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Incremental Progression for Academic Staff Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information

(1) Australian Catholic University recognises the need for excellence to be successful in all of its activities and operations. In the context of its Mission and Strategic Goals, a way in which an individual staff member’s performance and contribution to the University is recognised and rewarded is through incremental progression.

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Section 2 - Definitions

Term Definition
Satisfactory performance means performance at an appropriate level for the staff member’s appointment and consistent with the staff member’s duties, Minimum Standards for Academic Level’s, the Academic Performance Matrices and Evidence (APME) Framework and Academic Career Pathway.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(2) The Incremental Progression for Academic Staff Policy acknowledges that a staff member has demonstrated satisfactory performance which has led to an increased contribution to the University.

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Section 4 - Policy Purpose

(3) The purpose of this Policy is to inform Academic Staff of the conditions for incremental progression.

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Section 5 - Application of Policy

(4) This Policy applies to all continuing and fixed-term Academic Staff of the University.

(5) An Academic staff member normally progresses to the next step of their current classification level following each twelve (12) months of paid service based upon satisfactory performance.

(6) In order to achieve incremental progression a staff member must be able to demonstrate that they have met the necessary performance outcomes and expected levels of achievement for incremental progression, over the preceding twelve (12) months, as assessed by their nominated supervisor, following feedback and development conversations undertaken in accordance with the Progress Plan for Academic Staff process.

(7) If a staff member has not demonstrated that they have met the necessary performance outcomes and expected levels of achievement for incremental progression, as assessed by their nominated supervisor, over the preceding twelve (12) months, the increment date may be deferred.

(8) If a nominated supervisor determines that a staff member has not demonstrated that they have met the necessary performance outcomes and expected levels of achievement for increment progression, and considers the increment date should be deferred, it will normally be expected that the nominated supervisor has provided feedback to the staff member in relation to the specific performance concerns in accordance with the Progress Plan for Academic Staff Policy and/or the Managing Unsatisfactory Performance Policy.

(9) Where a decision is made by the nominated supervisor to defer an increment date, the nominated supervisor will normally provide at least four (4) weeks notification to a staff member regarding the deferral.

(10) In these circumstances, the situation must be reviewed within six (6) months from the incremental anniversary date. During this period, it will normally be expected that the nominated supervisor will continue to monitor and manage the staff member’s performance in accordance with the Progress Plan for Academic Staff Policy and/or the Managing Unsatisfactory Performance Policy.

(11) Where the subsequent review justifies incremental progression, payment of the increment shall take effect from the date of the subsequent review.

(12) An increment shall not be withheld, other than in accordance with this Policy.

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Section 6 - Roles and Responsibilities

Managers and Supervisors

(13) Managers and supervisors are responsible for managing the performance of their staff, and to assist them to achieve satisfactory performance through:

  1. providing the context for the work of the Faculty/School/Centre/Directorate/Institute/Portfolio that clearly conveys that organisation’s performance expectations of the staff member;
  2. providing direction and clarity to staff on how their role contributes to the strategic priorities of the organisational unit and the University;
  3. supporting, monitoring and assessing the contribution of staff through ongoing dialogue with them;
  4. setting performance expectations;
  5. working with staff to resolve issues; and
  6. notifying People and Capability of any individual staff performance concerns and any consideration of deferring an increment date.

Staff Members

(14) Staff Members are responsible for:

  1. full participation;
  2. engagement;
  3. resolving issues;
  4. meeting standards; and
  5. ensuring quality.
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Section 7 - Procedures

(15) A staff member must complete twelve (12) months of paid service at their current incremental level to be eligible for incremental progression.

(16) At least three (3) months prior to a staff member completing twelve (12) months service, People and Capability will notify the staff member’s supervisor by email, seeking advice as to whether the staff members performance has satisfied the requirements for incremental progression.

(17) Unless otherwise advised by the supervisor, a staff member’s increment will progress accordingly.

(18) Incremental progression is deferred for any period of unpaid leave. Incremental Progression is not deferred during the initial two (2) year period of paid and/or unpaid Parental Leave.

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Section 8 - Revisions made to this Policy

(19) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the new policy system. Any later revisions will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Date  Major, Minor or Editorial Description
27 April 2015 Major

(20) Revised to provide better clarity regarding the process of deferring an incremental progression and the responsibilities of managers and supervisors and staff members. Administration process information also updated.

6 September 2020 Major Updated all unpaid leave to defer increment with the exception of no deferral of increment for the initial two (2) year period of paid and/or unpaid Parental Leave.
20 January 2021 Minor Updating the University's framework for performance review and planning, to reference the Progress Plan.

(21) The University may make changes to this Policy and procedures from time to time to assist statutory compliance and or to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 9 - Further Assistance

(22) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 10 - Associated Information

(23) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.