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Enrolment Privacy Collection Statement

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) The Australian Catholic University Limited (the University) is regulated by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which protects the privacy of your personal information. The purpose of this privacy statement is to let you know what information is collected about you, for what purpose, how the information is used by the University, to whom it may be disclosed, and how to contact us to seek access to your personal information, correct your personal information or make a complaint.

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Section 2 - Purpose of collection

(2) The University collects and holds your personal information to support its functions related to learning and teaching, research, student administration, student services and activities, complaints and disciplinary activities, recruitment and employment activities, health and well-being activities, employment and relationships with external parties for commercial, philanthropic and marketing purposes.

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Section 3 - Intended use of information

(3) The information collected by the University is intended to be used for the following purposes:

  1. corresponding with you in relation to your enrolment, fees, academic progression and graduation applications;
  2. issuing you with a campus card;
  3. informing you about your courses and other University courses and events;
  4. attending to day to day administrative matters relating to your on-going enrolment or your cessation or suspension of enrolment;
  5. verifying your attendance at the various learning and teaching environments on campus (such as classes, tutorials, placements and exams);
  6. providing you with access to student services such as residential services, online courses, interactive management systems (such as Student Connect) and for information technology services such as providing you with an email address and login details;
  7. placing your name on the student electoral roll and the alumni database on graduation including publishing your name and award in graduation publications and on our on-line graduate register;
  8. contacting you once you graduate for philanthropic events and opportunities;
  9. publishing your name on the University’s website and / or in alumni publications if you receive any academic awards / commendations (such as the Vice-Chancellor’s commendation);
  10. verification of your ACU qualification;
  11. providing you with assistance in the event of an emergency;
  12. statistical analysis to help better understand your needs and improve your experience;
  13. complying with legislative reporting requirements; and
  14. for other directly related purposes including but not limited to the above.
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Section 4 - Disclosure of information to third parties

(4) The information collected may be disclosed to the following types of organisations:

  1. external organisations such as professional bodies, hospitals or government agencies, if the disclosure is necessary in order for you to undertake a practical or clinical placement as part of your course;
  2. other educational institutions, if necessary for exchange programmes or overseas study or when transferring or applying to another University;
  3. to ACU’s controlled entities for the purposes of providing University services to you;
  4. third party service providers and consultants such as mailing houses, logistics and IT service providers which the University engages to facilitate your access to the University's services and facilities on offer;
  5. third party service providers to assist us in locating and contacting you after you have graduated for philanthropic events and opportunities;
  6. Commonwealth and State government departments and agencies such as the Australian Taxation Office, Transport for NSW and Public Transport Victoria (in connection with travel concessions offered to you), the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Centrelink and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (in connection with your visa or travel status), Australian Privacy Commissioner and the Commonwealth Ombudsman or their equivalent or replacement entity;
  7. to courts or tribunals or similar judicial agencies whether under subpoena or by force of law;
  8. if you are sponsored by a body or person nominated in your enrolment application, information which the sponsor reasonably requests in relation to your enrolment;
  9. student accommodation service providers and landlords for the purposes of sourcing suitable accommodation for you (if required);
  10. to government departments and agencies and their appointed third party providers for the purposes of administering University related surveys and for other lawful purposes;
  11. to third parties, which may include prospective employers, for verification of your ACU qualification where you have graduated from the University. Your name and award will also be published in the University’s graduation program, a public document.
  12. to third parties who operate the University's student associations or societies of academic excellence such as the Golden Key International Honour Society.
  13. in the event of a crisis requiring urgent attention, police, medical or hospital personnel, your nominated emergency contact person, or other personnel as is necessary to respond to the emergency; and
  14. IT service providers who may (or use third party hosting providers that may) store data outside Australia or in the 'cloud'. This includes a scholarship application system hosted by a third party service provider with a data centre located in Canada. When the University discloses your information to overseas recipients, it takes measures to ensure those recipients treat your information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.

(5) The University will not otherwise disclose your information without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

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Section 5 - Consequences of refusing

(6) You are not required by law to provide us with your personal details for the above purposes, however, if you choose not to provide the information requested, it may not be possible for the University to allow you to access services to which you are entitled or expect to receive, including enrolment at the University.

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Section 6 - Security of your information

(7) Your information may be collected and held in a variety of ways including electronic, online, written form or by verbal means. The University protects your information from unauthorised access loss and other misuse by allowing only restricted access to authorised personnel to your information. Security measures in place to protect the confidentiality, accuracy, completeness and access to your information are set out in the Privacy Policy.

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Section 7 - Access, amendments and contact details

(8) You have a right to access and amend personal information that the University holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information please visit our Privacy Policy or contact our Privacy Coordinator at