(1) This Policy establishes a robust approach to the approval, amendment and review of award courses offered by the Australian Catholic University (ACU) and ensures consistent course quality assurance processes are maintained across the institution. (2) This Policy applies to all: (3) The terms used in this Policy and the associated Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedure and Course Review Procedure are available in the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. The following specific definitions also apply: (4) Courses must comply with the requirements of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act, Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HESF) and must align with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) criteria at the relevant level. (5) All course development and accreditation will be guided by the objectives of ACU strategies tied to Learning and Teaching and the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and must adhere to the provisions of Statute 5.1 - Courses for Degrees, Diplomas and Other Awards and Statute 2.11 -The Course Incubator. (6) The documentation supporting course approval and internal accreditation must be sufficiently detailed to assure compliance with the HESF (sections 3.1, 5.1 and 7.2) and to allow an expert in the field to undertake an assessment of the scope and nature of the course, and for prospective and current students to have detailed insight into their program of study. (7) Any proposal for course approval, amendment, review, suspension or discontinuation, must address corporate governance and academic governance requirements as relevant. (8) All course design and development must be consistent with the Structuring Coursework Programs Policy. (9) Courses offered by ACU require approval as set out in Statute 2.5 - The Academic Board and Statute 2.6 - Governing Bodies: The Faculties. (10) Changes to courses and course reviews will be approved by the Academic Board following scrutiny by the relevant standing committee. (11) Changes to units of study will be approved by the relevant Faculty Board. (12) Each Faculty must maintain a schedule of reviews on a six-yearly basis for its existing courses in line with the requirements of the HESF and in recognition of the need for development and change. (13) In addition to the requirements under clause (12), Faculties will undertake a scheduled annual monitoring exercise of each course. (14) The University will develop and maintain internal supporting documents and system templates for each category of proposal. (15) Microcredentials are normally credit-bearing and normally aligned to an AQF level 8 qualification. (16) Short courses are not aligned with AQF levels. (17) Senate is responsible for approval of courses in disciplines not identified in the Constitution. (18) The Academic Board is responsible for the: (19) The Chair, Academic Board is responsible for: (20) CAQC is responsible for the: (21) Faculties are responsible for the: (22) Faculty Boards are responsible for the: (23) The Provost is responsible for: (24) The Academic Registrar is responsible for: (25) The two stages of the course accreditation process are: (26) The timelines for course approval, amendment and review are outlined in the Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedure and the Course Review Procedure. (27) Any proposal to develop a new course or specialisation must follow the process as outlined in the Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedure. (28) New or changed courses may not be advertised or implemented until approved by the relevant approval authority. Any exceptions require prior written approval of the Chair, Academic Board. (29) There are restrictions on advertising courses which require external accreditation and registration. (30) Courses subject to the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (ESOS Act) may not be advertised to International students prior to CRICOS registration. (31) Where such approval is granted under clauses (28) and (29), any promotional material must clearly indicate that offering of the course is subject to final approval and/or external accreditation. (32) Academic approval of microcredentials must be in accordance with the Microcredentials and Short Course Policy and must follow the process pathway as outlined in the Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedure. (33) Proposals for microcredentials at other than AQF level 8 must be accompanied by a rationale that justifies their use. (34) Course reviews will be conducted in accordance with the Course Review Procedure. (35) Course reviews will be led by an appropriately qualified academic(s) operating independently of those involved directly in the delivery of the course. (36) Reviews must commence no later than the fifth year of the cycle. (37) Faculties must monitor the viability of award courses annually in accordance with the Course and Unit Viability Analysis Policy. (38) The Academic Board may require Faculties to undertake out of cycle reviews where there are particular concerns based on student success outcomes, retention, satisfaction or external drivers. (39) The relevant Faculty/s are responsible for scrutinising and updating embedded microcredentials that are a subset of, or credit pathway to, an existing ACU award course, as needed and undertaking formal reviews at least on a three-yearly cycle. Microcredentials that form part of a higher education award must be reviewed in accordance with the Course Review Procedure. (40) CAQC is responsible for scrutinising and updating stand-alone microcredentials. at least on a three-yearly cycle (41) In consultation with the Provost, each Faculty will review the financial viability of microcredentials each year. (42) Any adjustments to the fee structure of a course must be reviewed in consultation with the Academic Registrar and in line with the Student Fees Policy. (43) Faculties are responsible for reviewing short courses on a three-yearly cycle to determine whether approval should be renewed. (44) Administrative amendments to the system templates and supporting documents can be approved and enacted by the Academic Registrar, provided that they do not affect the intent of this Policy. (45) Any such amendments will be notified to the Academic Board via CAQC. (46) A summary of revisions made to this Policy compared to the previously published version is available in the Status and Details tab. For older changes, check the Status and Details tab within previous versions of the document. These are accessible via the Historic Versions tab. (47) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy
Section 1 - Policy Statement
Section 2 - Policy Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Definitions
Discontinuation of a course, specialisation major or minor
means that no students may be enrolled in the course or any units that are unique to that course specialisation, major or minor.
Integrated qualifications
are purposely designed qualifications that enable explicit articulation pathways and encompass more than one AQF level and / or qualification type.
means a discrete learning package with appropriately articulated learning outcomes and constructively aligned learning and teaching, and assessment strategies.
Suspension of a course, specialisation or major
means that no students may be admitted or commence, and may be a precursor to discontinuation.
Short Courses
are programs other than accredited higher education awards or microcredentials that are undertaken by an individual to improve or support progress towards work, career and/or personal goals.
Top of PageSection 4 - Principles
Section 5 - Responsibilities
Academic Board
Chair, Academic Board
Courses and Academic Quality Committee (CAQC)
Faculty Boards
Academic Registrar
Top of PageSection 6 - Course Accreditation Processes and Timelines
Section 7 - Microcredentials
Section 8 - Review of Course Offerings
Section 9 - Supporting Documents
Section 10 - Revisions made to this Policy
Section 11 - Associated Information
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This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.