(1) These Procedures are governed by the Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy. (2) This Procedure is intended to provide course monitoring and review process information for all coursework award courses. (3) General definitions in this document are consistent with the Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy and the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. (4) Faculties will undertake annual monitoring exercises and report any change in the quality of courses, units and microcredentials as set out in the Course and Unit Viability Analysis Policy and Course and Unit Viability Analysis Procedure and in accordance with the ACU Quality Assurance Framework, to Faculty Board, including proposals for any course revision. (5) Annual monitoring exercises will be conducted by the relevant Course Monitoring Committee (CMC) and will be conducted on any course or related group of courses. (6) Course Monitoring Committees will monitor the quality of courses and units against ACU benchmarks and through the use of metrics, including student surveys and feedback and other evidence of student engagement and achievement. (7) Monitoring exercises must go to the relevant Faculty Board for consideration and action as required. Faculties will provide an annual summary report of all monitoring exercises undertaken to the Courses and Academic Quality Committee (CAQC) and Academic Board for noting. (8) In cases where a course consistently does not perform in the annual monitoring exercise, according to benchmark requirements, this may trigger a full course review. (9) Courses or suites of courses must be reviewed as part of the six-yearly review cycle in accordance with Section 9 of the Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy. (10) A course review will have two stages: (11) Reviews will be informed by: (12) Each Faculty will establish a CRC to oversee the review process. (13) The membership of the CRC will be approved by the relevant Executive Dean(s) who will appoint the Committee Chair. The committee size will vary depending on the nature of the course(s) under review. (14) The CRC will be comprised of: (15) Faculties are responsible for administrative and logistical support of CRCs. (16) The Committee will consult with the Executive Dean, Faculty of Theology and Philosophy or nominee, where appropriate regarding Core Curriculum units. (17) Relevant external bodies must be consulted by the CRC, as appropriate. This consultation is not a substitute for representation of categories e., f. and i. under clause (14). (18) Where it is essential to provide for varying employer and other external client needs in different States, Course Review Sub-Committees may be established by the Executive Dean(s) in the relevant States. The work of these Sub-Committees will be co-ordinated by the CRC so as to ensure appropriate commonality and internal consistency in the course review process. (19) The Course Review Committee will: (20) The Executive Dean may require the CRC to submit interim reports to the Faculty Board(s) during the initial phases of the review. (21) Any proposed amendment to the course arising from review recommendations must be submitted in accordance with the timelines set out in Schedule 3 of the Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedures. (22) Where re-accreditation is to be sought, there is not normally a requirement for the course to go through the strategic management approval stage, unless a new resource impact has been identified. (23) Faculties are responsible for undertaking reviews of standalone microcredentials at least on a three-yearly cycle to determine if academic approval should be renewed. (24) Microcredentials that form part of a higher education award must be reviewed in accordance with Section 5 of this Procedure. (25) Standalone microcredentials will be reviewed by Faculty Boards and the outcome of these reviews will be reported to CAQC and noted at Academic Board. (26) Faculties are responsible for devising protocols to review, and for reviewing short courses on a three-yearly cycle to determine whether academic approval should be renewed. The outcome of these reviews will be reported to CAQC and noted at Academic Board. (27) Coursework components of Higher Degrees by Research must be reviewed in accordance with these Procedures. (28) A representative of the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) will be included in the membership of the CRC and the review report will be submitted to the University Research Committee for consideration prior the provisions set out in clause (10)b. of these Procedures. (29) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (30) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Course Review Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Unit and Course Monitoring
Section 5 - Course Review
Role of the Course Review Committee (CRC)
Section 6 - Review of Microcredentials and Short Courses
Section 7 - Coursework Components of Higher Degrees by Research
Section 8 - Revisions to this Procedure
Top of Page
Major, Minor or Editorial
Description of Revision(s)
30 November 2016
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015 compliance review and process consultation amendments
18 September 2019
Retitled and addition of principles for discontinuation of a course, specialisation or major
01 September 2022
Retitle and major amendments to policy following scheduled Academic Board Review and on recommendations from working party.
Section 9 - Associated Information
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