(1) This Policy sets out the requirements for the recruitment and selection of all positions, comprising academic, teachers, professional, senior management, Executive and Senior Executive staff at Australian Catholic University. (2) The university is committed to ensuring our approach to recruitment and selection is professional, fair, ethical and transparent and aligns with the values and ethos of our Catholic identity and mission and strategic priorities. We strive toward creating and delivering a positive experience for all candidates throughout all stages of the process. (3) Recruitment and selection activities are designed to support ACU to acquire the skills, knowledge and experience that will contribute to its future success. (4) Success is measured by the achievement of a diverse and inclusive workforce profile, that is representative of the community we serve and when we attract talented, skilled and high performing employees who contribute to the university's mission and strategic objectives. (5) This Policy applies to the recruitment, selection and appointment of continuing, fixed-term, fractional and casual staff. (6) It covers recruitment and selection processes for: (7) The university will recruit, select and appoint staff based on merit and the terms consistent with the Constitution and Statutes, regulations and any other legal requirements. The terms and conditions of appointment will be approved by the relevant delegate in line with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register and in accordance with the provisions of: (8) The recruitment and selection process is informed by the following: (9) The application of these Policy principles is outlined in Schedule 2 through the recruitment and selection process. (10) The university may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to the Chief People Officer. (11) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (12) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab. (13) There are four components of the recruitment and selection process: (14) Internally advertised vacancies provide career development and progression opportunities for staff. To move directly to external advertisement, the hiring manager should consider whether the skills and experience to meet the selection criteria for the position are available internally to allow for a competitive/merit-based recruitment process. Where no current staff member has the skills and experience, the position will be advertised internally and externally. (15) The hiring manager reviews and finalizes the position description (refer to the Position Classification for Professional Staff Policy), determines the appropriate composition of the selection panel (refer to guidance in Schedule 1) and submits a request to fill form for approval by the appropriate delegates to begin the recruitment process. (16) All positions are to be advertised either internally (minimum of 5 working days/7 days), externally or to a select internal cohort, except fixed-term positions of up to two (2) years in duration. A merit-based process is required to ensure that a candidates' skills and experience are assessed against the requirements/ selection criteria of the position. (17) The following circumstances could warrant a request for approval by the relevant delegate to exempt the advertising of a continuing and/or fixed-term position of greater than two (2) years duration. In all cases, an assessment is required to ensure that the candidates' skills and experience are assessed against the requirements/selection criteria of the position: (18) Use of External Recruitment Agencies: In some circumstances, due to the specialised nature and skills of a position, the use of an external recruitment agency may be required. ACU has a panel of preferred recruitment agencies who should be utilised in this instance. Following consultation with the Talent Management team regarding the most effective sourcing strategy, approval to engage an external recruitment agency may be sought. The relevant approval is outlined in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. Costs associated with engaging a recruitment agency are to be borne by the organisational area utilising the service. Hiring managers are not authorised to accept commercial terms with agencies not part of ACU's preferred supplier panel. (19) Selection panels will vary in size and composition depending on the position and level being recruited and must reflect appropriate gender and cultural diversity. Selection panels assessing candidates for Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander 'Identified' or 'Targeted' positions must include at least one Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander panel member. (20) Where a selection panel is convened, all candidate applications are assessed against the key selection criteria stated in the position description. The selection panel is required to accurately document the assessment of all candidates at the shortlisting and interview stages, to demonstrate that a transparent and merit based process has occurred for the appointment of all staff. (21) All staff undertaking the role of Chair of a selection panel, must complete the Role of Chair training prior to commencing the recruitment process. To enrol, follow this link: Course: Role of Chair - Online (acu.edu.au). (22) Prior to making a recommendation of a preferred candidate, the Chair or hiring manager should undertake at least two referee checks to support the recommendation. In the case of internal applicants, consideration of the candidates' ability to demonstrate prior competency and performance may constitute the waiving of reference checking. (23) There are no circumstances that support a candidate (staff member) commencing work at the university without a formal accepted contract of employment and submitted evidence of:Recruitment and Selection Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Principles
Section 4 - Revisions made to this Policy
Major, Minor or Editorial
31 October 2016
Updated to broaden reference to competencies in line with Capability Development Framework.
11 September 2019
Updated to include Academic Level A to E and Professional Staff HEW Levels 1 - 10 as per the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.
3 October 2023
Reviewed to simplify and incorporate the Recruitment and Selection Procedures. Updated in accordance with the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025.
Section 5 - Further Assistance
Section 6 - Associated Information
Schedule 1 - Selection Committee Composition
Academic Level A-C:
Hiring Manager (if not a named panel member); National Head of School/Research Institute Director (if not a named panel member); staff member from the Organisational Unit who understands the requirements of the position; academic staff member of a cognate discipline (internal or external to ACU); elected academic staff member from (Faculty/School/Institute) at same or higher level than the position advertised.
Academic Level D-E:
Hiring Manager (if not a named panel member); DDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) or nominee, member of Executive or nominee; academic staff member of a cognate discipline (internal or external to ACU); academic staff member from another Faculty at same or higher level than the position advertised; elected academic staff member from (Faculty/School/Institute) at same or higher level than the position advertised.
Dean/Associate Dean/National Head of School:
Hiring Manager (if not a named panel member); Provost (optional); internal member nominated by the member of Senior Executive; staff member from the Organisational Unit who understands the requirements of the position; academic staff member from another Faculty at same or higher level than the position advertised.
Enterprise/Industry Professor:
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic); Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) or nominee; external member nominated by the member of Senior Executive; internal member nominated by Senior Executive.
Professional Staff HEW 1-9:
Hiring manager (if not a named panel member); staff member from the Organisational Unit who understands the requirements of the position; staff member from another Organisational Unit at the same or a higher level than the position advertised.
Professional Staff HEW 10/Senior Management:
Hiring manager (if not a named panel member); external nominated by the member of the Senior Executive (optional); member of the Executive or nominee; staff member from another Organisational Unit at the same or a higher level than the position advertised; staff member from another Organisational Unit at the same or higher level than the position advertised.
Member of Executive:
Hiring manager (if not a named panel member); Vice-Chancellor and President (optional); member of Senior Executive; Provost (optional); Vice President and Director, Identity & Mission or nominee; Chief People Officer (optional); external member nominated by the member of Senior Executive; staff member from another Organisational Unit at the same or higher level than the position advertised; People and Capability (support).
Member of Senior Executive:
Vice-Chancellor and President; Vice President and Director, Identity & Mission or nominee; Chief People Officer; internal staff member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President; external staff member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President; member of Senate nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President; People and Capability (support).
Identified and Targeted positions:
For an Identified or Targeted position, the selection panel must include a minimum of one relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander member. In circumstances where an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander member is not available, a nominee of the Director, First Peoples will be appointed as panel member.
Schedule 2 - Application of Policy
Preparing to Recruit
Sourcing and Advertising
Assessment and Selection
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