(1) The Structuring Coursework Programs Policy describes the principles and requirements for the structure of coursework programs at ACU. (2) This Policy applies to: (3) The following course types are excluded from this Policy: (4) The terms used in this Policy and the associated guidelines are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. In addition, the following words and expressions in this Policy have the meanings listed below: (5) Course structures at ACU will be consistent and comply with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (Cth) and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) at the relevant level. (6) Under the AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy, ACU is responsible for specific attention to identifying, developing and documenting qualification pathways. (7) Courses names will be consistent with the Award Nomenclature Policy. (8) Courses will be approved and reviewed in accordance with the Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy. (9) Courses will be structured to support students to achieve learning outcomes that are consistent with the relevant AQF Level Criteria and ensure students develop: (10) ACU’s commitment to pursuing truth in every field of knowledge, as well as promoting the dignity of all people and the common good, prepares graduates who are knowledgeable, articulate and innovative. Graduates will be recognised for their skill in thinking systematically and critically, in gathering and evaluating evidence from many and diverse sources, and in applying ethical principles to decision making for a variety of professions and industries. (11) Each coursework course leading to an award must comply with the following schema: (12) Clustered qualifications will either be: (13) Where there is any reduction in the volume of learning, clustered qualifications must be structured to ensure that students achieve the learning outcomes specific to the AQF level, qualification type and discipline for each ACU award in the cluster. (14) The lower award in nested coursework programs will count in full towards the higher award. (15) Where a nested qualification exists, a candidate who enrols directly into a higher level program but does not complete the program requirements may be awarded a lesser qualification if the requirements for such an award are fulfilled. (16) Clustered qualification requirements: (17) A specialisation or major is a sequence of units that follow a coherent sequence which culminates in advanced level units that deepen the understanding of a discipline or field of study. (18) A specialisation must: (19) A Bachelor, Double Bachelor or Bachelor Honours Degree major must: (20) A Bachelor, Double Bachelor or Bachelor Honours Degree minor must comprise: (21) The standard credit point value of units is 10. Units worth multiples of 10 (e.g. 20, 40) are permitted to support the research component of a coursework program or the development of advanced practice. (22) The credit point value of any microcredential must be either five (5), two (2) or one (1) credit point(s) in accordance with clause (23) of this Policy. (23) The expected volume of learning is 15 hours per credit point which is inclusive of timetabled learning and teaching activities, independent study and assessment. The volume of learning for a standard 10 credit point unit will typically be 150 hours. (24) There are three types of units: (25) The number of electives and the pool from which electives are chosen must be specified in the course rules and can either be: (26) Prerequisites must only be specified where there is an essential requirement for learning outcomes to have been achieved before a student is permitted to enrol in the subsequent unit. (27) Incompatible units must be identified in the course rules. No unit may be used to meet an award requirement if it contains a substantial amount of the same material as another unit being used towards that award. (28) Units will be coded and named in accordance with the Coding and Naming of Units Guideline. (29) The characteristics of units at each level will be: (30) The objective of Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Associate Degree qualifications at ACU is to: (31) The objective of Undergraduate Certificates at ACU is to: (32) The objective of Bachelor Degrees at ACU is to: (33) All Bachelor and Double Bachelor degrees require the inclusion of: (34) The core curriculum, which emphasises critical judgment, clear expression, ethical decision-making and concern for others must comprise three units (30 cp in total): (35) Any exemption from the standard Bachelor and Double Bachelor degree structure must be approved in accordance with the Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy and will only be made where: (36) The learning outcomes and compulsory requirements of each component of a Bachelor Degree must be satisfied in a Double Bachelor degree including: (37) Each Bachelor degree course must include: (38) In addition to the requirements of clause (37) of this Policy, from 2023, any new or revised Bachelor degree course must include at least 40 cp of elective units which may be drawn from other ACU programs unless an exemption for externally accredited courses is granted by the Provost. (39) No Bachelor or Double Bachelor degree may contain 500-level units or above. (40) Consistent with the credit provisions of the Academic Regulations, a maximum of 80cp may be cross-credited from each single Bachelor Degree towards the requirements of the Double Bachelor Degree. (41) The objective of Bachelor Honours Degrees at ACU is to: (42) Bachelor Honours Degrees can either be: (43) Honours programs will be a minimum of 80 credit points comprising: (44) Characteristics of learning outcomes in Honours programs include: (45) The objective of Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma programs at ACU is to provide: (46) Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma programs enable the candidate to make a contribution to knowledge and practice in a discipline or profession through coursework or a combination of coursework and a research component. (47) Each Graduate Certificate course must include: (48) Masters Degree (Coursework) programs enable graduates to make a contribution to knowledge and practice in a discipline or profession through coursework or a combination of coursework and a research-based component. (49) The objective of Masters degree (coursework) programs are to provide: (50) Students of a Masters Degree (Coursework) are required to plan and execute a research-based project, capstone experience and/or piece of scholarship of at least 20 cp. (51) Where a Masters Degree (Coursework) provides a pathway to higher degrees by research, it must be: (52) The objective of Foundation and University Preparation programs at ACU is to: (53) Foundation and University Preparation programs are non-award and are not aligned with AQF levels. (54) Foundation Studies program(s) must be designed in accordance with the National Standards for Foundation Programs. (55) The objective of microcredentials at ACU is to: (56) Microcredentials will be structured to: (57) Microcredentials must have a designated volume of learning expressed in the form of a total number of hours of study which equates to a credit point value in accordance with clauses (24) and (25) of this Policy. (58) Microcredentials must: (59) Microcredentials may be: (60) The objective of short courses at ACU is to improve or support an individual’s progress towards work, career and/or personal goals. (61) Short courses are not an accredited higher education award; nor aligned with AQF levels. (62) Short courses must have clearly articulated learning outcomes and may be developed for: (63) In order for a short course to be eligible for specified credit: (64) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (65) For related legislation, policies, procedures, guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Structuring Coursework Programs Policy
Section 1 - Policy Statement
Section 2 - Policy Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Definitions
Credible assessment
means the minimum assessment needed to reliably and validly determine achievement of defined learning outcomes
Top of PageSection 4 - Principles
Section 5 - Award Course Classification and Requirements
Top of Page
AQF Level
Total CPMin Duration
of FT StudyExit Qualifications
CertificateAQF 5, 6, or 7
40 cp
One semester
AQF Level 5
80 cp
Two semesters
Advanced Diploma
AQF Level 6
120 cp
Three semesters
Diploma where embedded in the Advanced Diploma
Associate Degree
AQF Level 6
160 cp
Four semesters
Diploma and Advanced Diploma where embedded in Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
AQF Level 7
240 cp
Six semesters
Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Associate Degree where embedded in the bachelor Degree
Bachelor Honours
(end-on) DegreeAQF Level 8
80 cp
Two semesters
Bachelor Honours
(embedded) DegreeAQF Level 8
320 cp with
of 80 cp in
studiesEight semesters
Graduate Certificate
AQF Level 8
40 cp
One semester
Graduate Diploma
AQF Level 8
80 cp
Two semesters
Graduate Certificate where embedded in the Graduate Diploma
Masters (Coursework)
DegreeAQF Level 9
80 cp with
degree or
credit for
prior learningTwo semesters
Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma where embedded in the Masters degree
120 cp with
cognate Bachelor
degree or
credit for
prior learningThree semesters
Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma where embedded in the Masters degree
160 cp
Four semesters
Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma where embedded in the Masters degree
Section 6 - Clustered Qualifications
Course combination
Other limits
Double Bachelor Degree
Two Bachelor
degrees320 cp
A maximum of 80 cp may be cross-credited from each single Bachelor Degree towards the requirements of the Double Bachelor Degree
Bachelor and Masters
Bachelor degree
(cognate) and
Masters degree240 cp for the
Bachelor Degree 80 cp for the
Masters DegreeAny acceleration into the 80 cp Masters degree must be achieved by undertaking 500-level units or above from the Masters degree in the final year of Bachelor degree
No more than 40 cp of nominated 300 or 400- level units may be substituted by the nominated Masters unitsSection 7 - Specialisations, Majors and Minors
Top of PageSection 8 - Units
100- level
Introductory units:
Intermediate units:
Advanced units:
Specialised undergraduate units:
Foundational postgraduate units:
Specialised postgraduate units:
Section 9 - Sub-Bachelor Degrees
Top of PageSection 10 - Undergraduate Certificates
Top of PageSection 11 - Bachelor, including Double Bachelor Degrees
Section 12 - Bachelor Honours Degrees
Top of PageSection 13 - Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas
Top of PageSection 14 - Masters Degree (Coursework) Degrees
Top of PageSection 15 - Foundation and University Preparation Programs
Section 16 - Microcredentials
Top of PageSection 17 - Short Courses
Top of PageSection 18 - Revisions Made to This Policy
Section 19 - Associated Information
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Major, Minor or Editorial
Description of Revision(s)
29 June 2016
Specification of the length and credit point requirements for the Double Bachelor award; specification of the conditions for the use of prerequisites; and the requirement for incompatible units to be identified in the course rules.
17 March 2021
Clarification of the requirements for a specialisation in Masters (Coursework) courses; Template update; related policy names update.
16 November 2022
Major review. Rescission of the Guidelines for Bachelor and Bachelor Double Degrees, Guidelines for Honours Programs, Guidelines for Postgraduate Coursework Programs. Incorporation of non-award coursework programs.