(1) The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework and procedurally fair practices for dealing with a student with a health condition that may affect their fitness to study. (2) This Policy applies to all students of the University where a student’s health condition is: (3) This Policy excludes: (4) All actions under this Policy are to be based on values that are consistent with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and to be underpinned by principles of mutual respect and procedural fairness for and by all students, staff and others who may be involved. (5) When exercising powers under this Policy, the relevant officer will comply with its legal obligations, in particular with anti-discrimination and workplace health and safety legislation, and relevant judicial decisions of any state-based independent statutory authority. (6) Terms used in this Policy and the Fitness to Study Procedure are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. The following specific definitions also apply: (7) The provisions of the Academic Regulations regarding formal communications with students will apply to communications issued under this Policy. (8) If any officer or Fitness to Study Committee has reasonable grounds for believing that the receipt of correspondence or any other material may adversely affect the health of a student, the Fitness to Study Committee may obtain advice, including medical or other professional advice, on the most appropriate method for issuing correspondence or making any other material available to the student. (9) A fitness to study assessment will be made where a student’s health condition may: (10) Any report of a health condition that may affect a student’s fitness to study will be managed with in accordance with the Fitness to Study Procedure. (11) A student may seek confidential, independent advice from the Student Advocacy Service at any stage. (12) Where appropriate, the Director, Student Experience may nominate a relevant staff member to provide the student with optional care and support. This support will be free and confidential. (13) In any discussions, interview or hearing in which a student participates during any process under this policy, the student may, at their discretion, be accompanied by one other person whom the student designates as their support person. (14) A support person may not be a person: (15) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students may: (16) A support person may speak where required for reasons of clarification but may only make submissions on behalf of a student if invited to do so by the responsible officer or committee dealing with the matter. (17) A Fitness to Study Committee will be appointed by the Academic Registrar and will comprise: (18) A Fitness to Study Committee will not include: (19) A quorum of the Fitness to Study Committee is all three members. (20) The Academic Registrar will appoint a secretary to the Fitness to Study Committee. A staff member may also be appointed to provide confidential procedural advice. These staff members are not entitled to vote. (21) A Fitness to Study Committee may determine that a student: (22) Where a student is permitted to resume or continue their enrolment in a program or unit with conditions, the conditions that must be satisfied may include any, or all, of the following: (23) Where a student is not permitted to continue or resume their enrolment in a program or unit, the decision must include: (24) The conditions that may be imposed for any readmission or return to study include: (25) If a student breaches any condition imposed at clause (22), the Fitness to Study Committee Chair may, after giving the student an opportunity to make a submission: (26) If a student’s enrolment in a program or unit is cancelled or the student withdraws from a program or unit following a determination under this policy: (27) The Academic Registrar must keep a record of all investigations and decisions taken under this Policy and of the supporting documentation taken into consideration in reaching those decisions. (28) Where a student is assessed as unfit to study, these records will form part of the student’s confidential student file and be subject to the Privacy Policy. They may be made available: (29) All documentation and correspondence between the University and the student under this Policy is retained by the University in accordance with the Records and Archive Management Policy and disposed of according to the University's Records Retention and Disposal Schedule. (30) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (31) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tabFitness to Study Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Principles
Section 4 - Definitions
Medical examination
Medical examination means an examination by a registered medical practitioner
Medical reports
Medical reports means reports on the student’s health condition provided by a registered medical practitioner (doctor, including psychiatrist or other specialist) or any other health or allied health practitioner to whom the student has been referred by a registered medical practitioner
Notifiable disease
Notifiable disease means a health condition notifiable under any relevant state, territory or federal legislation
Health condition
Visitor to the University
Visitor to the University means any person lawfully on University premises
Section 5 - Formal Communications
Section 6 - Grounds for Undertaking a Fitness to Study Assessment
orSection 7 - Support During a Fitness to Study Investigation
Section 8 - Composition and Constitution of a Fitness to Study Committee
Section 9 - Fitness to Study Actions
Top of PageSection 10 - Record Keeping and Reporting
Section 11 - Revisions made to this Policy
Top of Page
Major, Minor or Editorial
Description of Revision(s)
26 June 2019
Policy statements have been separated from procedural matters which are now included in a new set of Procedures.
April 2023
Position and policy titles have been updated.
27 March 2024
Changes to the Procedure reflect where administrative processes are undertaken by the appeals, complaints and conduct team in the Office of the Academic Registrar rather than by the Academic Registrar.
Section 12 - Associated Information
View Document
This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this document to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.
Health condition includes:
1. an illness, condition, notifiable disease, or disability for which the student requires adjustments or facilities that in the circumstances of the case cannot reasonably be provided and without which:
2. an illness, or physical or mental health condition, including any notifiable disease, that creates a reasonably apprehended risk that any of the following consequences may ensue on University premises, online or during university endorsed activities:
15 November 2023
Policy retitled from Serious Health Concerns Policy and aligned more closely with the Student Conduct Policy.