(1) There shall be a Course Incubator to enable the staged development of academic programs in disciplines new to ACU. (2) The Course Incubator functions as a precursor to the development of new academic work units. (3) Academic programs developed through the Course Incubator will be overseen by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). (4) There shall be an Academic Lead for each program developed through the Course Incubator appointed by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). (5) The functions and responsibilities of the Course Incubator include (subject always to the Constitution and any Statutes or Regulations made by the Senate): (6) A standing committee of the Academic Board will support the Course Incubator to fulfill the functions of a Faculty Board as outlined in clause 10 of Statute 2.6 - Governing Bodies: The Faculties. (7) Programs developed through the Course Incubator will transition to School or Faculty status at a time determined by the Vice-Chancellor and President and per the approval process outlined in the relevant Statute.Statute 2.11 - The Course Incubator
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