(1) The University must maintain a reputation for fair and impartial dealing in its contracts with the public. The calling of competitive quotations and tenders is part of this process. The quotation and tender procedures are intended to ensure that: (2) A periodic review of supply arrangements should be undertaken to ensure pricing of goods and services remains competitive. (3) Goods or services supplied under Government contracts should be in accordance with the Procurement Policy. (4) Some basic definitions are provided in the Procurement Policy. Detailed definitions of terms used in agreements may be found at Procurement Forms (Finance and Planning SharePoint). (5) Some additional basic definitions are included below: (6) The supplier representing the best value proposition should be chosen subject to the suitability and quality of the goods or services for the University’s purposes. Factors to be considered when assessing a supplier’s suitability are required to be in the following four key areas, known as the "Pillars of Success": (7) Justification is required to be provided outlining how the chosen supplier was able to meet these requirements. For additional information, refer to the Minimum Requirements For Suppliers of Goods and Services to ACU document. (8) Sourcing process is required to follow the Sourcing Steps outlined in the Procurement Policy Sourcing Requirements. All staff engaged in a sourcing activity of material significance are required to read and sign the Probity Requirements in Procurement - Declaration. (9) All staff engaged in the evaluation and selection of suppliers of material significance are required to read and sign a Conflict of Interest Declaration. For further information refer to the Minimum Requirements For Suppliers of Goods and Services to ACU and Procurement Roles and Responsibilities documents. (10) Refer to the Procurement Policy for information relating to Quotation and Tender Limits. (11) All written quotes received must be retained by the relevant project code for 5 years. (12) Issuing of formal requests for Tenders, Proposals or Quotes and the subsequent receipt of submissions are required to be made using the ACU Tender Portal eProcure. (13) A University Tender Committee (UTC) or a Local Tender Committee (LTC) is required to be established and assess tenders in accordance with the Procurement Policy.Quotations and Tenders for Purchases Guidelines
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Definitions
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Acronym meaning "Request For" e.g. RFQ = Request For Quotation, RFP = Request For Proposal, RFT = Request For Tender.
A written statement of price and terms of sale for goods or services by a vendor, in response to either a verbal or written invitation by the University. Verbal quotations are not endorsed.
Tender or Proposal
An offer made in writing to supply certain goods or to perform certain services at a given cost, in response to the relevant specifications set out in the University’s invitation. Tenders and Proposals include public tenders and selected ("closed") tenders. The words Tender and Proposal are often used interchangeably. Tenders are always the result of the issue of an RFT in a formal invitation and evaluation process by ACU. Proposals may result from a less formal invitation depending on the circumstances.
Public Tender
A tender submitted in response to the University’s invitation to tender which has been published for anyone to reply to using an online facility, newspaper or other publication.
Selected (or Closed or Private) Tender
A tender submitted in response to the University’s limited written invitation to specific organisations only. Selected tender action applies where public tender action is impractical or inexpedient and is subject to the approval of the Chief Financial Officer and/or the Chief Operating Officer.
Expressions of Interest
Written expressions of interest are sought, using the approved facility, inviting interested parties to indicate their capability to provide certain goods or services required by the University.
ACU Tender Portal
A third-party hosted web platform eProcure, branded as ACU, for issuing tenders and receiving submissions in a controlled manner.
Section 3 - Choosing a Supplier
Section 4 - Sourcing Process
Section 5 - Quotation and Tender Limits
Section 6 - Receipt of Quotations and Tenders
Section 7 - Tender Committee
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