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Employment of Fractional Staff Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy has been developed in support of the employment of academic and professional staff on a fractional basis and sets out the administrative processes associated with fractional employment. The Policy also supports the University’s transition to retirement program as outlined in the Pre-Retirement Agreement Policy

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Section 2 - Statement

(2) Fractional employment means employment for a fixed number of weeks in the year, which is less than fifty-two (52) weeks of the year, for which all entitlements are paid on a pro rata basis calculated by reference to the time worked.

(3) Fractional employment may:

  1. be on a continuing or fixed-term basis;
  2. be full-time or part-time weekly hours; and
  3. may contain a reasonable probationary period that is directly related to the nature of the work to be carried out under contract.
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Section 3 - Application

(4) This Policy applies to the employment of continuing and fixed-term, academic and professional fractional staff at ACU.

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Section 4 - Fractional Working Arrangements 

(5) In certain organisational units and Schools of the University, it may be possible for a staff member to work only during semester periods whilst still supporting educational delivery or relevant service delivery.

(6) Prior to the beginning of each calendar year, usually in November, nominated supervisors of fractional staff will advise People and Capability via Service Central of the staff member’s:

  1. hours per week; and
  2. the weeks the fractional employee will be required to work for the following year.

(7) People and Capability will confirm with the staff member in writing the:

  1. hours per week;
  2. weeks of work;
  3. annualised fraction; and
  4. total annual leave accrual for the forthcoming year. 

(8) Any subsequent changes to the hours per week and / or weeks of work must be submitted to People and Capability via Service Central by the nominated supervisor.

(9) Staff members employed on a fractional basis are deemed to be on unpaid non-work weeks outside of the periods of paid employment (unless they are on paid leave). Whilst on non-work weeks, a staff member is not considered to have broken their service.

(10) Staff members employed on a fractional basis will be paid for work fortnightly as it is undertaken unless they enter into an Annualised Salary Payment arrangement as outlined in Section 6 of this Policy.

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Section 5 - Leave for Fractional Staff

(11) Annual and long service leave will accrue during working weeks and during periods of paid leave, but not during non-working weeks.

(12) Personal leave will accrue on a pro-rata basis as per the Personal Leave Policy.

(13) Where a fractional staff member is ill or incapacitated while on annual leave for two (2) or more consecutive days, and the staff member produces proof of illness and / or incapacity as per the Agreement, the staff member shall be placed on personal sick leave (where available) and re-credited the equivalent amount of annual leave.

(14) Fractional staff can seek the approval from the nominated supervisor to continue to accrue annual leave above forty (40) days on the condition that an application has been made and approved for the staff member to take sufficient annual leave to bring their accrued entitlement below twenty (20) days within one (1) year.

(15) Unless otherwise agreed by the University, fractional staff members will normally take their accrued annual leave during the periods of the year when they are not required to attend work to perform their duties. The University schedules annual leave for fractional staff in the period immediately following their working weeks in Semester One. Any remaining balance of accrued annual leave is scheduled immediately following their working weeks in Semester Two. The staff member will receive payment for annual leave at the usual pay dates during periods of annual leave and as per the Recreation Leave (including Annual Leave) Policy.

(16) A fractional staff member may request to take annual leave during their weeks of work. The University is not required to approve the leave and each request will be considered by the University on a case by case basis. Where a fractional staff member’s request for annual leave during their weeks of work is approved, the nominated supervisor is required to notify People and Capability via Service Central so that the necessary adjustments to the staff member’s annualised fraction and total annual leave accrual for the year can occur. People and Capability will provide the staff member with confirmation in writing of the updated arrangements.

(17) All fractional staff will receive payment for annual leave loading based on their annualised fraction as detailed in the Recreation Leave (including Annual Leave) Policy.

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Section 6 - Fractional Employment with Annualised Salary Payment

(18) A continuing fractional staff member may apply to receive their salary as an annualised salary payment, paid by way of equal payments, averaged over a period of (12 months) 52 weeks, by submitting a request before 1 December in any year to commence an annualised salary arrangement for the following year. For example, a fractional staff member may work two 14-week semesters, totaling 28 weeks. However, their total annual salary is paid in equal fortnightly instalments across a 52-week period.

(19) The fortnightly pay of fractional staff who receive their salary as an annualised salary payment will not reflect the exact hours worked in a fortnight, but will instead be calculated according to the classification and annualised fraction of the staff member.

(20) For fractional staff who enter into annualised salary arrangements, the averaged fortnightly payments are calculated exclusive of their annual leave. The 12-month (52-week) period over which payments will be averaged will commence from:

  1. the beginning of the first full pay period in February each year for any annualised salary arrangements that are entered into on or after 1 December 2019; or
  2. the beginning of the first full pay period in January each year for staff who had existing annualised salary arrangements prior to 1 December 2019, and request to continue their annualised salary arrangements.

(21) When a fractional staff member who is receiving an annualised salary payment meets the relevant criteria to be eligible for incremental progression, the increment will be applied in the fortnight that the increment is due. The application of the incremental progression will be subject to a reconciliation of hours worked against hours paid being performed to facilitate any necessary adjustment to rates of pay to ensure hours worked both pre and post the increment date are paid at the appropriate increment level.

(22) Where a fractional staff member enters into an annualised salary arrangement and terminates their employment during the year, the final termination payment will include a reconciliation of hours worked against hours paid, any untaken annual leave balance, accrued long service leave and accrued flexible hours approved for payment by the nominated supervisor, less any monies owed to the University.

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Section 7 - Approvals

(23) A request to commence fractional employment must be submitted for approval by the appropriate delegated officer. Information on delegated officers for variation to employment fractions is available in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register

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Section 8 - Revisions made to this Policy

(24) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Description
1 July 2019 Major Updated to incorporate definition of Fractional employment as per Clause 6.5.3 of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.
29 June 2020 Major Updated to provide clarity in relation to leave requirements for fractional staff.

(25) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy are welcome to forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 9 - Further Assistance

(26) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their Nominated Supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 10 - Associated Information

(27) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.