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Statute 6.3 - Admission to Degrees: Revocation and Relinquishment of Honorary Degrees

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(1) Senate reserves the right to revoke an honorary degree conferred under clause (3) of Statute 6.2 - Admission to Honorary Degrees in accordance with this Statute 6.3.

(2) Senate may, by resolution, revoke an honorary degree in circumstances where:

  1. the details provided in support of the nomination are subsequently found to be false, inaccurate or incomplete; and / or
  2. the person awarded the honorary degree has been convicted of a crime or offence under a law of Australia; and / or
  3. the person awarded the honorary degree has behaved in such a way, whether before or after the conferral of the degree, that has brought or is likely to bring, the University into disrepute.

(3) Any person awarded an honorary degree may relinquish the honorary degree at any time by notifying the Secretary in writing of that person's intention to relinquish the honorary degree. In all such cases Senate must accept the relinquishment of the honorary degree and shall resolve that the relinquishment takes effect from the date of the resolution of Senate.

(4) Senate may make Regulations consistent with this Statute 6.3 prescribing the processes to be followed in relation to the making of a decision to revoke or accept the relinquishment of an honorary degree.

DATED: 12 October 2017