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Regulations - Award of the Honorary Title of Emeritus Professor

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(1) The following regulations are made in furtherance of Statute 12.1 - Awarding of Honorary Title: Award of Title of Emeritus Professor and prescribe the processes to be followed for the awarding of an honorary title of Emeritus Professor.


(2) The following process and timeline applies to nominations for the honorary title of Emeritus Professor:



1 June A call for nominations (for a period of two months) is issued by the Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate on behalf of the Secretary to Corporation to the Professoriate of the University
30 June or 31 July Closing date for nominations to be received at
Post-31 July The Honorary Awards Committee meets to consider nominations
Post-31 July Recommendations of the Honorary Awards Committee are referred to Senate for consideration and approval at its next meeting
February The Honorary Awards Committee meets to consider nominations received subsequent to the above meeting
February (or later) The recommendations of the Honorary Awards Committee are presented to the next meeting of Senate for consideration and approval

(3) Nominations outside of this cycle will be accepted in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Chair, Honorary Awards Committee (Chancellor).

Nominations for Honorary Title of Emeritus Professor

(4) A Nomination Form must be duly completed. A Nomination Form will not be accepted and progressed for consideration by the Honorary Awards Committee unless it is completed in full.

(5) Each nomination will be assessed against Selection Criteria detailed in Statute 12.1 - Awarding of Honorary Title: Award of Title of Emeritus Professor.

(6) Each nomination must include the name and title of a proposer who is a member of the Professoriate and the name and title of two other Professors who support the nomination.

(7) The Vice-Chancellor and President may endorse the nomination, and, in such cases, would abstain from voting during deliberations of the Honorary Awards Committee.

(8) A person is not permitted to self-nominate or request nomination.

(9) Nominations are confidential. Contacting any person under consideration of a nomination, either directly or indirectly, is not permitted. A nomination may be invalidated if there is a breach of confidentiality.

(10) The Honorary Awards Committee may make confidential enquiries pertinent to any nomination and shall not be required to divulge its reasons for declining to recommend a candidate for an Honorary Title of Emeritus Professor.


(11) When Senate has resolved to approve that a person be awarded the honorary title of Emeritus Professor in accordance with clause (7) of Statute 12.1 - Awarding of Honorary Title: Award of Title of Emeritus Professor that person shall receive an official notification of the award of this title from the relevant office of the University as detailed in clause (14).

(12) The notification will articulate benefits and expectations of the title holder in furtherance of clause (9) of Statute 12.1 - Awarding of Honorary Title: Award of Title of Emeritus Professor. Those with Emeritus status may use the University Library and other University facilities appropriate to the nature of their involvement with the University which may include access to the University’s IT network.

(13) Individuals will be given a period of two months to formally accept conferral of the title Emeritus Professor following approval by Senate in accordance with clause (7) of Statute 12.1 - Awarding of Honorary Title: Award of Title of Emeritus Professor. Acceptance is to be received in writing. Senate reserves the discretion to rescind an award of the honorary title of Emeritus Professor if the nominee fails or declines to accept the conferral.

Roles and responsibilities

(14) The following table outlines the various roles and responsibilities in the Honorary Titles process:



Three members of Professoriate Proposes and / or support nomination for honorary title of Emeritus Professor
Vice-Chancellor and President Endorse nomination
Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate Reviews nominations to ensure appropriate information has been received ahead of the review by the Honorary Awards Committee
Honorary Awards Committee Reviews and assesses nominations against the selection criteria in clause (4) of Statute 12.1 - Awarding of Honorary Title: Award of Title of Emeritus Professor and makes recommendations to Senate for approval
Senate Considers recommendations of the Honorary Awards Committee and resolves whether to award an honorary title of Emeritus Professor to each of the recommended nominees
Chair, Honorary Awards Committee Advises the outcome of a nomination in writing to the successful nominee
Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President Writes to successful candidate to offer award of honorary title of Emeritus Professor in accordance with clause (11) above
DATE: 13 June 2019