(1) A significant number of the records created, sent and received by ACU are covered by the Records Retention and Disposal Schedule as they act as evidence of business transactions. However, there are records that do not fall within this category. Records of short-term value that lack evidentiary value may be disposed of in accordance with accepted business processes referred to as ‘Normal Administrative Practice’ (NAP). (2) NAP allows records to be disposed of without formal authorisation from Records and Information Management Services (RIMS). The types of records covered under NAP, as defined by the National Archives of Australia, are detailed below. (3) This category includes: (4) This category includes: (5) The following draft documents are generally not intended for further use or reference: (6) Other drafts may need to be retained for specific purposes (e.g. as evidence of legal negotiations between ACU and a third party). (7) Copies of material retained for reference purpose only include: (8) See the Normal Administrative Practice flowchart. (9) Unless otherwise indicated, this Guideline will still apply beyond the review date.Records Disposal: Normal Administrative Practice Guideline
Section 1 - Records Disposal: Normal Administrative Practice
Facilitative, Transitory or Short-term Items
Rough Working Papers and / or Calculations
Reference Material
Normal Administrative Practice (NAP) Decision Flowchart
Section 2 - Review
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