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Section 1 - Governing Policy Statement
(1) These Procedures are governed by the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy.
Top of PageSection 2 - Timelines
(2) Timetabling and Room Bookings (TRB) will request information from Schools, through the Timetabling Liaison Officer (TLO), in accordance with published timelines available on the University’s Timetabling web pages.
(3) Any changes to the program of data preparation requirements and deadlines for the coming year will be issued to Faculties, Schools and other organisational units at least three months prior to the new proposed deadline for publication of the Draft Timetable.
Submission of Timetabling Requests
(4) The TLO will develop an internal timeline, approved by the Head of School or equivalent, for submission of timetabling requirements which allows sufficient time for the School or organisational unit to review, follow up and finalise those requirements prior to the due date for submission of timetabling data to TRB.
(5) Course Coordinators are responsible for providing their School's TLO with all data and information regarding their unit scheduling requirements in the format and to the timelines as approved by the Head of School or equivalent.
(6) Requests relating to class group specifications must be made prior to the development of the Draft Timetable. The minimum required data is:
- unit offerings;
- academic staff member(s) allocated for each for each teaching activity, where possible;
- the nature of teaching space and equipment requirements such as information technology and audio-visual requirements;
- planned size of classes;
- type of classes e.g. lectures, tutorials, practicals;
- number of teaching activities;
- venue suitability;
- duration of classes;
- week pattern; and
- unavailability arising from professional experience.
(7) The TLO will finalise the specification of timetabling requirements and submit complete and accurate data to TRB via the timetabling system in accordance with the instructions provided by TRB.
(8) For units that are taught under a Collaborative Teaching Agreement, the service provider TLO and the program owner TLO must liaise regarding timetable requests. Timetabling requests for such units will be made by the service provider TLO.
(9) The TLOs of responsible teaching areas named in double degrees must liaise regarding timetabling requests to ensure that the correct programme of study is established, core/mandatory unit clashes are avoided and that students have sufficient elective units from which to choose if offered within the course rules.
(10) TRB will conduct integrity checks on the data submitted and advise TLOs of inconsistencies or errors requiring review, and the timeline for response.
(11) TRB will commence timetabling processes on the first working day after the due date for submission of timetabling requests.
Top of PageSection 3 - Resolution of Issues Relating to Timetables Requests
Late Submission of Timetabling Data to TLO
(12) The TLO will provide the Head of School or equivalent with a report of units for which timetabling requests have not been submitted by the due date for upload of the Draft Timetable.
(13) The Head of School or equivalent will follow up with the relevant staff member/s and ensure required data is provided to the TLO prior to the due date for submission of timetabling data to TRB. In the collaborative of service teaching or double degrees, this will include follow up with the Heads of School or equivalent in other organisational units.
Non or Late Submission of Timetabling Data to TRB
(14) TRB may not be able to accommodate specific requests made by Schools or other organisational units whose timetabling requests are submitted after the due date.
(15) Non-submission of timetabling requests to TRB will be notified to the Head of School or equivalent by the Coordinator, Timetabling and Room Bookings on the first working day after the due date.
(16) The Head of School or equivalent must follow up with relevant staff to ensure required data is provided to TRB as a matter of priority and not later than five working days after the original due date for submission of timetabling data to TRB.
(17) Late provision of timetabling requests will be recorded, and a summary report will be provided to the Head of School or equivalent for quality assurance and continuous improvement.
Submission of Incorrect or Incomplete Data to TRB
(18) In cases of incorrect or incomplete data, TRB will liaise with the TLO in the first instance.
(19) In the case of ongoing changes and/or errors where a resolution cannot be reached with the TLO, the Coordinator, Timetabling and Room Bookings will liaise with the Head of School or equivalent to resolve the issue.
(20) Timetabling requests with incorrect or incomplete data will be recorded and a summary report will be provided to the Head of School or equivalent for future action.
Top of PageSection 4 - Timetable Publication and Changes
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Teaching
(21) The service provider TLO and the recipient teaching area TLO will liaise with each other before requesting timetable changes. Requests must be made by the service provider TLO and identify that the recipient teaching area has endorsed the change request/s.
Double Degrees
(22) ACU offers double degrees which may require students to undertake degrees managed by different Schools. The TLO responsible for the unit will consult all relevant partner teaching areas, to ensure that change requests to the timetable do not result in a clash with core/mandatory or elective requirements identified in accordance with clause (10).
Draft Timetable
(23) TRB will upload the Draft Timetables to the web (staff access only) no less than 10 weeks prior to the commencement of semester.
(24) TRB will notify TLOs when the Draft Timetable is released. TLOs will be responsible for notifying relevant staff in their School.
(25) The Draft Timetable will be made available for a period of at least 20 working days.
(26) During this review period, TLOs, Course Coordinators and teaching staff must review the Draft Timetable to ensure that:
- all units offered during the study period and requiring an on-campus venue have a timetable allocation;
- teaching activities are assigned to the correct timetable teaching weeks;
- where possible, teaching staff are available for their assigned classes;
- the requested specific spaces, specific room types and specialist facilities have been accommodated;
- there are no clashes between core/mandatory or elective requirements identified in accordance with clause (10);
- allocated space that is no longer required is identified so that it can be deleted from the timetable.
(27) During the Draft Timetable review period the Facilities Manager for the relevant campus will be responsible for ensuring the Draft Timetable is reviewed to ensure that:
- allocated venues are available for the required timetable teaching weeks;
- that the nature of the teaching space and equipment requirements, such as information technology and audio-visual requirements, is in place;
- orientation/induction days, University events and similar activities are recorded.
(28) Timetable change requests will be in accordance with this Policy and should not adversely affect students.
(29) Change requests based on personal staff preferences for particular rooms, days or times will not be accommodated.
(30) Schools must not reserve rooms for pending changes.
(31) TRB will provide feedback to the TLO regarding the outcome of change requests.
Published Timetable
(32) TRB will release the Published Timetable at least four weeks prior to the commencement of Semester and will notify TLOs, Heads of School or equivalent and current students of the release.
(33) Changes to the Published Timetable must be kept to a minimum because students plan their forthcoming academic program and class allocation preferences based on knowledge of their timetable and teaching activities in their units.
(34) TLOs, Course Coordinators and Heads of School must ensure that information used to prepare the timetable is accurate and changes to the Published Timetable that affect scheduled days and times are only made in exceptional and unforeseeable circumstances.
(35) Valid reasons for changes to the Published Timetable (subject to clauses (36) and (37)) include:
- a scheduled location becomes a health or safety hazard;
- a change to academic staff availability for unexpected reasons (e.g. absence, resignation, etc);
- changes necessitated by unexpected increase/decline in enrolment numbers;
- reasonable adjustments to accommodate students with special needs;
- other unforeseeable and/or consequential circumstances outside the control of the Faculty, School or organisational unit.
(36) Post-publication change requests can only be submitted by the TLO and must be on the change request form provided by TRB.
(37) Post-publication change requests must include the reason for the change. Where the reason for the change is not in accordance with clause (35), the change request must also include an explanation of why the change was not identified in the Draft Timetable phase. The change request must be approved by the Head of School or equivalent.
(38) Post-publication changes requested after the commencement of Orientation, resulting in a change to time, day or duration of an activity must undergo consultation with affected students before being submitted to the Head of School or equivalent for approval.
(39) The Coordinator, Timetabling and Room Bookings is responsible for determining if requested change/s to the Published Timetable can or cannot be implemented and, where possible, for approving such changes to be actioned.
(40) If the change request cannot be actioned, the Coordinator, Timetabling and Room Bookings will advise the TLO and Head of School or equivalent of the reason/s for declining the request.
(41) Post-publication change requests that do not affect the scheduled day/s, time/s or campus/es of that activity do not require the above approvals. Such changes must not affect any other timetabled activity.
(42) Examples include:
- a change of staff allocated to an activity that does not impact any staff member’s allocated teaching timetable;
- a change of location required due to unexpected increase/decline in student numbers enrolled;
- removal of a teaching activity that is no longer required; and
- the addition of a repeated activity, justified by enrolment numbers.
(43) Where changes are approved in accordance with clause (33) or (34):
- the change will be factored into vacant slots in the timetable;
- consequential changes to classes already scheduled will not be made in order to accommodate such late changes unless negotiated between Schools; and
- where a post-publication change request is actioned, the School or organisational unit is responsible for advising affected students via email, via the University’s learning management system and/or other notification.
Top of PageSection 5 - Ad hoc Booking of Teaching Spaces
(44) As class allocations are not finalised until the end of teaching week 3 each semester, ad hoc bookings of teaching spaces during Semester 1 or 2 may not be confirmed until:
- the end of the embargo period of the relevant semester which are dated as follows:
- Semester 1 embargo period is from the beginning of January until the end of Semester 1 teaching week 3;
- Semester 2 embargo period is from the beginning of July until the end of until the end of Semester 2 teaching week 3.
- the day before the booking, if the booking falls within the first three weeks of semester, irrespective of how far in advance the booking is requested.
Top of PageSection 6 - Equity Considerations
(45) Specialist timetable accommodation for students or staff with special requirements must be requested by the TLO and/or Disability Advisors in accordance with the timelines for submission of timetabling requests as detailed in clauses (2) to (11) inclusive.
(46) Such special requirements may include disability, ongoing medical condition, religious obligations or, in exceptional circumstances, family responsibilities.
(47) Specialist timetable adjustments will be accommodated by TRB if possible. Where it is not possible to accommodate, the request will be referred back to the School for further consideration. Where the adjustment relates to a student with a disability, further consultation with the Access and Disability Service may be required.
Top of PageSection 7 - Clashes
(48) In resolving clashes arising from scheduling requirements, or change requests received prior to release of the Published Timetable, the following principles will apply:
- teaching activities have precedence over non-teaching activities;
- activities involving the greater number of student enrolments have precedence over those which involve fewer student enrolments;
- activities which occupy large blocks of time will have precedence over those which occupy small blocks of time;
- activities requiring specialist teaching facilities have precedence over those requiring standard facilities;
- access for students with a disability will be accommodated, unless this causes unjustifiable hardship under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth);
- during the Draft Timetable period, and after the Published Timetable has been released, a School or organisational unit that initiates a change is responsible for collaborating with TRB to ensure that the change request does not result in clashes against activities for which that School or, for double degrees and service taught units, another School is responsible.
(49) While the University attempts to accommodate student choices, the timetable may not allow for every student to attend their preferred combination of elective units.
Top of PageSection 8 - Schedule 1: Roles and Responsibilities
Timetabling and Room Bookings (TRB)
(50) TRB is responsible for:
- preparing class timetables using the official University timetabling system;
- working in partnership with Faculties, Schools and organisational units to gather, collate and prepare data required to create class timetables;
- ensuring effective and timely communication with all stakeholders on issues relating to timetabling of learning and teaching activities;
- managing ongoing feedback from Schools or organisational units via the TLOs;
- managing timetabling functions across the University and for the day-to-day operation of systems and business processes;
- implementing continual review and refinement of business processes ensuring currency and appropriateness of policy, procedures and timetabling systems;
- managing the ACU timetable websites to ensure their content is accurate, current and informative for students and staff;
- seeking advice from the Campus Facilities Managers in relation to non-teaching spaces and, where necessary, negotiating use of such spaces for teaching purposes;
- contacting Heads of School prior to the commencement of the timetabling cycle for confirmation of the School TLO for the coming study period;
- ensuring that communication relevant to timetabling requirements is conducted through the TLO and, where required, the Head of School or equivalent;
- providing the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and associated procedures, and relevant guidelines and timelines to TLOs and Heads of School or equivalent, at least six weeks before the due date for return of completed timetabling requests;
- checking timetable request data received to ensure requests comply with the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and associated procedures, advising TLOs of requests which do not comply and requesting resubmission;
- ensuring any requests for special timetabling requirements are actioned only when they comply with the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and include endorsement by the Head of School or equivalent;
- ensuring late timetable requests are considered in line with the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy;
- ensuring that requests for changes to previously submitted timetabling request/s are only actioned if submitted as prescribed by the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy including endorsement by the Head of School or equivalent as appropriate;
- ensuring the accurate construction of the Draft Timetable based on timetabling request data;
- uploading the Draft Timetable (staff view) to the web by the due date;
- advising all relevant staff of the availability of the Draft Timetable and the due date for change requests;
- liaising with TLOs and, where necessary Head of School or equivalent, regarding Draft Timetable change requests and, where appropriate, actioning such requests;
- uploading the Published Timetable to the web by the due date;
- advising all relevant staff that the Published Timetable is available and providing advice that all change requests must be forwarded through the relevant Head of School or equivalent, to the Coordinator, Timetabling and Room Bookings;
- where appropriate, actioning any change requests to the Published Timetable which have been endorsed by the Head of School or equivalent and approved by the Coordinator, Timetabling and Room Bookings until the completion of lecture week three; where approved changes are not possible, negotiating appropriate alternative action;
- alerting all current students of the availability of the Published Timetable, via broadcast email to their ACU email account, notices placed on the web and the Student Connect Noticeboard;
- ensuring that any changes made to the Published Timetable are uploaded to the web as soon as practicable.
Timetabling Liaison Officer (TLO)
(51) The TLO will act as the interface between TRB and the School.
(52) Where a Faculty course administrator or equivalent is appointed, that officer will liaise with relevant TLOs (and others) and may also liaise with TRB to facilitate timetabling, particularly in relation to issues across multiple Schools and/or organisational units.
(53) The responsibilities and authorities listed below are delegated to the TLO by the Head of School or equivalent.
(54) The TLO is responsible for:
- maintaining current knowledge of all timetabling related policies, procedures, systems and processes including any changes;
- liaising with all relevant staff to ensure appropriate consultative and communication mechanisms in relation to timetabling operate effectively within the School and (where relevant) between Schools;
- ensuring all relevant School staff are aware of the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and associated procedures;
- ensuring all relevant teaching staff are made aware that all timetabling transactions with TRB must be made through the TLO;
- ensuring that all relevant School staff are made aware of the School's timeline for submission of timetabling requests in order to enable the School to adhere to the nominated due dates for submission of timetabling requests to TRB;
- ensuring all relevant School staff are aware of the consequences associated with late submission of timetabling requests;
- ensuring data provided on the timetabling requests are in accordance with the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and associated procedures. Requests which are not consistent with the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy may be referred back to the staff member concerned for amendment;
- ensuring any requests for special requirements are only recorded on the timetabling request if an explanation of the reason for such requirements has been provided in writing and the request has been endorsed by the Head of School or equivalent. The TLO will forward a copy of the endorsement to TRB;
- ensuring timetabling requests are consistent with requirements and information published in the relevant Course Rules and Course Enrolment Guides;
- ensuring that all relevant cohorts undertaking a unit are included in the timetabling requests;
- ensuring accurate venue and resource requirements for each unit to be timetabled are recorded on the timetabling requests;
- liaising with other TLOs prior to submission of timetabling requests, where units from one School form part of the core/mandatory and/or elective program requirements for courses offered by another School. Such liaison must ensure the information provided is current, accurate and appropriate to the requirements of each School. Shared core/mandatory units must be identified in the timetabling request submitted by each School involved. Timetabling requests submitted by each School involved must ensure a reasonable selection of electives is available for students if within the course rules;
- ensuring special timetabling requirements advised by Access and Disability Service are advised to TRB;
- finalising the specification of timetabling requirements in consultation with the Lecturer in Charge and the Head of School or equivalent, and submitting complete and accurate timetable requests to TRB by the nominated due dates;
- ensuring all relevant School staff review the Draft Timetable and provide appropriate feedback and legitimate change requests prior to the nominated due date;
- checking the Draft Timetable in collaboration with TLOs from other Schools or organisational units as required;
- providing School feedback and Draft Timetable change requests which are consistent with the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and associated procedures to TRB by the nominated due dates.
Head of School
(55) The Head of School or equivalent is responsible for:
- providing administrative and academic staff support and resources for timetabling responsibilities within the School;
- designating the TLO responsibilities to an appropriate staff member as the TLO and ensuring that the TLO understands the requirements and responsibilities of the role. Such designation includes authorisation for the TLO to take action on behalf of the School;
- ensuring that another member of staff is available and trained to undertake the role of Acting TLO in the absence of the TLO;
- ensuring that sufficient academic staff are available to teach the units offered;
- approving staffing of teaching activities outside the constraints identified in clauses (23) to (33) of the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy;
- developing and implementing appropriate mechanisms to ensure teaching staff review the Draft Timetable and advise the TLO of changes required by the due dates;
- overseeing the timetabling request process and providing advice and guidance to the TLO in accordance with the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and this Procedures;
- scrutinising and endorsing any requests for special timetabling requirements prior to providing to the TLO;
- ensuring that students are advised of any significant post-publication changes to the Published Timetable, for example where a teaching activity changes day.
Teaching Staff
(56) Teaching staff are responsible for:
- submitting timetabling requests to the TLO in accordance with the School's internal timeline;
- reviewing and checking Draft Timetables when they are released and advising the TLO of problems prior to the due date for change requests;
- submitting requests for ‘make up’ classes to the TLO as required.
Disability Support
(57) Disability Advisors are responsible for ensuring that the School is made aware of any special timetabling requirements as part of an Educational Inclusion Plan (EIP), as soon as those requirements are made known.
Academic Registrar
(58) The Academic Registrar is responsible for:
- the Timetabling of Learning and Teaching Activities Policy and associated procedures;
- liaising with the Associate Director, Student Administrative Services, Heads of School or equivalent and Director, Properties and Facilities, as required, in order to direct appropriate timetabling outcomes;
- dealing with timetabling appeals.
Properties and Facilities Directorate
(59) Properties and Facilities, through Facilities Management, is responsible for:
- ensuring availability of sufficient rooms for teaching and learning activities;
- providing confirmation of all available learning and teaching spaces, including configuration and suitability, by no later than 1 September for Semester 1 and 1 April for Semester 2 each year;
- ensuring scheduled room maintenance is booked four weeks in advance, so as to have the minimum possible impact on learning and teaching activities;
- completing room/space audits and providing current and accurate information via Archibus and ACUSIS in accordance with the Facilities Planning, Design and Management Policy and associated procedures;
- liaising with the Coordinator, Timetabling and Room Bookings, (prior to commencement of the timetabling cycle) to identify rooms which are to be identified on the timetable as non-teaching spaces;
- providing room details, in conjunction with Information Technology, to TRB, such as location, seating capacity, style of room, furniture, technical equipment and particular restrictions, and information technology, prior to the commencement of each timetabling cycle;
- ensuring Facilities Management staff understand their responsibilities in relation to booking non-teaching spaces and that such rooms are booked according to internal procedures and using the University timetabling system;
- where required and normally due to exceptional scheduling difficulties, negotiating with the Coordinator, Timetabling and Room Bookings to facilitate the use of non-teaching spaces for regular or intensive mode classes.
Information Technology Directorate
(60) Information Technology through the Associate Director, Client Services is responsible for:
- providing room details, in conjunction with Properties and Facilities, to TRB, relating to information technology equipment facilities in each room used for teaching purposes, prior to the commencement of each timetabling cycle;
- ensuring scheduled IT/room maintenance is booked through the timetabling system and is scheduled outside semester lecture weeks;
- assuming responsibility for ad hoc bookings for video conference lecture rooms after the completion of lecture week three.
Top of PageSection 9 - Revisions Made to this Procedure
(61) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.
Date |
Major, Minor or Editorial |
Description of Revision(s) |
15 September 2021 |
Minor |
Amendments as part of scheduled review |
Top of PageSection 10 - Associated Information
(62) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.