(1) The Outbound Sponsorship Procedure is governed by the Outbound Sponsorship Policy. (2) This Procedure applies to all staff and external organisations when ACU sponsors an external organisation or activity. This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Outbound Sponsorship Policy which set out the detail for applying, assessing, declining, endorsing, confirming, managing and evaluating outbound sponsorship arrangements. (3) Sponsorships must be proposed, assessed and endorsed in accordance with the steps outlined in the Outbound Sponsorship Process Flowchart. (4) When renewing an existing sponsorship, if the new arrangement still meets all criteria, staff can simply complete the Outbound Sponsorship Assessment Application and submit for endorsement. (5) Before applying for sponsorship applicants should consult the Outbound Sponsorship Policy to assess whether the opportunity aligns with the Mandatory Requirements and Principles of the Policy, and does not fall into one of the excluded categories. Applicants can complete an Outbound Sponsorship Application Form, which includes a risk assessment and management plan, and attach their proposal online. Applications will be considered at any time throughout the year however the guidelines around appropriate lead-time should be adhered to. (6) Any ACU staff member can assess a sponsorship application using the Outbound Sponsorship Assessment Application. All sections must be completed. When declining sponsorship requests, staff can use the Outbound Sponsorship Letter of Decline template to assist with framing the response. If a sponsorship opportunity fits the criteria outlined, budget must be available and approved by an authorised staff member before forwarding for endorsement. (7) Internal procedures must be implemented to ensure appropriate authorisation of sponsorship arrangements. Staff must consult the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register and seek endorsement from the relevant approver under clause 12.16 of the Delegations. Clause 12.16 overrides the usual financial delegations. Applications sent for endorsement should include the application form, assessment and proposal. (8) When applying for funds from the central Sponsorship Overhead budget, the National Manager, Sponsorship and Advancement must review applications and provide a recommendation on the Outbound Sponsorship Assessment Application form prior to assessment by Campus Board. (9) If the sponsorship is not endorsed by a relevant approver, staff may have the option of reviewing benefits offered with the sponsee organisation to offer a closer alignment to the criteria. If this is not met, then an Outbound Sponsorship Letter of Decline should be sent. (10) When sponsorships are endorsed, a simple Outbound Sponsorship Letter of Agreement can be used to confirm sponsorship arrangements of $10,000 or under. If the sponsorship investment is over $10,000, a sponsorship agreement must be developed. The Associate Director, Communications and Creative Services can provide the latest agreement template. Substantive clauses, including the rights, obligations and entitlements between the parties in the agreement, should remain unchanged unless a dispensation is sought and obtained by the Office of General Counsel (OGC) for a specific arrangement. (11) Where the standard Outbound Sponsorship Letter of Agreement template is used without alteration, the Office of General Counsel (OGC) will not need to review the proposed sponsorship agreement provided that the Principles outlined in the Outbound Sponsorship Policy and the processes outlined in this Procedure have been followed. Alternatively, any proposed sponsorship arrangement may be referred to the OGC for advice on issues arising out of the template agreement at the discretion of the delegated staff member responsible for negotiating the sponsorship arrangement or the Associate Director, Communications and Creative Services, if required. (12) Some sponsees may request amendments to the standard template. All sponsorship arrangements that may result in an alteration of the standard template agreement contained in this Procedure are required to be sent to the OGC for review and approval prior to the entry into the sponsorship arrangement. (13) All requests for OGC advice in relation to any sponsorship agreement are subject to the OGC's processes. (14) Internal stakeholders are required to negotiate the commercial terms of a sponsorship arrangement, consistent with the principles outlined in the Outbound Sponsorship Policy and with the assistance of the Sponsorship and Advancement team, as required. (15) Outbound sponsorship arrangements exceeding $50,000 should be evaluated with the Associate Director, Communications and Creative Services. (16) In line with the University’s Policy Development and Review Policy, this Procedure is scheduled for review every five years or more frequently if appropriate. (17) There are resources available to assist when applying, assessing, approving, planning, managing and evaluating outbound sponsorships. (See Outbound Sponsorship Policy) (18) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Outbound Sponsorship Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedure
Section 4 - Review
Section 5 - Further Assistance
Section 6 - Associated Information
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