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Internal Secondment Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information

(1) The Australian Catholic University aspires to attract and retain highly skilled and experienced staff. Temporary internal secondments provide University staff members with a range of potential professional development opportunities. Internal secondments have the potential to enhance a staff member’s skills and experience, and also support the achievement of the University’s strategic goals and the implementation of its Mission.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(2) The University recognises that benefits for a staff member and the University can be gained from the temporary internal secondment of a staff member to another position within the University.

(3) Internal secondments provide an opportunity for the University to enhance the career prospects of staff members within the constraints of the University’s geographic locations and financial circumstances; and for staff members to broaden their skills, whilst bringing their knowledge to a new area of the University.

(4) Temporary internal secondments also provide a mechanism for supporting and enhancing the operational effectiveness of the University by assisting nominated supervisors to fill temporary vacancies with an experienced staff member.

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Section 3 - Policy Purpose

(5) This Policy has been developed to outline the arrangements to be undertaken for the temporary internal secondment of staff members within the University.

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Section 4 - Application of Policy

(6) This Policy applies to all continuing staff members of the University and fixed-term staff members who have at least 12 months until the end date of their current contract of employment, and who have completed a minimum of 12 months of continuous service with the University and who are not within their period of probation.

(7) A request for a temporary internal secondment occurs when a staff member is:

  1. selected as a preferred candidate for a temporary position in the University through recruitment and selection activities (including through the calling for expressions of interest); or
  2. invited by a nominated supervisor to consider a temporary appointment to a position that is different to their current position, in order to gain a particular set of skills and expertise for staff developmental purposes, or to utilise the staff member’s specialist skills in another role.

(8) Staff members are expected to discuss with their nominated supervisor if they are considering applying for a temporary internal secondment.

(9) A nominated supervisor who wishes to second a staff member to their organisational unit is required to discuss potential arrangements with the staff member’s nominated supervisor prior to an offer of secondment being made. The staff member’s nominated supervisor should not unreasonably decline any such request.

(10) Nominated supervisors are required to ensure that opportunities for temporary internal secondments are offered to staff in an equitable, transparent and fair manner.

(11) Internal secondments including any subsequent extensions will normally only be approved for temporary period(s) of up to 1 year in total. Thereafter a staff member seconded outside of their organisational unit shall be required to vacate their position and become unattached.

(12) Where an internal secondment is to be extended, consultation must occur between the staff member and their substantive supervisor and the temporary nominated supervisor. The approval of any new secondment or related arrangements must occur prior to the expiry of the internal secondment period.

(13) Staff members undertaking temporary internal secondment(s) of up to 1 year will maintain a right of return to their substantive position upon completion of the secondment period.

(14) An internal secondment for a period of more than 1 year or any consecutive periods, including any extension which brings the total secondment period to more than 1 year, may be granted subject to the staff member agreeing to the following in writing:

  1. that she/he will become unattached from their substantive position at ACU;
  2. that she/he will confirm their interest in leaving the secondment by providing at least 2 months written notice to the Chief People Officer (CPO); and
  3. that at the end of the secondment, their future employment will be managed in accordance with provisions of the Management of Staff Unattached from Substantive Position Policy.
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Section 5 - Procedures

(15) Where an internal secondment arises out of:

  1. a recruitment and selection process as outlined in Section 4 above, the approved Selection Committee Report will outline the secondment arrangements;
  2. an invitation from a nominated supervisor to a staff member for them to consider a temporary appointment as outlined in section 4 above, an approved Request for an Internal Secondment, Placement or Transfer form will outline the secondment arrangements.

(16) Internal secondments will normally commence on a date to be negotiated between the nominated supervisors and the staff member. The substantive nominated supervisor may reasonably request that the staff member take up the secondment, no earlier than 21 days following the date of the approved request.

(17) A staff member undertaking an internal secondment will receive a variation to their contract of employment from People and Capability which formalises the arrangements of the temporary internal secondment.

(18) A staff member undertaking an internal secondment will normally receive salary and entitlements equivalent to the classification of the position to which they have been seconded. This may include payment of a Higher Duties Allowance if the position to which the staff member has been seconded is classified at a higher grade.

(19) Where practicable, a staff member undertaking a secondment will be consulted concerning any significant change in the responsibilities of their substantive position. Should the staff member participate in such consultation during the secondment, that participation will not cause the substantive work unit to incur any liability for salary payments or other costs.

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Section 6 - Approvals

(20) All decisions in relation to the application of this Policy must be in accordance with Delegations of Authority Policy and Register.

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Section 7 - Policy Review

(21) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 8 - Further Assistance

(22) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 9 - Associated Information

(23) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.