(1) We know that our people make us a university like no other. It’s your values, action and passion that makes the difference. Whatever role you play within our organisation – it’s you that make us, us. That’s why we have a Code of Conduct. We expect the highest standards of social and ethical conduct, and believe all our staff deserve a fair workplace, and treatment with the utmost dignity and respect. (2) ACU’s Mission is central to the University, and informs every area – integrating the dignity of the human person, the common good, and ethical and social justice considerations into our core activities of student learning and teaching, research and service. (3) This Code promotes and encourages exemplary behaviour of our staff and affiliates in the workplace. It complements our policies, employment and industrial agreements, and relevant legislation. (4) This Code outlines the behaviour we expect of all our staff and affiliates of the University, including religious, adjunct and honorary members of the University, volunteers, consultants and contractors. We expect our people to take ownership of their actions, and accept responsibility for any inappropriate/unethical behaviour or wrongdoing. (5) Our managers should be modelling proper and principled behaviour in all that they do. (6) We know that there may be times when you have a question, or experience an issue in the workplace. If there is anything you’re unsure about, please run it by the appropriate person, which in most cases will be your nominated supervisor. (7) “Within the Catholic intellectual tradition and acting in Truth and Love, Australian Catholic University is committed to the pursuit of knowledge, the dignity of the human person and the common good.” (8) ACU is founded on a long history of commitment to truth, academic excellence and service, all within the Catholic intellectual tradition. These values are the principles behind all our actions, and guide us in living out our Mission and realising our vision: (9) We are committed to the lifelong pursuit of knowledge, freely seeking truth through research, critical inquiry and active discovery. We share this pursuit through teaching, scholarship and engagement, contributing to the growth and betterment of society. (10) Through our pursuit of excellence in teaching and research, we strive to produce the highest quality intellectual, educational and learning experiences through innovation and creativity. (11) We are a university of service. We seek to serve the wider community through research, education and engagement, especially by providing opportunities for those in need and by educating our students to be socially and morally responsible people. (12) We pursue all our core values within the Catholic intellectual tradition. We are committed to serving the common good and upholding the sacredness in life. We respect and welcome all faith traditions and uphold the dignity of all people. (13) At all times, ACU staff and affiliates will behave in a way that upholds the Mission both as individuals and as representatives of the University and be committed to the following principles and outcomes: (14) We are guided by a fundamental concern for justice and equity and for the dignity of all human beings. We are committed to creating an inclusive place of work and learning, including in our teaching, where we treat all people with courtesy and sensitivity. (15) Respect is: (16) As a member of the ACU community, I will: (17) Honesty and integrity are fundamental principles of the University as an institution devoted to the pursuit of excellence in student learning and teaching, research and service, and to respecting the value and dignity of each person. (18) Honesty is: (19) As a member of the ACU community, I will: (20) We are committed to the highest standards of ethical behaviour and the proper and lawful management of the organisation and its staff. We recognise that staff and affiliates will from time to time face challenges and difficulties and promote a supportive workplace where staff and affiliates can raise matters without fear of retribution. Similarly, staff and affiliates are encouraged to be proactive, seek to continuously improve and suggest new innovative approaches, and should not be discouraged where suggestions are not practicable and cannot be progressed. (21) Courage is: (22) As a member of the ACU community, I will: (23) We acknowledge the importance of responsible, ethical, sound practices and decision making for the long term success of the University and the protection of the environment more broadly. It is the behaviour and actions of our staff and affiliates that make ACU an outstanding organisation. Sustaining the University’s goodwill and culture that is centred on its Mission is critical. (24) Sustainability is: (25) As a member of the ACU community, I will: (26) Our university community is encouraged to pursue excellence in all areas of student learning and teaching, research and service. Excellence in both work, and in behaviour. (27) This Code of Conduct is one of several documents that guides us toward this goal, and it should be read in conjunction with other university frameworks, policies, procedures and guidelines. These are available in the ACU Policy Library. (28) We deal with allegations of breaches fairly and appropriately. If you’re aware of a possible breach of the Code, please tell your nominated supervisor, or the supervisor above. If it is not appropriate to resolve the matter locally and informally, you can submit a formal notification to People and Capability via the University Complaints and Feedback Webpage. (29) You can make a protected disclosure in accordance with the University’s Protected Disclosures Policy and Protected Disclosures Procedure. We investigate Reportable Conduct, and support and protect Disclosers in line with the Protected Disclosures Policy. (30) A breach in conduct will result in the University taking action relevant to the staff and affiliates’ involvement with the University. (31) Any personal threats, emergencies and serious incidences where the law has been broken should be reported to the police. This Code does not stop staff and affiliates taking an action external to the University’s processes. (32) A failure to comply with this Code will be viewed seriously and may lead to disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment or suspension from the University. An allegation of a breach of this Code which is made vexatiously, maliciously, frivolously, mischievously, and/ or without reasonable cause may constitute misconduct and a breach of this Code. Unlawful conduct will result in criminal proceedings, in accordance with the relevant legislation and related processes.Code of Conduct for Staff
Section 1 - Our Code of Conduct
Section 2 - Mission
Section 3 - Values
Academic excellence
Section 4 - Principles
Top of PageSection 5 - Excellence, and other university frameworks
Section 6 - Breach of Code and related disclosures
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Note: The Corporation of Australian Catholic University (ACU) approved the Mission Statement ("The ACU Mission") at its 23 May 2014 Annual General Meeting.
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