(1) The appointment of an adjunct and honorary title recognises persons of outstanding accomplishment. Recognition will be given: (2) The nomination process of adjunct and honorary appointments is confidential. (3) Nominations for the appointment of adjunct and honorary titles are made by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), Research Institute Directors and Executive Deans. The nomination documentation (see Section 20 – Appendices) must be completed and signed by the Nominator and the Seconder and submitted to the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). The nomination documentation must demonstrate that the appointment meets the relevant criteria for the category of adjunct and honorary title. (4) The Provost and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) consider all nominations and have the authority to: (5) This title is awarded to eminent persons based on their outstanding service to ACU, to a discipline or field, or to society and / or the Church in ways that are aligned to the ACU Mission, Identity and Values of the University. (6) This title may be conferred upon a person who demonstrates outstanding service to a discipline or field of scholarship of collaborative interest to ACU. An honorary professor will have the ability and willingness to contribute to the University’s strategic goals in pursuit of academic, research and / or teaching excellence. Appointees will be affiliated with a Faculty of ACU. (7) A person who has not reached the academic standing of professor but is nevertheless higher in academic standing than an Honorary Fellow. The academic achievements of the Adjunct Associate Professor are those commensurate with appointments at Associate Professor as described in ACU’s Research Appointments Policies. (8) This title may be conferred upon a person involved, in an honorary capacity, in the ongoing academic work of the University irrespective of whether a person is a former employee of the University. (9) This title may be conferred upon a person holding a senior position within an affiliated organisation. (10) It is expected that the recipient would have already provided significant input into collaborative activities with the University and would have continued association through further activities. (11) This title may be conferred upon a senior Clinician, Clinical Consultant or Nursing Unit Manager who is highly respected in their clinical specialty area. (12) It is expected that the recipient would contribute to the University in a similar way to that of the Clinical Associate Professor but in a less senior capacity. (13) A person with early-career experience or developing expertise in areas relevant to the PM Glynn Institute's priorities who evidences significant potential for public policy work and thought leadership. (14) A person with a strong record of experience or high-level expertise in areas relevant to the PM Glynn Institute's priorities who evidences a well-established reputation for excellence in public policy work and thought leadership. (15) A person with an outstanding record of experience or eminent expertise in areas relevant to the PM Glynn Institute's priorities who evidences strong peer or public recognition for highly distinguished public policy work and thought leadership. (16) A person who would otherwise qualify as a Research, Senior or Distinguished Fellow, who takes part in the PM Glynn Institute's work or projects on a shorter-term basis as part of an exchange or collaboration with the Institute’s partners or with similar institutes in Australia or overseas. (17) In granting these appointments the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) will consider the ability and willingness of the proposed nominee to contribute, through their spheres of influence, to the mission and strategic goals of ACU and to promote and advance ACU’s interests and values. (18) The following criteria are of significance when nominating a title holder: (19) The Nomination Form must address some of the above criteria as it relates to the nominee. (20) ACU honorary titles may be used by the title holder in all correspondence. The ACU honorary title will be used in full, not abbreviated, for example, Adjunct Professor of Australian Catholic University. (21) Adjunct and honorary appointments are made for up to 3 years with a renewal period of up to 3 years in perpetuity. The Faculty / Institute / Research Centre / Portfolio may request a shorter period for a specific reason. Examples include short-term research projects. In events such as these, the shorter time must be stated on the nomination form. (22) An adjunct or honorary appointment may be renewed at the discretion of the Provost and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise). The Proposer must give a letter of reference to the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) together with the nomination cover sheet qualifying the reasons why an appointment should continue. Renewals of honorary appointments are confidential in nature and should not be discussed with the nominee. (23) Title holders are not precluded from receiving remuneration for undertaking specific assignments if approvals are granted in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register and a contract specifying remuneration for the assignment(s) is issued. “Specific assignment” can be broadly interpreted, for example an honorary title holder can undertake activities around curriculum development or a short contract around teaching such as a sessional contract. If a title holder becomes a continuing staff member their honorary title will not be renewed. Title holders for the PM Glynn Institute can include members of ACU staff. (24) A person can be awarded two ACU Honorary Titles, provided one of the titles is from one category of the PM Glynn Institute. (25) Refer to Appendix G – Benefits and Expectations (Sample Only). (26) The Vice-Chancellor and President formally congratulates and advises the newly appointed title holder of the appointment by way of signed letter coordinated by the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) that includes: (27) A copy of this letter is sent to: (28) The key contact for the appointment, is to follow the processes outlined in the AAHT Administrative Procedural Guidelines. A copy of this document can be requested by emailing AdjunctandHonoraryTitlesCommittee@acu.edu.au. The Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is responsible for updating the ACU website. (29) If the term of an adjunct or honorary appointment expires, the Executive Dean of the relevant Faculty, Director of the relevant Research Institute or Research Centre or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), together with the staff member responsible for that appointment, will write a letter of thanks which includes a statement regarding the significance of the title holder’s contribution to the strategic goals of the University. (30) Benefits associated with the appointment will terminate concurrently on the date of expiry of the appointment. (31) A copy of this letter is sent to the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) via AdjunctandHonoraryTitlesCommittee@acu.edu.au. (32) This letter is saved in the relevant storage facility / program of the University as determined by the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). (33) An honorary appointment may be terminated in writing by the honorary appointee or by the University. (34) In the case of termination by the University, such action would normally be taken if the continuation of the honorary appointment is considered to not be in the best interests of the University. (35) The decision to terminate will be made by the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and communicated to the ACU contact. Following termination, the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will arrange for the removal of the title holder from the ACU website via Service Central and will be noted in the AAHT database. (36) Benefits associated with the appointment will terminate on the date of termination with the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) advising People and Capability via Service Central. (37) A list of current honorary title holders is published on the ACU Honorary Titles Website. (38) If required, ACU will set up the adjunct or honorary title holder’s ACU login. This will enable an ACU email account to be created. The format of the ACU email address will be Firstname.Surname@acu.edu.au Login details will be provided at the time that ACU have received a signed acceptance of the appointment. (39) ACU has introduced Multi-Factor Authentications (MFA) to further ensure its information, assets and reputation are protected. Title Holders are required to follow the MFA process when setting up their email account. Once completed, the Self Service Reset Password Management tool will allow the email account holder to reset the password. Login details will be provided at the time that ACU have received a signed acceptance of the appointment. (40) Library access is available once the appointment has been processed via the ACU Aurion People and Capability System. (41) Business cards with the ACU logo will be provided by the relevant Faculty / Institute / Research Centre / Portfolio to those who specifically request them. (42) Unless otherwise indicated, this Guidelines will still apply beyond the review date. (43) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Guidleine should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required, staff should visit Service Central. (44) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources, please refer to the Associated Information tab. (45) Appendix A – Confidential Nomination & Renomination Form (46) Appendix B - Process Chart Nomination (47) Appendix C - Process Chart Re-Nomination (Renewal) (48) Appendix D - Sanctioned Nominators and Seconders (49) Appendix E - Letter of Appointment (Sample Only) (50) Appendix F - Letter of Renewal (Sample Only) (51) Appendix G - Benefits and Expectations (Sample Only) (52) Appendix H - Request Annual Report TemplateAppointment of Adjunct and Honorary Titles Guideline
Section 1 - General Principles
Honorary Appointments
Conferral of Honorary Appointment
Section 2 - Categories of Honorary Titles
Adjunct Professor
Honorary Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Honorary Fellow
Clinical Associate Professor
Clinical Fellow
Research Fellow of the PM Glynn Institute
Senior Fellow of the PM Glynn Institute
Distinguished Fellow of the PM Glynn Institute
Visiting Fellow of the PM Glynn Institute
Section 3 - Criteria for Honorary Appointments
Section 4 - Use of Adjunct and Honorary Titles
Section 5 - Duration of Appointments
Section 6 - Renewal of Appointments
Section 7 - Employment at ACU and Honorary Title Holders
Section 8 - Number of Titles Held by an Honorary
Section 9 - Benefits & Expectations of Honorary Title Holders
Section 10 - Notification of Appointment
Section 11 - Conclusion of the Term of Adjunct and Honorary Title (non-renewal)
Section 12 - Termination of an Adjunct or Honorary Title
Section 13 - ACU Website
Section 14 - ACU Email Address of Adjunct & Honorary Title Holder
Section 15 - Library Access
Section 16 - Personal Stationery
Section 17 - Revisions made to this Guideline
Section 18 - Further Assistance
Section 19 - Associated Information
Section 20 - Appendices
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Note: Nominations for awarding of the tile of Emeritus Professor are considered by the Honorary Awards Committee, a committee of Senate.
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