(1) Physical and virtual asset management is a strategic process that uses a robust planning framework, designed to deliver the University’s strategic outcomes. The process supports campus developments while adhering to the ACU Mission, Identity and Values. (2) Construction and maintenance of built infrastructure represents one of ACU’s highest annual operating costs. As ACU engages in more complex deployment of capital, the University needs coherent lines of communication and clear procedures to support such exercises. (3) This Policy aims to ensure that all University building works are well founded, comply with approved University framework plans, contractual obligations and other University policies and standards. (4) The development of this Policy forms part of the University’s strategic planning processes and establishes priorities for the commitment of funds for future capital projects. (5) Campus Development Framework refers to the documentation of critical and relevant information that informs investment decisions for each campus. Documentation consists of but is not limited to matters relating to: (6) Campus Development Plans indicate how each Campus is proposed to develop in the medium term and outline project phasing and delivery targets to support University growth and change arising from detailed analysis of Enrolment and Research plans undertaken in association with key Portfolio stakeholders, as well as other local and national priorities identified in the Campus Development Frameworks. (7) The Infrastructure Plan is the 10-year rolling capital investment plan and encompasses the University’s overall annual capital expenditure and is made up of two elements: The Properties and Facilities Capital Plan, and the Information Technology Capital Plan. (8) The Buildings and Estates Capital Plan outlines the detailed planned expenditure on physical building works of the University on an annual basis, outlining allocations and budgets for Major Projects (over $5M), Medium Projects (between $1M to $5M), Programs of Work (Refurbishment, Capital Asset Replacement, Minor Works), Health, Sport and Wellbeing Projects and Property Acquisitions. (9) This policy applies to the management of University capital works that involve physical building development, refurbishment and operation. While information and communication technology works are enablers of this Policy, policy oversight, decision processes and procedures concerning ICT sit outside the scope of this document. (10) The University will set aside an annual allocation for capital projects (the Infrastructure Plan), to be used for campus and building developments (as well as technology and business improvement initiatives). (11) Capital expenditure will be focused on improving the fitness of University spaces for educational and research activities, taking into account plans for change in academic programs or strategic focus. (12) Prior to approval, projects will be required to identify benefits that will arise from the requested capital investment. These will need to be stated in terms of either revenue generation, revenue protection, compliance, amenity (or a combination of these) and to estimate impact on operational and/or overhead expenses following delivery. (13) A framework approach to campus development is to be adopted to ensure that project needs are well considered with respect to alignment to the ACU Strategic Plan and ACU Mission, Identity and Values, consider both local and national perspectives for the student experience, community engagement and placemaking, and reflect as appropriate campus context and heritage, sustainability and necessary enabling infrastructure. (14) Campus Development Plans are prepared for each campus to outline project initiatives to support the Enrolment and Research Plans, indicating Major and Medium projects, as well as Programs of Work to meet needs identified through a structured approach to space planning involving consultation with each Portfolio and reflective of priorities outlined in the associated Campus Development Framework. (15) Vice-Chancellor and President, as Chief Executive Officer has approval authority over this Policy and authority over the priorities within the Infrastructure Plan. (16) Senior Executive Group is responsible for determining development and resourcing priorities. (17) Finance and Resources Committee (FRC) is a standing committee of the University Senate and considers and recommends to the University Senate the overall amount and allocation of capital monies within the Infrastructure Plan each year, as well as approving Major Projects in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (18) Chief Operating Officer (COO) is accountable for this Policy and associated Development Plans and capital allocations and is authorised to approve capital expenditure within an approved Capital Plan in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. The COO is the Chair of the Capital Planning Committee (CPC). (19) CPC considers recommendations from Director, Properties and Facilities, and Chief Information and Digital Officer on proposed projects and the priorities and allocations in the Infrastructure Plan. Oversees the Infrastructure Plan, capital priorities, cashflows and projects. Makes recommendations to delegated authorities for capital projects, allocations and plans. (20) Members of the CPC include: COO (Chair), Deputy Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer. In-attendance: Chief Information and Digital Officer and Director, Properties and Facilities. (21) Director, Properties and Facilities is responsible for planning and strategic management of University physical infrastructure, including space planning and management, and for implementing the campus and building developments that emerge from this Policy. This position is authorised to approve minor project expenditure within an Approved Capital Plan in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (22) Campus Deans represent the Vice-Chancellor and President at a regional and campus level, are closely involved in identifying and prioritising campus needs through the preparation and review of Campus Development Frameworks and are consulted with respect to significant project initiatives from a local perspective. (23) Internal Stakeholders include each of the Properties and Facilities and divisions within the Provost's and COO's Portfolios, Research Institutes, and Identity and Mission. (24) External Stakeholders include the Archdiocese who may own but are also consulted from time to time on the operations of ACU on relevant campuses, Local Government with planning controls, and Landlords and their agents with respect to properties which ACU occupy when in leasehold locations. (25) The University (through the Office of General Counsel and the Chief Operating Officer) is the only entity legally capable of entering into agreements (such as purchase contracts or leases) to acquire space or to occupy space owned by others as outlined in the Register of Delegations. (26) This Policy will be formally reviewed every five years. (27) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time. (28) Unless otherwise indicated, this policy will still apply beyond the review date. (29) Enquiries related to this Policy can be directed to the Director, Properties and Facilities.Buildings and Estates Policy
Section 1 - Background
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Scope/Application
Section 5 - Policy Statement and Principles
Section 6 - Roles and Responsibilities
Section 7 - Review
Section 8 - Further Assistance
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