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Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy explains ACU’s principles regarding the management of major change, notice, redeployment, redundancy and voluntary retirement in circumstances where the University decides a position is no longer required.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Policy applies to Academic Staff, Professional Staff and Teachers of the University whose terms and conditions of employment are covered by the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025 (the Agreement). All staff members affected by proposed changes under this Policy will be consulted, including casual and sessional staff members. However, redundancy and retrenchment does not apply to casual or sessional staff members, or to staff members during their minimum period of employment within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).

(3) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement Procedure.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(4) The University and its staff will pursue ongoing improvements in the quality of University programs and support services in support of the University’s strategic objectives. The University and staff recognise that change will occur as the University evolves over time and as circumstances require. Many changes that take place in the workplace can be relatively minor and, as a consequence, will be addressed at the workplace level through direct local discussion and consultation with individual staff and / or the work group.

(5) The University will consult in a proactive, transparent and constructive manner in relation to change that affects staff employment and/or working conditions.

(6) The University highly values its staff and is committed to providing security of employment and, wherever possible, to retaining the services of and offering ongoing opportunities to staff members.

(7) The University will explore all available options to mitigate the impact of any reduction in the category of employment size of the University’sits workforce. Wherever possiblereasonably practicable, reductions in the size of the University’s workforce will occur , in the first instance, through natural attrition and voluntary measures such as voluntary redundancy, redeployment, relocation, training or retraining before consideration is given to involuntary retrenchment. Therefore, involuntary retrenchment will be used as a last resort.

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Section 4 - Major Change

(8) Where the University has made a decision (including a decision in principle) to introduce major change in production, program, organisation, structure or technology that are likely to have significant effects (as defined in sub clause 1.3 of the Agreement) on staff, the University will notify and consult with the staff members who may be affected by the proposed changes, their staff representatives (including relevant Health and Safety (HSR) and, where appropriate, Campus Work Health and Safety (WHS) Committees) and the Unions.

A decision to replace staff with contractors or third party providers (that is, to outsource jobs) is a major change for the purposes of this policy in accordance with the enterprise agreement.

(9) The University will provide relevant information to affected staff as part of the consultation process and a Draft Change Management Plan will be distributed to relevant staff. The Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement Procedure provides further information in relation to managing change at ACU.

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Section 5 - Notice

(10) Following approval of a Final Change Plan by the Vice-Chancellor and President, the University will formally notify (in writing) the staff member/s affected that their position has been made redundant and the commencement of the Notice Period. This formal notice will outline the reason(s) for redundancy and the University’s process to mitigate the adverse effects of retrenchment.

(11) The Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement Procedure provides further information in relation to Redundancy, Notice Periods and Retrenchment.

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Section 6 - Redeployment

(12) Wherever possible, and as a first step to avoid the need for retrenchment following notification of redundancy, the University reserves the right towill redeploy or relocate an affected staff member to a suitable position, subject to the provisions of the Agreement. A staff member shall will not unreasonably decline to accept redeployment, relocation, training or retraining, save that the University and an affected staff member may mutually agree that redeployment is not suitable. The Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement Procedure provides further information in relation to Redeployment, Relocation and Retraining at ACU.

(13) Subject to any exceptional circumstances that may arise (including substantial adverse changes in Government funding or major negative economic disruption), a staff member who has been redeployed during the nominal life of the Agreement as an outcome of a major change process will not have their employment ended as a result of involuntary retrenchment in any subsequent major change processes within the nominal life of the Agreement.

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Section 7 - Retrenchment (Termination of Employment due to Redundancy)

(14) Where no suitable position is identified during the redeployment period, the University will confirm in writing that the staff member’s employment will be terminated for due to the reasons of redundancy. The final date of employment will be confirmed to the employee together with the balance of the Notice Period and severance payable.

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Section 8 - Re-Employment of Former Staff

(15) The University is unable to offer employment to a staff member who has been retrenched for the reason of redundancy for the period equal to the payment of notice and severance as outlined in the Agreement for this to meet the definitions of a genuine redundancy as specified by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement Procedure provides further information in relation to re-employment.

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Section 9 - Voluntary Retirement

(16) A staff member who is within two (2) years of the eligible retirement date prescribed by their superannuation fund, and who is provided with notice of redundancy, may apply for voluntary early retirement. The Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement Procedure provides further information in relation to Voluntary Retirement at ACU.

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Section 10 - Approvals

(17) All decisions in relation to the application of this Policy must be in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. A position may only be declared redundant by the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and President on the recommendation of the delegated officers; including the relevant Member of the Senior Executive and the Chief People Officer.

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Section 11 - Revisions made to this Policy

(18) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Description
15 October 2019 Major
Updated to incorporate the provisions of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.
Name of policy changed from Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement Policy.
7 March 2024 Minor
Updated to incorporate the provisions of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025.
Updated Director, Human Resources to Chief People Officer.
Updated Human Resources to People and Capability.

(19) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 12 - Further Assistance

(20) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required, staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 13 - Associated Information

(21) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources, please refer to the Associated Information tab.