monies owed to the University by debtors. Destroy 7 years after FY to which the records relate.
4.3 Bank Accounts Records documenting the establishment of University bank accounts. Includes records documenting the closure of the account. Destroy 7 years after the account has been closed.
4.4 Banking Records documenting the management of banking activities. Includes deposit books, bank statements, bank reconciliation statements, investments and dividend statements, and records documenting the use of credit cards. Destroy 7 years after FY to which the records relate.
4.5 Budget - Final Final approved budget. Retain permanently.
4.6 Budget - Operational Budget estimates and associated records produced for internal use by the University. Destroy 7 years after FY to which the records relate.
4.7 Budget - Progress Records relating to the University’s spending progress or revenue collection against allocations within the budget estimates. Destroy 7 years after FY to which the records relate.
4.8 Debt Management Records relating to the management and settlement of debts, overpayments and material losses. Includes debt recovery and write-offs. Destroy 7 years after FY to which the records relate or destroy 17 years after a deed of settlement or release is entered into in relation to the settlement of debts, whichever occurs later.
4.9 Financial Audit Records relating to financial audits. Destroy 10 years after last action.
4.10 Financial Delegations Records relating to the process of delegating power to authorise a financial activity. Includes appointment of an officer to countersign cheques, delegation to approve expenditure. Destroy 10 years after last action.
4.11 Financial Statements - Annual Annual financial statements and associated background documentation. Includes balance sheets, operating statements, cash flow statements and accompanying notes. Retain permanently.
4.12 Financial Statements - Interim Interim financial statements including balance sheets and operating statements. Includes mid-year and quarterly statements. Destroy 7 years after FY to which the records relate.
4.13 Incidental Benefits Records documenting the management of incidental benefits received by University personnel e.g. frequent flyer points. Destroy 7 years after FY to which the records relate.
4.14 Insurance Records relating to any insurance policies or programs covering the University and its operations, including claims relating to property and assets.
Destroy 7 years after last action or, where a deed of release and settlement has been entered into for claims, 17 years after the date upon which any cause of action under the deed accrues or may accrue or 17 years after last action, whichever occurs later.
Retain permanently for any continuing obligations that do not merge upon completion.
4.15 Loans Records relating to the borrowing of money by the University. Includes loan agreements, repayment records, interest rate agreements and other associated records. Destroy 7 years after the FY during which the finalisation of the loan occurs.
4.16 Salaries Records relating to salaries of personnel. Destroy 7 years after the FY to which the records relate or the last action, whichever occurs later.
4.17 Taxation Records relating to taxation matters. Includes income tax, fringe benefits tax (FBT), goods and services tax (GST), sales tax, payroll tax, fuel tax and pay as you go (PAYG). Destroy 5 years after the FY to which the records relate or the last action, whichever occurs later.
4.18 Trust Fund - Account Management Records relating to the routine management of University trust funds. Includes periodic reports; batching records; incorrect calculations reports; processing / reporting request forms; trial balances. Destroy 10 years after the FY to which the records relate or the last action, whichever occurs later.
4.19 Trust Fund - Establishment Records relating to the establishment of trust funds established or managed by the University. Retain permanently.

Part 5: Governance

The function managing governing committees, statutes, AGMs and corporate registers. This function also responds to privacy matters and protected interest disclosures.
Ref Activity Description Retention
5.1 Accreditation The activity associated with the University seeking institutional accreditation as an educational provider e.g. with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). Retain permanently.
5.2 Annual General Meeting Records relating to the annual general meetings held by Australian Catholic University Limited (ACU Ltd). Includes extraordinary general meetings. Retain permanently.
5.3 Annual Returns Annual return of ACU Ltd submitted to the Australian Charities & Not-for-profits Commission or other Commonwealth body from time-to-time. Retain permanently.
5.4 TEQSA / ASQA Audit Records relating to external quality assurance audit by TEQSA and the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). Includes: submissions to TEQSA and ASQA by the University; audit reports; responses by the University to audit reports. Retain permanently.
5.5 Committees - Governing Records relating to committees and boards that manage the University’s strategic and core business. Includes Senate, Senate Standing Committee, Academic Board, Finance and Resources Committee, Audit and Risk Committee, and Ethics Committee. Also includes external committees for which the University provides secretariat support and external advisory bodies that have a direct impact on the University’s operations. Retain permanently.
5.6 Corporate Register Corporate registers. Includes registers of directors, secretaries and managers; register of trustees; registers of charges, seal registers. Retain permanently.
5.7 Election Guidelines Records relating to election policies and procedures. Destroy 7 years after last action.
5.8 Elections Records relating to the electoral roll, conduct of elections, and election results. Destroy 7 years after last action.
5.9 Incorporation Records relating to the incorporation of the ACU Ltd. Includes Certificates of Incorporation; Corporation Constitution; Memorandum and Articles of Association; Seal Records. Retain permanently.
5.10 Inquiries Records relating to the University’s contribution and involvement in inquiries, such as Royal Commissions and Parliamentary and Ombudsman inquiries. Includes statements and submissions, responses to final reports, and transcripts of oral evidence given by University staff and representatives. Includes all working and supporting papers. Retain permanently.
5.11 Legislation Records relating to government legislation and regulations that directly relate to the University's operations and functions. Includes regulatory impact statements, submissions to the Minister, reports, and comments submitted or received containing substantial input. Retain permanently.
5.12 Privacy Records associated with complaints or investigations about breaches of privacy. Destroy 15 years after last action.
5.13 Protected Disclosures Records relating to the handling of disclosures made under Public Interest Disclosure / Whistle-blower legislation and / or the University’s Protected Disclosures Policy or similar policy. Retain permanently.
5.14 Shareholder Register Master list of all Corporation members. Includes membership list at any given point in time. Retain permanently.
5.15 Statutes & Regulations - Breaches Records relating to breaches of University Statutes and Regulations. Destroy 15 years after last action.
5.16 Statutes & Regulations - Development Records relating to the development of University Statutes and Regulations. Retain permanently.
5.17 Statutes & Regulations - Final Master set of Statutes and Regulations. Includes Statutes and Regulations at any given point in time. Retain permanently.

Part 6: People and Capability

The function of managing the University’s employees.
Ref Activity Description Retention
6.1 Academic Promotions - Decision Making & Appeals Records relating to unsuccessful applications and appeals against promotion decisions. Destroy 7 years after appeal period expires.
6.2 Academic Promotions - Lecturers Records relating to the promotion of academic staff below the associate professor level. Includes applications, recommendations, approvals, and advice of decision. Destroy 75 years after date of birth, or 7 years after date of separation (whichever is longest).
6.3 Academic Promotions - Professorial Records relating to the promotion of academic staff at associate professor level and above. Includes applications, recommendations, approvals, and advice of decision. Destroy 75 years after date of birth, or 7 years after date of separation (whichever is longest).
6.4 Attendance Records Attendance records for all employees. Includes flex sheets, time sheets, attendance sheets, overtime records and rosters. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.5 Employee File - Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor and President Personal case files of the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor and President. Retain permanently.
6.6 Employee File - Staff Personal case files of all employees, excluding the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor and President. Destroy 100 years after separation from the University.
6.7 Employee Register Summary record of all permanent employees. Retain permanently.
6.8 Complaints - Formal Records documenting formal complaints including those presented to a panel. Destroy 15 years after last action.
6.9 Complaints - Informal Records documenting complaints which are handled informally by a line manager or Complaints Registrar. Includes complaints settled by mediation. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.10 Complaints - Register Summary documentation of complaints detailing the type of complaint and how resolved. Retain permanently.
6.11 Honorary Appointments - Academic Records relating to the appointment of visiting, adjunct and conjoint academics, including fellows. Destroy 7 years after appointment ceases.
6.12 Honorary Appointments - Professorial Records relating to the appointment of adjunct or emeritus professors. Retain permanently.
6.13 Industrial Relations - Disputes Records relating to the management of industrial disputes.
Retain permanently (significant disputes)
Destroy 10 years after last action or 7 years after separation of employee, whichever is later (minor disputes).
6.14 Industrial Relations - Enterprise Bargaining Records relating to enterprise bargaining. Includes negotiation and implementation. Retain permanently.
6.15 Industrial Relations - Industrial Meetings Records relating to ad hoc meetings regarding industrial relations issues. Includes meetings between management and unions or other employee associations. Destroy 10 years after last action.
6.16 Industrial Relations - Institutional Appeals Records relating to appeals made to an external industrial relations body against a decision or order. Retain permanently.
6.17 Industrial Relations - Workplace Agreements Records relating to industrial and / or workplace agreements pertaining to the University. Retain permanently.
6.18 Leave Applications Records relating to leave requests. Includes applications for leave and any supporting documentation e.g. Sick leave certificates. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.19 Leave Summary Consolidated leave history of each staff member. Destroy 100 years after date of birth or 50 years after separation of the employee, whichever is longer.
6.20 Misconduct - Dismissal Records relating to investigations of misconduct that result in dismissal. Destroy 100 years after last action.
6.21 Misconduct - No Dismissal Records relating to investigations of misconduct that do not result in dismissal. Destroy 10 years after last action.
6.22 Misconduct - No Investigation Records relating to allegations of misconduct that do not result in an investigation. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.23 Pastoral Care - Staff The activities associated with pastoral care and religious support to staff. Includes appointment of chaplain, programs for support. Destroy 15 years after last action or end of appointment, whichever occurs later.
6.24 Payroll Records documenting employees’ salaries. Includes taxation declaration records, group certificates, payroll deduction authorities, records relating to the overpayments, and employee pay history cards. Destroy 7 years after end of the FY to which records relate.
6.25 Performance Management Records relating to the administration and implementation of performance management programs. Includes recognition schemes for employees, and individual performance management records. Destroy 10 years after last action.
6.26 Position Classification Records relating to the creation, variation, abolition, transfer or reclassification of positions and assigned duties. Destroy 7 years after the position has been altered or abolished.
6.27 Relocation Arrangements & Expenses Records relating to moving and relocation expenses for University employees when paid for by the University. Includes storage expenses. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.28 Security Records relating to character and security checks. Also includes registers and documents on the issuing of security passes and staff cards. Destroy 7 years after administrative use ceases.
6.29 Social Club Records relating to interaction between the University and the social club. Includes any support provided by the University. Destroy 2 years after last action.
6.30 Staff Counselling Records related to the provision of counselling or professional coaching to staff. Includes employee assistance programs. Includes general administration files as well as personal case files. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.31 Staff Development - Appraisal & Delivery Records relating to the delivery and appraisal of staff development programs, activities and events. Destroy 30 years after last action.
6.32 Staff Development - Arrangements & Attendance Records relating to administrative arrangements for staff training and development activities, and attendance records. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.33 Staff Exchange Program Records relating to arrangements for staff exchanges that provide staff with opportunities to develop, teach or research at another institution while maintaining their substantive appointment. Destroy 2 years after arrangement expires.
6.34 Staff Recruitment Records relating to the recruitment process. Includes advertisements, details of position and duty statement, composition of interview panel, applications received, interview and referee questions. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.35 Terminations Records relating to the management and administration of redundancies. Includes documentation on the selection of positions to be abolished and the process of offering redundancy to staff. 75 years after date of birth or 7 years after employment ceases, whichever is longer.
6.36 Travel Records relating to work-related travel arrangements and bookings for staff. Includes preparing travel itineraries and arrangements for obtaining passports and visas. Destroy 7 years after last action.
6.37 Work Placement Records relating to volunteers or individuals on work experience placements. 7 years after service completed or until person reaches 25 years, whichever is longer.

Part 7: Information Management

The function of managing the University’s information resources.
Ref Activity Description Retention
7.1 Archiving Records relating to management of permanent archival material. Retain permanently.
7.2 EDRMS Administration Records regarding EDRMS system administration activities, such as; creating user accounts, troubleshooting, reporting, location clean-ups, etc. Retain 10 years after last action.
7.3 EDRMS Maintenance & Upgrades Records relating to EDRMS system maintenance activities (such as health checks and support vendor maintenance), and system upgrades. Retain 7 years after last action.
7.4 Information Access Requests Records relating to requests for information received by the general public, students and staff. Please note subpoenas are covered by LEGAL MATTERS - ROUTINE. Retain permanently.
7.5 Offsite Storage Records relating to management of offsite storage contracts, usage reports, and any other related activities. Destroy 17 years after last action.
7.6 Retention & Disposal Records relating to retention and disposal activities, such as; sentencing, transfer procedures and arrangements, disposal activities. Retain permanently.
7.7 Retention Schedule Master copy of the University's retention schedule. Destroy 20 years after last action.
7.8 RIMS Projects Projects relating to improvement of RIMS services and activities, and rollout of EDRMS. Retain 7 years after last action.

Part 8: Information Technology

The function of managing the University’s technology systems and resources.
Ref Activity Description Retention
8.1 Acquisition - IT Assets Records related to the purchase of IT products and technology. Destroy 12 years after last action.
8.2 Application Development - Configuration Records relating to the configuration or customisation of off the shelf packages to meet the needs of the university. Destroy 7 years after system is superseded.
8.3 Application Development - Design Records relating to the design and development of systems. Includes research, project proposals, project management, and systems documentation. Destroy 7 years after system is superseded.
8.4 Application Development - Testing Records associated with testing activities. Includes testing strategies, result forms and test reports. Destroy 7 years after last action.
8.5 Backups Copies of data used to restore the original after a data loss event. 10 years after last action.
8.6 Controls Records relating to creating, maintaining and evaluating control mechanisms. Includes records documenting history of access and data changes, such as system access logs, internet access logs, system change logs and audit trails. Destroy 10 years after last action.
8.7 Data Administration The activities associated with maintaining and using the data that is held in a system, either automated or manual. Includes data recovery. Destroy 20 years after last action.
8.8 Data Migration Records relating to the migration of data between electronic systems or from one electronic medium to another. Destroy 20 years after last action.
8.9 Database Management The activities associated with the building, prototyping and testing of databases. Includes management of user rules, passwords and monitoring usage and response times. Destroy 10 years after last action.
8.10 Disposal - IT Assets Records relating to the disposal of technology and telecommunications. Includes sale, transfer, auction, exchange, return or destruction. Destroy 10 years after last action.
8.11 Evaluation - IT Products & Solutions Records documenting the analysis of business processes, products and solutions. Destroy 10 years after last action.
8.12 Installation Records relating to the installation of databases, applications or systems. Includes the implementation, installation, configuration and relocation of equipment and facilities. Destroy 10 years after last action.
8.13 IT Audit Records relating to the auditing of IT activities and systems. Destroy 7 years after last action.
8.14 IT Projects Records relating to IT projects. Destroy 7 years after last action.
8.15 IT Security Records relating to security of IT systems. Includes security breaches such as unauthorised access to a computer network, alteration of data. Destroy 10 years after last action.
8.16 Leases - Hardware & Equipment Records related to leasing items and equipment. Destroy 8 years after lease expires.
8.17 Maintenance - Equipment & Systems The activities associated with the upkeep, repair, servicing and preservation of equipment and systems. Destroy 7 years after last action.

Part 9: Legal Services

The function of providing and managing legal services for the University.
Ref Activity Description Retention
9.1 Discovery Records relating to the management of subpoenas and discovery orders. Includes detailed lists and copies of records found. Destroy 10 years after last action.
9.2 Legal Advice Records relating to legal advice requested or received. Includes advice from inside and outside the University. Retain permanently.
9.3 Matters - Significant Significant legal matters that have a lasting impact on ACU, including; large scale infrastructure projects, major acquisitions, inter-organisational agreements, patents, litigations, University wide agreements, etc. Retain permanently.
9.4 Matters - Routine Routine legal matters such as procurement or service agreements, contractual issues, MOU's, etc. Destroy 15 years after last action.

Part 10: Marketing & External Relations

The function of providing marketing services, and management of alumni, social media, and ACU’s websites.
Ref Activity Description Retention
10.1 Alumni - Establishment Records relating to the establishment and ongoing management of alumni chapters and graduate organisations. Destroy 15 years after chapter or graduate organisation disbanded.
10.2 Alumni - Member Details Records relating to membership details. Includes names, change of address etc. Destroy 7 years after last action.
10.3 Alumni - Register Master list of alumni members. Destroy 7 years after last action.
10.4 Greetings The activity associated with the preparation and sending of letters and cards by the University. Includes letters of appreciation, condolence and congratulations. Also includes Christmas cards. Destroy 7 years after last action.
10.5 Marketing - Routine Records relating to routine marketing campaigns. Includes advertising campaigns, public launches and promotional images. Destroy 8 years after last action.
10.6 Marketing - Significant Records relating to major marketing campaigns. Includes re-branding or major awareness campaigns. Retain permanently.
10.7 Press Clippings Copies of media items relating to the University’s operations or events involving the University. Includes news cuttings, transcripts and electronic media items. Destroy 5 years after last action.
10.8 Press Releases A master set of all ACU media releases. Retain permanently.
10.9 Publications - External Articles Significant articles contributed to journals, magazines, newspapers etc about the University or its functions. Retain permanently.
10.10 Publications - Corporate Style Records related to guidelines on written style (such as graphic design etc) within the University’s documents. Includes designing logos, letterhead, stationery, publications that incorporate the corporate image of the University. Also includes agency style manuals. Destroy 5 years after last action.
10.11 Publications - Distribution Records related to the dissemination of publications through sales, deliveries or other customer services. Includes records of the monitoring of distribution, stock lists and address lists. Destroy 5 years after last action.
10.12 Publications - Internal Newsletters Master copy of internal University newsletters and other publications. Destroy 5 years after last action.
10.13 Publications - Production Agreements Records relating to the establishment, negotiation, maintenance and review of agreements regarding the production, marketing, supply or distribution of published materials. Includes correspondence and negotiations, minutes or notes of meetings with stakeholders, final versions of authorised agreements, and reviews of agreements. Destroy 7 years after expiry of agreement.
10.14 Publications - Publishing Agreements Agreements with authors, agents and distributors detailing terms and conditions of publication. Includes agreements relating to copyright ownership, royalty payments, licence to publish, amendments or variations and associated correspondence. Retain permanently.
10.15 Publications - Subsidiary Rights Agreements Agreements granting subsidiary rights over works published by the University. Includes amendments or variations and associated correspondence. Destroy 7 years after expiry of agreement.
10.16 Social Media Management Records relating to operational management of social media accounts and presence. Destroy 7 years after last action.
10.17 Website Management Records relating to management of websites, including requests to edit. Destroy 7 years after last action.

Part 11: Planning & Strategic Management

The function of assisting the University to achieve the ACU Mission, Identity and Values through evidence-based decision-making and a strategic approach to planning, quality and risk management.
Ref Activity Description Retention
11.1 Business Intelligence Records relating to business intelligence activities, including but not limited to; analytics, data mining, process mining, business performance management and benchmarking. Destroy 7 years after last action.
11.2 Quality Assurance - Certification Records relating to the assessment and certification of the University’s quality systems by an external organisation. Destroy 7 years after last action.
11.3 Quality Assurance - Implementation Records relating to the implementation of quality management systems and monitoring implementation activities. Destroy 7 years after last action.
11.4 Quality Assurance - Manual Master copy of the University’s quality assurance manual. Destroy 10 years after last action.
11.5 Risk Management The activities associated with the identification of risks at a strategic level, and the implementation of appropriate practices and procedures which will reduce wastage and the impact of economic loss resulting from an incident. Destroy 8 years after last action.
11.6 Risk Management - Register Entries in a register of University risks. Destroy 8 years after last action.
11.7 Statistical Analysis & Reporting Records relating to statistical analysis and reporting activities. Destroy 7 years after last action.

Part 12: Property & Facilities

The function of managing the University’s land, buildings, vehicles and other infrastructure.
Ref Activity Description Retention
12.1 Accidents - Buildings, Equipment and Vehicles Records of accidents involving material assets of the town, including; buildings, equipment and vehicles. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.2 Acquisition - Building & Land Records relating to the purchase of buildings and land. Retain permanently.
12.3 Acquisition - Equipment & Vehicles Records relating to the purchase of equipment and vehicles. Destroy 12 years after disposal.
12.4 Allocation Records of the allocation of equipment and stores to employees or business units. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.5 Asset Conservation The activities involved in the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of properties, including buildings and land. Includes Environmental Impact Statements. Also includes sites of heritage significance. Retain permanently.
12.6 Asset Delivery Records documenting arrangements for the delivery of equipment and stores. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.7 Bookings - Facilities Booking records relating to facilities and equipment. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.8 Bookings - Vehicles Bookings records relating to vehicles. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.9 Commemoration Records relating to the establishment, design, erection, management and removal of memorial plaques, monuments, benches, fountains, building names etc. Retain permanently.
12.10 Construction Records documenting construction activities. Retain permanently.
12.11 Disposal - Buildings & Land Records relating to the disposal of buildings and land. Includes sale, transfer, auction, exchange, return or destruction. Retain permanently.
12.12 Disposal - Equipment & Vehicles Records relating to the disposal of equipment and vehicles owned by the University. Includes sale, transfer, auction, exchange, return or destruction. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.13 Fit-outs - Asbestos Records of fit-outs where asbestos was present. Destroy 100 years after property is disposed of.
12.14 Fit-outs - Routine Records of routine fit-outs. 12 years after disposal of property.
12.15 Food Services - Licences & Registration Records relating to the licencing and registration of food services. Destroy 7 years after last action.
12.16 Food Services - Monitoring & Incidents Records associated with monitoring of food services, and incidents of potential food poisoning or contamination Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is the later.
12.17 Hazardous Materials and Asbestos Records relating to the existence. identification, modification or handling of any hazardous materials including asbestos. Destroy 100 years after removal or destruction.
12.18 Installation Records relating to the installation and modification of utilities. Includes air-conditioning, ventilation, lighting, etc. Destroy 25 years after last action.
12.19 Inventory Inventories of equipment and stores held by the University. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.20 Keys Records relating to keys and lock combinations. Includes key registers. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.21 Landscaping Records relating to landscaping activities and planning. Destroy 7 years after last action.
12.22 Leases Records of the activities involved in leasing accommodation, premises, real estate, vehicles or equipment. Destroy 17 years after last action or expiry of relevant agreement, whichever is later.
12.23 Maintenance Records of maintenance activities with buildings, land, equipment and vehicles. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.24 Maps & Plans Master copies of maps of the University and building plans / schematics. Retain permanently.
12.25 Moving Records relating to the relocation of a campus, business unit or workgroup. Includes inventories, costings and removalist records. Destroy 7 years after last action.
12.26 Naming Records relating to the naming of premises, buildings, grounds or other physical features. Retain permanently.
12.27 Pest Control Records relating to pest and infestation control. Destroy 7 years after last action.
12.28 Renovations Records relating to structural renovations of University-owned buildings. Retain permanently.
12.29 Security - Major Incidents Records relating to security incidents where charges are laid or damage / injury has occurred but sabotage was not involved. Retain permanently.
12.30 Security - Minor Incidents Records relating to security incidents where no charges are laid or no damage / injury has occurred. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.31 Security - Operational Arrangements Records relating to the surveillance and guarding of property. Includes patrol rosters, security reports and records of electronic security systems. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.32 Security - Sabotage Records relating to security breaches where it is proven or strongly suspected that sabotage was involved. Includes armed hold ups, genuine bomb threats, arson, etc. Retain permanently.
12.33 Stocktake Records documenting the stocktake of equipment and stores. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.34 Sustainability Programs Records relating to sustainability activities, programs and planning. Destroy 7 years after last action.
12.35 Traffic Infringements Records relating to traffic infringements involving vehicles used or maintained by the University. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.36 Traffic Management Records related to traffic management on campus. Includes traffic offences (by vehicles on campus), parking offences, parking permits, public transport services and shuttle buses to / from the University etc. Destroy 12 years after last action.
12.37 Valuations Records of valuations on University properties. Destroy 7 years after last action.
12.38 Waste Management - Chemicals
Records relating to the removal, storage and disposal of hazardous substances where the level of danger to humans and the environment is low and the effects are not potentially long-term. Includes laboratory chemicals and clinical waste. May include some pesticides.
Destroy 100 years after last action.
12.39 Waste Management - Hazardous Materials Records relating to the removal and disposal of hazardous materials, including asbestos and radioactive material. May include some pesticides. Destroy 100 years after last action.
12.40 Waste Management - Routine Records relating to routine waste management. Destroy 12 years after last action.

Part 13: Research Management

The function of managing and supporting academic research projects.
Ref Activity Description Retention
13.1 Accreditation - Animals Records relating to accreditation of the University to conduct research with animals. Destroy 7 years after last action.
13.2 Accreditation - Biotechnology Records relating to accreditation of the University to conduct biotechnology research under relevant legislation such as the Gene Technology Act 2000 (Cth). Retain permanently.
13.3 Anatomy - Facilities Records relating to inspections of anatomy facilities. Includes documentation, approval and general correspondence. Destroy 8 years after last action.
13.4 Anatomy - Register Registers of bodies or specimens held by the University. Retain permanently.
13.5 Anatomy - Specimens Records relating to the acquisition of donation, care, storage, maintenance, management and disposal of anatomy or specimens. Includes consent forms, certificates of agreement, supporting documentation (e.g. death certificates, revocation of authorisation, and acceptances. Retain permanently.
13.6 Animal Management Records relating to the care, use, protection and disposal of animals and animal body parts or specimens for teaching or research purposes in accordance with statutory requirements. Destroy 7 years after last action.
13.7 Centres & Institutes - Establishment Records relating to the establishment and strategic direction of centres and institutes established by the University. Retain permanently.
13.8 Commercialisation - Contracts Records related to agreements for commercialisation where the product is commercialised. Includes licence deeds; agreements; confidentiality deeds; sub-licenses; assignments; deeds of indemnity. Retain permanently.
13.9 Commercialisation - Feasibility Studies Planning and feasibility studies for the commercialisation of a product, including arrangements for commercial manufacture or design of a product. Destroy 17 years after last action.
13.10 Commercialisation - Not proceeded Records related to agreements for commercialisation where the commercialisation is not successful. Includes licence deeds; agreements; confidentiality deeds; sub-licenses; assignments; deeds of indemnity. Destroy 7 years (in the case of a contract) or 17 years (in the case of a deed) after the date upon which any cause of action under the loan agreement accrues or may accrue or 17 years after the loan agreement expires, whichever occurs later.
13.11 Commercialisation - Registration Records relating to the registration of patents, copyright and ownership of intellectual property where owned in part or completely by the University. Retain permanently.
13.12 Consultancy Services Records relating to the establishment, management and administration of consultancies. 17 years after lapsing of agreement, or last action, whichever occurs later.
13.13 Consultancy Services - Expert Witnesses Records relating to the provision of expert witness services by academics or other staff. Includes the provision of advice, opinions and testimony to courts, tribunals or to other judicial offices. Destroy 17 years after last action.
13.14 Data - Clinical Trials Research data created in the conduct of clinical trials. Destroy 20 years after last action or when subjects have reached 25 years of age, whichever is longer.
13.15 Data - Routine Research data created in the conduct of research projects that does not involve clinical trials and does not fit within the definition of “significant”. Destroy 15 years after completion of research activity or until subject reaches or would have reached 25yrs, whichever is longer.
13.16 Data - Significant Research data from projects of major national or international significance, interest or controversy or where the principal investigator has a widely acknowledged influence on the area of scholarship and where the data is crucial to the substantiation of the research findings and cannot be readily or practically duplicated. Includes drafts for publication in external publications and final research reports. Retain permanently.
13.17 Ethical Clearance Records related to gaining ethical clearance in relation to research and research training activities. Destroy 20 years after last action.
13.18 Projects - Approved Records relating to approved research projects. Includes records relating to project and funding proposals, applications, forms or tenders, supporting information, referees, protocols, and agreements with research and grant partners. Destroy 7 years after last action.
13.19 Projects - Register Master register of funded research projects. Retain permanently.
13.20 Projects - Unsuccessful Records relating to the formulation and / or development of research projects where the application is unsuccessful. Includes correspondence, working papers, preliminary data and agreements. Destroy 15 years after last action.
13.21 Research Materials - Drugs The acquisition, storage and disposal of chemicals, drugs, poisons used in research. Destroy 12 years after last action.
13.22 Research Materials - Radioactive Substances The acquisition, storage and disposal of radioactive substances and radiation equipment. Includes x-ray equipment. Destroy 100 years after last action.

Part 14: Student Management

The function of managing the University’s students. This classification includes admission, academic progress, graduation and complaints.
Ref Activity Description Retention
14.1 Admissions - Special Entry Schemes Records related to the administration of special entry schemes. Includes conditions for eligibility and procedures for applications. Retain permanently.
14.2 Admissions - Successful Records relating to applications and offers that are successful and accepted. Destroy 7 years after completion or discontinuation of course.
14.3 Admissions - Unsuccessful Records relating to applications which are unsuccessful. Destroy 1 year after appeal period ends.
14.4 Cards - Concession Records relating to the arrangement, management and issuing of concession cards. Includes any correspondence or consultation with organisations and businesses providing student concessions. Destroy 7 years after last action.
14.5 Cards - Student ID Records relating to the provision of student identification. Destroy 7 years after last action.
14.6 Enrolment Records relating to student enrolment in a course or program of study. Includes enrolment forms; variations in personal details such as change of name or address; variation in course program. Also includes advanced standing, recognition of prior learning, course transfers, deferment, exemptions, eligibility issues, discontinuation or withdrawal. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is the later.
14.7 Exchange Program - Applications Records relating to applications received for placement as an exchange student. Includes application forms, notice of acceptance / refusal, correspondence. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is later.
14.8 Exchange Program - Arrangements Records relating to arrangements, contracts or agreements with other institutions for student exchange programs. Destroy 25 years after last action.
14.9 Fees & Charges - Government Fees Records relating to Commonwealth Government contribution fees such as HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme). Destroy 7 years after completion or discontinuation of course.
14.10 Fees & Charges - Schedule Schedules of fees set. Destroy 10 years after year to which schedule relates.
14.11 Fees & Charges - Tuition Records relating to the administration and collection of tuition fees (other than student contribution fees) and library fines. Includes correspondence relating to outstanding fees, fines and non-payment. Destroy 7 years after Financial Year to which records relate.
14.12 Graduation - Academic Dress Records relating to academic dress protocol. Retain permanently.
14.13 Graduation - Administrative Arrangements Records relating to administrative arrangements for the graduation ceremony. Includes arranging venue, speakers, catering, seating, and special access. Destroy 3 years after last action.
14.14 Graduation - Conferral of Proceedings Records relating to the proceedings of conferral of certificates at a ceremony. Includes protocols and transcripts of guest speeches. Retain permanently.
14.15 Graduation - Eligibility Notification to students of finalisation, approval and graduation ceremony. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is the later.
14.16 Graduation - Honorary Degrees Records relating to the nomination and recommendation for the award of an honorary degree. Retain permanently.
14.17 Graduation - Programs Program / order of proceedings e.g. Certified copies of Graduation ceremony booklets – formal record of graduands. Retain permanently.
14.18 Graduation - Register of Graduates Master list of graduands. Retain permanently.
14.19 Graduation - Replacement Testamur Requests for replacement testamurs. Includes statutory declaration, payment of fee. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is the later.
14.20 Graduation - Uncollected Testamur Testamurs not collected at graduation ceremonies or returned to the University. Destroy 7 years after last action.
14.21 Complaints Records relating to formal complaints raised by a student. Includes complaints about perceived discrimination; work / study environment; peers, lecturers or tutors; access to equipment, facilities, tutorials or other services. Retain permanently.
14.22 Load Management Records relating to the management of student intake load into programs and courses. Includes projection and target reports, and student load statistics reports. Destroy 5 years after last action.
14.23 Scholarships - Administrative Arrangements Records relating to the administrative arrangements for the delivery of scholarships, fellowships and bursaries. Destroy 7 years after last action.
14.24 Scholarships - Establishment The activities associated with the establishment, rules and conditions of scholarships, fellowships and bursaries. Retain permanently.
14.25 Scholarships - Register Register of recipients of scholarships, fellowships and bursaries. Retain permanently.
14.26 Security - Criminal Record Checks Certificates and forms received from other institutions, such as the police force, as part of a criminal background check. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is later.
14.27 Security - Criminal Record Checks Register A register, index or other record maintained by the University confirming each criminal background check it has conducted. Destroy 7 years after last action.
14.28 Security - Working with Children Checks Certificates and forms received from other institutions, such as the police force, as part of a working with children check. Includes prohibited person declaration, consent for working with children check. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is later.
14.29 Security - Working with Children Checks Register A register, index or other record maintained by the University confirming each working with children check it has conducted. Destroy 99 years after last action.
14.30 Student File Personal file of individual students created by faculties, schools or student administration. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is later.
14.31 Student File - Register Records maintained by Student Administration that comprise a summary of student data on individual students. Includes student name, ID, date of birth, enrolment summary, academic records, misconduct findings, awards / courses completed. Retain permanently.

Part 15: Student Services

The function of providing support to the University’s students.
Ref Activity Description Retention
15.1 Accommodation - Case File Records relating to student residents. Includes application and acceptances, breaches of code of conduct and any disciplinary action. Destroy 7 years after student leaves accommodation.
15.2 Accommodation - Code of Conduct Code of conduct for students. Retain permanently.
15.3 Accommodation - Fees Schedule of fees. Destroy 7 years after superseded.
15.4 Accommodation - Unsuccessful Applications Records relating to unsuccessful applicants for student accommodation. Destroy 2 years after last action.
15.5 Careers Advice The activities associated with providing information and assistance to students on employment, career guidance and job searches. Includes appointment registers, client records. Destroy 5 years after last action.
15.6 Counselling - Administrative Arrangements Records relating to the provision of advice and counselling services. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is later.
15.7 Counselling - Appointment Register Appointment registers for student support services. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 7 years after action completed, whichever is later.
15.8 Counselling - Case File Records relating to advice, guidance and support to individual students. Includes personal, financial, health or other matters. Destroy 15 years after action completed. If client file includes details of a minor, destroy 30 years after action completed.
15.9 Financial Assistance - Fund Administration Records relating to the establishment, administration and management of funds and schemes. Includes rules and conditions. Destroy 7 years after last action.
15.10 Financial Assistance - Successful Applications Records relating to applications to receive assistance in which the application is successful. Includes records of interviews and other assessment methods. Destroy 7 years after discharge of loan or last action.
15.11 Financial Assistance - Unsuccessful Applications Records relating to applications to receive assistance in which the application is not successful. Includes records of interviews and other assessment methods. Destroy 7 years after last action.
15.12 Orientation Records related to the planning and management of student orientation. Includes O Week activities and program, venue bookings. Destroy 3 years after last action.
15.13 Pastoral Care - Students The activities associated with pastoral care and religious support to University students and staff. Includes appointment of chaplain, programs for support. Destroy 15 years after cessation of appointment.
15.14 Special Needs - Funding Records relating to applications, agreements and contracts for grants and funding from the Commonwealth Government. Destroy 8 years after last action.
15.15 Special Needs - Support Records relating to the provision of special needs support services. Includes equipment, programs, assistance. Destroy 15 years after action completed. If client file includes details of a minor, destroy 30 years after action completed.
15.16 Sporting Programs Records relating to the provision of support and administration for sporting programs, including membership details. Destroy 12 years after action completed, provided the person has reached 30 years of age.
15.17 Student Associations Records relating to interaction between the University and student bodies such as student unions or student sporting clubs. Destroy 7 years after last action.
15.18 Study Assistance Records relating to the provision of academic skills services to support students. Includes administration of specific programs, client records. Destroy 7 years after last action.

Part 16: Teaching & Learning

The function of formulating and delivering the teaching curriculum and facilitating the learning process. This classification includes course delivery, curriculum development, planning and assessment.
Ref Activity Description Retention
16.1 Assessment - Academic Records Official academic records of the results achieved by a student. Retain permanently.
16.2 Assessment - Appeals Records relating to appeals about examination / assessment results. Destroy 10 years after last action.
16.3 Assessment - Assignments & Examinations Essays, assignments, examinations and other forms of assessment completed by students but not collected by them or returned to them. Retain for 6 months after last action.
16.4 Assessment - Attendance Records relating to attendance for teaching and assessment purposes. Includes examinations, classes, tutorials and practicums in which the student did NOT work with children. Destroy 2 years after last action.
16.5 Assessment - Changes Records relating to changes to assessment results. Includes requests and outcomes. Destroy 7 years after completion or discontinuation of course.
16.6 Assessment - Examination Arrangements Records relating to administrative arrangements for examination and assessment. Includes supervision / invigilation arrangements and timetables. Destroy 2 years after last action.
16.7 Assessment - Examination Master Papers Master set of exam question papers. Retain permanently.
16.8 Assessment - Grading Records relating to the marking of individual assessment items such as assignments and essays. Excludes the final result for a subject or course. Destroy 2 years after last action.
16.9 Assessment - Higher Degree Examiner Reports Examiners and / or assessors reports and related records. Destroy 2 years after appeal period ends.
16.10 Assessment - Higher Degree Supervision Records relating to the supervision of higher degree students. Includes appointment of supervisor, and advice and liaison between supervisor and student. Destroy 7 years after last action.
16.11 Assessment - Review Records relating to review, moderation and confirmation of results. Destroy 2 years after last action.
16.12 Assessment - Special Consideration Requests from students that special consideration be given due to circumstances which affected their performance in an examination or other assessment activity. Includes requests for deferred or supplementary examinations. Destroy 10 years after last action.
16.13 Assessment - Theses Master set of theses and dissertations submitted by higher degree (PhD and Masters) and honours students. Retain permanently.
16.14 Clinics - Appointment Register Appointment registers for university teaching clinics. Destroy 2 years after last action.
16.15 Clinics - Case File Records providing evidence of clinical care to a patient. Destroy 15 years after last action.
16.16 Clinics - Notifiable Diseases Records displaying evidence of clinical care to an individual patient with a notifiable disease. e.g. Hepatitis B, HIV, Leprosy, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Tuberculosis. Destroy 85 years after patient date of birth or 10 years since last appointment, whichever is longer.
16.17 Clinics - Schedule of Fees Schedules of fees set. Destroy 7 years after last action.
16.18 Continuing Education - Delivery Records relating to the management and running of continuing education courses Destroy 10 years after last action.
16.19 Continuing Education - Registration & Results Enrolment and final grades in continuing education courses. Destroy 7 years after last action.
16.20 Course Delivery - Calendars & Handbooks Master set of calendars, Faculty handbooks and course guides. Retain permanently.
16.21 Course Delivery - Course Outlines Master copy of course and subject outlines. Destroy 10 years after program last offered.
16.22 Course Delivery - Media Recordings Audio and audio-visual recordings of lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshops, clinics etc. Destroy 3 years after last action.
16.23 Course Delivery - Subject Resources Resources and materials used in course and subject delivery. Includes study guides, readings, self-assessment exercises, audio-visual teachings aids and lecture notes. For materials subject to legislative or other regulatory controls, see TEACHING & LEARNING – LEARNING MATERIALS. Destroy 3 years after last action.
16.24 Course Delivery - Teaching Timetables Records relating to the organisation, control and scheduling of classes. Includes timetables, rosters, organising venues, teaching allocations. Destroy 3 year after last action.
16.25 Curriculum Management - Approval Records relating to the approval and / or accreditation of curricula. Includes master set of approved curricula. Also includes external accreditation by professional or registration bodies. Retain permanently.
16.26 Curriculum Management - Development Records relating to the development of curricula for University courses. This includes the initiation or discussion of proposals, as well as working papers, committee records, input from advisory groups. Destroy 10 years after program last offered.
16.27 Curriculum Management - Review Records relating to internal or external reviews of curricula. Includes working papers, course alteration proposals, draft revised subject outlines, unapproved curriculum revisions. Destroy 10 years after program last offered.
16.28 Evaluation - Administrative Arrangements Records relating to administrative activities associated with the collection of data for an evaluation of teaching. Destroy 7 years after last action.
16.29 Evaluation - Feedback Copies of completed questionnaires and survey data. Destroy 7 years after last action.
16.30 Evaluation - Outcome Reports of evaluation outcome. Retain permanently
16.31 Learning Materials - Drugs Records relating to the acquisition, storage and disposal of chemicals, drugs, poisons used in teaching and learning activities. Destroy 10 years after last action.
16.32 Learning Materials - Radioactive Substances Records relating to the acquisition, storage and disposal of radioactive substances and radiation equipment. Includes x-ray equipment. Destroy 100 years after last action.
16.33 Practicum - Administrative Arrangements Records relating to arrangements and liaison with placement providers. Destroy 7 years after last action.
16.34 Practicum - Attendance Records relating to attendance where students are working with children. Destroy 15 years after last contact or [for minors] 30 years after last contact.
16.35 Practicum - Placement Agreements Agreement with other organisations to allow placements. Destroy 12 years after agreement expires.
16.36 Practicum - Reports Practicum reports where grade and hours / days required to be completed are not recorded elsewhere (i.e. on transcript or course handbook). Destroy 50 years after course completion or discontinuation.
16.37 Projects - Approved Records relating to the formulation and / or development of teaching projects. Includes records relating to project and funding proposals, application forms or tenders, supporting information, referees, and protocols. Destroy 5 years after last action.
16.38 Projects - Contracts Agreements or contracts relating to teaching projects. Destroy 15 years after expiry of agreement.
16.39 VET Official Academic Records (National) Official Academic records completed and issued to students.
This includes both:
  • Statements of Attainment (Certificates / Diplomas); and
  • Statement of Results (Transcript with unit details and results).
Retain Academic Records for 30 years.
16.40 VET Assessment – Assessment Records Record of the assessments completed and results achieved by the student. Retain for 7 years post completion of course:
  • Records of training and assessment;
  • Unit of Competency evidence for each student, for each unit they were enrolled in;
  • Evidence to substantiate funding claim.
16.41 VET Assessment – Fee For Service (FFS) offerings (National) Records of the assessments completed and assessment decisions made. Retain evidence of assessments for 6 months.

Part 17: Workplace Health & Safety

The function of managing work and study environments in accordance with work health and safety standards and legislation.
Ref Activity Description Retention
17.1 Accidents - Fatalities Records of accidents resulting in fatalities, including; register of fatalities and inspection records. Retain permanently.
17.2 Accidents - First Aid Records relating to the provision of first aid, including; first aid register and details of treatment provided. Destroy 45 years after last action.
17.3 Accidents - Injuries Records relating to incidents where an employee, contractor, student or visitor is personally injured or incapacitated on University premises. Includes injury register. Destroy 80 years after last action.
17.4 Awareness Programs - Health & Safety The process of promoting programs which encourage the establishment and maintenance of a healthy working environment. Destroy 7 years after last action.
17.5 Compensation - Fatalities Records relating to compensation for the death of an employee or visitor where liability is with the University. Retain permanently.
17.6 Compensation - Injuries (visitors) Records relating to compensation claims for personal injury made by members of the public, including work experience students and volunteers or other persons who are not employees. Destroy 25 years after date of birth or 15 years after action completed, whichever is longer.
17.7 Compensation - Major Injuries (staff) Records relating to an employee’s claims for workers’ compensation where an incident has resulted in serious personal injury or incapacity. Destroy 75 years after date of birth or 55 years after settlement of claim whichever is longer.
17.8 Compensation - Minor Injuries (staff) Records relating to an employee's claim for workers' compensation where an incident has not resulted in death, serious personal injury or incapacity. Destroy 75 years after date of birth or 55 years after settlement of claim whichever is longer.
17.9 Elections - HSR's Records relating to the election of OH&S representatives to committees and representative rolls. Includes ballot papers and nominations. Destroy 10 years after last action.
17.10 Hazardous Materials Records relating to routine inspections of hazardous substances in the workplace to ensure or check their compliance with regulations, standards etc. for their management and use. Destroy 100 years after last action.
17.11 Inspections - Routine Records relating to routine inspections of work sites. Destroy 10 years after last action.
17.12 Institutional Appeals Records relating to an appeal made by the University for a review of a decision made under occupation health and safety legislation. Includes appeals against a decision made by an authorised investigator. Destroy 10 years after appeal has concluded.
17.13 Notices Records of notices received by the organisation by authorities and Health and Safety Representatives, including; provisional improvement notices, improvement notices and prohibition notices. Destroy 10 years after last action.
17.14 Rehabilitation Records documenting the rehabilitation of workers to full employment that are NOT related to a compensation case. Includes return to work plans. Destroy 50 years after completion of rehabilitation.
17.15 Representatives Records relating to the nomination, appointment, resignation and termination of first aid officers, fire wardens and safety officers. Includes letters of appointment / resignation, details of roles and responsibilities. Destroy 7 years after last action.
17.16 Risk Management - Hazardous Materials Records related to risk management of OH&S hazards, including hazardous substances, where risk assessments indicate a risk to employees and where health surveillance and / or monitoring of employees is necessary. Destroy 100 years after last action.
17.17 Risk Management - Low Risk Records related to risk management of OH&S hazards not covered by RISK MANAGEMENT – HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Includes instances where there is minimal or no risk, and surveillance or monitoring may or may not be required. Destroy 30 years after last action.
17.18 Safe Work Method Statements Records relating to safe work method statements. Destroy 100 years after last action.
17.19 Safety Data Sheets Records of safety data sheets. Destroy 100 years after last action.
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Section 7 - Review

(7) Unless otherwise indicated, this Schedule will still apply beyond the review date.