(1) The Student Conduct Policy promotes the principle of mutual respect by informing students of conduct which the University considers appropriate, and provides a framework and procedurally fair practices for dealing with allegations of misconduct. (2) This Policy applies to any current or former student of the University in relation to their conduct as a student. (3) The University may deal with misconduct under this Policy even if the student’s award has been conferred, their enrolment is terminated or they have withdrawn from their program of study before proceedings commence or are finalised. (4) In any case where a student is in a gathering or group of students and/or other persons and another of the group engages in activities that constitute misconduct, the student is taken to have engaged in misconduct if they did not take all reasonable steps to dissociate from the gathering or group as soon as practicable after they became aware of the misconduct. (5) Where the misconduct may constitute a criminal offence and may be subject to a police investigation and/or Court proceedings, then the matter must be referred to the Office of General Counsel for advice to be sought and determine (amongst other considerations) whether proceedings under this Policy will be: (6) There is a reciprocal relationship between individual and community rights and responsibilities. All ACU students are expected to behave in a way that: (7) All actions under this Policy are to be based on values that are consistent with the University Mission and are to be underpinned by principles of mutual respect and procedural fairness for and by all students, staff and others who may be involved. (8) This Policy is subject to Statute 13 on Freedom of Speech and Intellectual Freedom. (9) Terms used in this Policy and associated Procedure are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. The following specific definitions also apply: (10) The provisions relating to formal communications contained in the Academic Regulations will apply to any communications with students under this Policy. (11) If a Campus Dean or Discipline Committee has reasonable grounds for believing that the receipt of correspondence or any other material may adversely affect the health of a student, they may obtain advice, including medical or other professional advice, on the most appropriate method for issuing correspondence or making any other material available to the student. (12) Student misconduct is any inappropriate, improper or unlawful conduct by a student or of a group of students on any campus, site or University premises that includes, but is not limited to: (13) Any allegation of student misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with the Managing Student Misconduct Procedure. (14) A student may seek confidential, independent advice from the Student Advocacy Service at any stage. (15) In any discussions, interview or hearing in which a student participates during any process under this Policy, the student may, at their discretion, be accompanied by one other person whom the student designates as their support person. (16) A support person may not be a person: (17) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students may: (18) A support person may speak where required for reasons of clarification but may only make submissions on behalf of a student if invited to do so by the responsible officer or committee dealing with the matter. (19) A Discipline Committee will not include any person who has been involved in the circumstances of the matter which results in an allegation of misconduct. (20) A Discipline Committee will be appointed by the Academic Registrar and will comprise: (21) Any member of a Discipline Committee handling a student sexual misconduct allegation must have completed specialist training from the Safeguarding and Student Safety team or an external organisation working in the area of sexual harm. The Academic Registrar will consult with the Director, Student Experience in these matters to select the Chair and members of the committee from the eligible staff and students who have received this training. (22) A quorum of the Committee is all three members. (23) The Chair has a deliberative vote and, if required, a casting vote. (24) The Academic Registrar will appoint a secretary to the Discipline Committee. A staff member may also be appointed to provide confidential procedural advice. These staff members are not entitled to vote. (25) Penalties may be imposed by a Campus Dean, or a Discipline Committee. (26) When deciding a penalty to be imposed a Campus Dean or Discipline Committee will consider: (27) A Campus Dean may impose one of more of the following penalties: (28) A Discipline Committee may impose any of the penalties at clause (27) and/or one of more of the following: (29) In addition to, or in lieu of, the penalties above, the Discipline Committee may require that the student consult a counsellor, medical practitioner or specialist. Where such requirement is invoked in lieu of any other penalty, the substantive penalty will remain in effect until that requirement is satisfied. (30) The Office of the Academic Registrar must maintain a confidential record of all allegations and investigations of academic misconduct. The record will contain a summary of the matters considered or obtained by the decision maker and the written reasons for decision. (31) The Office of the Academic Registrar must keep a register of all findings of misconduct and the penalties imposed under this Policy. The register will not include any sensitive information or the personal information of any complainant. (32) Misconduct records which include all documentation and the correspondence between the University and a student under this Policy are retained by the University and are disposed of according to the University's Records Retention and Disposal Schedule. (33) Where there is a finding of misconduct, a summary is maintained on the permanent student file. The summary will not include any sensitive information or the personal information of any complainant. (34) Subject to the University’s Privacy Policy, misconduct records may be made available: (35) An annual de-identified summary and analysis of misconduct findings must be tabled at the Student Administrative Lifecycle and Policy Committee for noting at Academic Board each year. (36) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (37) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Student Conduct Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Principles
Section 4 - Definitions
Top of Page
Allegation notice
Allegation notice means the notice the University gives to a student to commence formal misconduct proceedings.
Authorised Officer
Authorised Officer is the person to whom instances of alleged student misconduct can be reported (See Section 12 – Schedule 1 of the Managing Student Misconduct Procedure.
Campus service order
Campus service order means any activity in aid of the University, or a student, of a kind which is declared by a Campus Dean or nominee to be a campus service order for the purposes of this Policy.
Decision Maker
Decision Maker means a Campus Dean or a Discipline Committee.
Exclusion means a temporary cancellation of a student’s enrolment at the University for a period of up to two standard study periods; “exclude" has a corresponding meaning.
Student includes any current or former student of the University.
Suspension means prohibition from participating in any University activity and/or the temporary denial of access to all or specified University campuses or sites at which the University conducts its activities; “suspend” has a corresponding meaning.
University activity
University activity means any activity formally associated with the University such as representative sporting activities and University organised social or community activities, activities on student placement or exchange and activities on University student accommodation.
Section 5 - Formal Communications
Section 6 - Student Misconduct
Section 7 - Support During the Student Misconduct Process
Section 8 - Composition and Constitution of Discipline Committee
Section 9 - Penalties
Section 10 - Recordkeeping and Notification
Section 11 - Revisions Made to This Policy
15 November 2023
Case management responsibilities changed to the Office of the Academic Registrar. This includes receipt, correspondence and recordkeeping responsibilities as well as the initiation and communication of interim suspension orders.
29 November 2023
Minor change to section 6.1 to include a breach of the professional conduct expectations on professional experience placement as a form of misconduct.
31 January 2024
Minor amendments to the penalties that can be applied by a Discipline Committee at clause (28).
27 March 2024
Changes to the Procedure reflect where administrative processes are undertaken by the appeals, complaints and conduct team in the Office of the Academic Registrar rather than by the Academic Registrar.
Section 12 - Associated Information
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the impact of the misconduct on any person;
any relevant explanations and mitigating circumstances;
any previous findings of student misconduct.
Major, Minor or Editorial
Description of Revision(s)
29 June 2016
Amendment to Section 3.3.2 of Procedures in line with Critical Incident Management Policy
18 October 2017
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015 compliance review
28 November 2018
An appeal against a student conduct decision will be done in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy
25 November 2020
Reviewed under the Academic Board Policy Development and Review Schedule
7 July 2021
Consequential amendments to Procedures as a result of the Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy review.
15 September 2021
Consequential amendments to section 7.3 of the Policy arising from review of the Academic Integrity & Misconduct Policy.
16 November 2022
Consequential amendments to the Policy arising from review of the Student Complaints Policy.
1 March 2023
Minor changes to the composition of the Discipline Committee and addition of the requirement for members to have received specialised training before considering student sexual misconduct allegations. Procedures updated to add a new section for determining an allegation of student sexual misconduct. (Resolution AB SALPC 2022/43).