(1) This Procedure is governed by the Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy (the Policy). A person reading this Procedure should read both documents together. (2) This Procedure outlines prevention initiatives by the University which are aimed at preventing sexual misconduct. (3) This Procedure also outlines how the University will respond if a student or former student: (4) The University undertakes a range of prevention initiatives which are aimed at preventing student sexual misconduct. These include: (5) Where a student discloses or makes a formal report that they have experienced sexual misconduct, the priority is to ensure the safety of the student. For someone in immediate danger or requiring immediate medical attention, contact: (6) If a student wishes to inform a member of the University community that they have experienced sexual misconduct, they can do so by making a disclosure or a formal report: (7) A student can: (8) There is no time limit on when a student can make a disclosure and / or formal report. However, a delayed disclosure or formal report may impact upon the University’s ability to address the situation. (9) A student making a disclosure or formal report has autonomy to decide: (10) If a disclosure or formal report is made by a student under 18 years old, it will be managed and responded to in accordance with the Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Policy and Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Procedure. (11) A student can make a disclosure or formal report: (12) A student or staff member can complete the online report form on a student’s behalf – for example, where a staff member or student is supporting a student through a disclosure or formal report, or where a staff member or student witnesses an incident. (13) A student can make an anonymous disclosure or formal report by completing the online report form anonymously. However, where a student does not provide their name and contact details: (14) A student can make an anonymous disclosure or formal report first, and then identify themselves at a later date. There is no time limit on this. However, a delay in a student identifying themselves may impact upon the University’s ability to address the situation. (15) Where a staff member or student receives a disclosure or formal report, they should: (16) If a student who made a disclosure or formal report is receiving support from a staff member or student, and they do not wish to receive support from the Safeguarding and Student Safety team, the staff member or student should continue to support them. The staff member or student should liaise with the Safeguarding and Student Safety team to ensure that appropriate and comprehensive information and support are being provided. (17) If a student has made a disclosure or formal report using the online report form and it is not clear from the information provided whether they are receiving support, a member of the Safeguarding and Student Safety team will contact the student to offer information and support, provided they have included their contact details. (18) The University provides instruction so that staff and students know how to respond to a disclosure or formal report: (19) The University recognises it can be challenging to support a student through a disclosure or formal report. The following support options are available for staff and students who are supporting a student through a disclosure or formal report: (20) Where a formal report is received by the Safeguarding and Student Safety team, a member of the team will provide information to the student, or to the staff member or student who is supporting the student, about initial action that could possibly be taken. This will depend entirely on the individual circumstances and could, for example, include: (21) Subject to Section 9 below, any action that is taken under clause (20) will only be taken with the agreement of the student who made the formal report, and will be overseen by the Safeguarding and Student Safety team. (22) If a student who made a formal report considers that initial action taken under clause (20) has resolved the matter to their satisfaction, there is no obligation for further action to be taken. If they wish further action to be taken, the process in Section 6 will apply. (23) Following receipt of a formal report by a former student: (24) Following receipt of a formal report which includes alleged sexual misconduct by a staff member, a member of the Safeguarding and Student Safety team will inform the student that the matter will be managed in accordance with the Staff Sexual Misconduct Policy rather than this Procedure. The Safeguarding and Student Safety team will continue to provide support to a student in this situation. Where the alleged sexual misconduct is by an affiliate of the University, the matter will be referred to People and Capability for advice. (25) Following receipt of a formal report which includes alleged sexual misconduct by another student, a member of the Safeguarding and Student Safety team will contact the student who made the report to provide information about the University’s investigation processes, to help the student decide whether they wish to have their matter investigated. Amongst other things, the Safeguarding and Student Safety team member will provide information that: (26) The rules of procedural fairness will apply in all matters where a student makes a formal report of sexual misconduct by another student. Amongst other things, this means that: (27) Following provision of the information noted above, a student will be asked whether they wish for their formal report of sexual misconduct by another student to proceed to external investigation. If they wish for this to occur, the University will take action in accordance with this Procedure. (28) While the University recognises that a student making a formal report has autonomy to decide how much information they wish to provide, the University may be unable to take action if insufficient information is provided. For example, the University may be unable to act if the identity of a student making a report is not provided, and / or if a report alleges sexual misconduct by another student but does not identify them. (29) To assist with the investigation process in this Section, a student who wishes to have their formal report of sexual misconduct by another student externally investigated is encouraged to submit relevant information including: (30) Where a student wishes to proceed to an external investigation of their matter, within 5 working days the Director, Student Experience or delegate will carry out a preliminary assessment of the formal report, including a student’s statement and any supporting documentation or information which has been submitted, to determine whether the matter should proceed to external investigation. Amongst other things, the Director, Student Experience or delegate will take into account whether there is an apparent incident of alleged sexual misconduct by a student and whether sufficient information has been provided to enable an external investigation to take place. (31) Following preliminary assessment the Director, Student Experience or delegate, in their discretion and on a case-by-case basis, will decide whether or not a matter should be referred for external investigation. (32) If it is decided not to refer a matter for external investigation, the University will notify the student who reported the matter and provide brief reasons, if the student’s identity is known. (33) Where a matter is to be referred for external investigation, the Director, Student Experience will notify the student against whom a formal report of sexual misconduct is made. The notice will: (34) A student against whom a formal report of sexual misconduct is made is encouraged to receive support from Student Experience, including the Student Counselling Service and the Student Advocacy Service, and / or external support services as listed in Appendix B ‘ACU internal and external support services for students who are the subject of a formal report of sexual misconduct’. (35) Where a matter is to be referred for external investigation, the Director, Student Experience or delegate will appoint and instruct an appropriately qualified and / r experienced external investigator. (36) The external investigator will conduct an investigation of the matter. As part of the external investigation process, they may request additional information and interview any person. The investigation will: (37) A person who is interviewed as part of an external investigation is required to keep the matter confidential in accordance with clause (62), and may have a support person present in accordance with clauses (38), (39) and (40). (38) A support person must not: (39) Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander students may: (40) A support person may speak where required for reasons of clarification, but may only make submissions on behalf of an individual if invited to do so by the person dealing with the matter. (41) During the course of an external investigation, additional information may come to light in relation to an existing formal report leading to additional alleged sexual misconduct. If this occurs, the Director, Student Experience or external investigator will send a notice to the student to provide them with relevant details, including details of any new alleged sexual misconduct, and will provide the student with a further opportunity to respond, in writing and / or by interview. (42) While investigating a matter, the external investigator may take into account any information they consider relevant. At the end of their investigation, the external investigator will provide the University with a report of their investigation which will include findings of fact and may also include recommendations about whether a student has engaged in sexual misconduct or any other form of misconduct or has otherwise engaged in conduct in breach of the University’s policies, procedures, guidelines or codes. (43) An external investigator’s report will not include any findings about whether a student’s conduct may amount to criminal conduct. (44) Following receipt of an external investigator’s report, the University will consider the report and determine whether to commence student discipline proceedings. (45) In making this determination, and in any subsequent student discipline proceedings, the University: (46) If it is determined that student discipline proceedings should take place, a discipline committee will be constituted in accordance with the Student Conduct Policy. (47) Any member of a discipline committee which is responsible for considering and determining an allegation of student sexual misconduct will have completed specialist training, to be provided by the Safeguarding and Student Safety team or an organisation working in the area of sexual harm. (48) Where a student who has made a disclosure or formal report also wishes to report a matter to the police, the University will offer support to the student in that process. (49) Where a student has made a formal report involving a sexual misconduct allegation against a student to the University and the police, the University in its discretion may decide to defer or temporarily suspend its internal process while the police investigation or legal proceeding takes place. If it is decided to proceed with a concurrent process, the University will proceed with care so as not to prejudice the criminal proceeding / process. (50) Deferral or suspension of a University investigation does not prevent the University from taking interim measures in accordance with Section 8. (51) If any court or tribunal makes a finding that a student has engaged in sexual misconduct against any person, the University may rely on this finding as evidence in any subsequent misconduct investigation undertaken by the University in accordance with its misconduct procedures. (52) Where the University receives a formal report which includes a sexual misconduct allegation against a student, and / or where the University becomes aware that a report has been made to the police which includes a sexual misconduct allegation against a student, the University may put in place interim measures to protect the safety and wellbeing of any member of the University community. Interim measures are not a penalty and do not pre-empt the outcome of an external investigation or a police investigation. (53) Interim measures may include, but are not limited to: (54) If the University becomes aware of alleged sexual misconduct by a student in circumstances where a formal report has not been submitted, and the situation presents a potential risk of harm to any person and / or a potential reputational risk to the university, the University may take such action to respond to the situation as it considers appropriate, under this Procedure or otherwise. (55) The University acknowledges and respects that information relating to a disclosure or formal report is likely to be sensitive and personal. (56) To the maximum extent possible, the University will protect the confidentiality of such information. This means the University will not share the information with other students or staff unless: (57) The University will manage information in relation to a disclosure or formal report in accordance with its Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). (58) In limited circumstances, the University may be required to share information without the consent of a student if the conduct disclosed is of a nature that the law requires the University to report the information. For example: (59) The University uses information from disclosures and formal reports as a basis for de-identified reports for the Senior Executive and governance committees, as required, to help identify trends and to inform strategies for continually improving the University’s response and prevention services for students in relation to sexual misconduct. (60) The National Manager, Safeguarding and Student Safety is responsible for holding records in relation to disclosures, formal reports and investigations of sexual misconduct allegations against students. (61) In the case of a student visiting ACU from another University, ACU processes will apply. If the processes of a student’s ‘home’ University should apply once an overseas student returns to their country of origin, and under those processes reporting is required from ACU, ACU will seek to work with a student to determine how the report should be made. (62) Any student who is involved in a sexual misconduct matter, in any capacity, is required to keep the matter confidential. This means that, except where required by law, a student: (63) The following actions may result in adverse consequences, as they may constitute student misconduct under the Student Conduct Policy or staff misconduct under staff misconduct policies: (64) Terms used in this Procedure and Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. The following specific definitions also apply: (65) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Procedure Statement
Top of PageSection 3 - Prevention Initiatives
Top of PageSection 4 - Disclosure or Formal Report of Sexual Misconduct
Disclosure or formal report
How to make a Disclosure or Formal Report
Anonymous Disclosure or Formal Report
Responding to a Disclosure or Formal Report
Support for Staff and Students who are Responding to a Disclosure or Formal Report
Top of Page
Section 5 - Initial Action in Response to a Formal Report
Section 6 - Investigation of Sexual Misconduct
Formal Report by a Former Student
Formal Report Against a Staff Member
Formal Report Against a Student
Preliminary Assessment
Notice that a Formal Report has been Made
External investigation
Student Discipline Process
Section 7 - Report to the Police
Section 8 - Interim Measures
Top of PageSection 9 - University’s Ability to take Action
Section 10 - Confidentiality
Top of PageSection 11 - Adverse Consequences
Top of PageSection 12 - Definitions
Disclosure has the meaning given in Section 4 of this Procedure.
Formal report
Formal report has the meaning given in Section 4 of this Procedure.
Sexual assault
Sexual harassment
Sexual misconduct
Sexual misconduct means sexual assault and sexual harassment, and, for the purpose of this Procedure and Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy, includes domestic and family violence.
Student has the meaning given in the Glossary Terms, and, for the purpose of this Procedure and Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy, includes a person who was a student at the time of any alleged sexual misconduct.
Section 13 - Appendices
Appendix A - ACU Internal and External Support Services for Students who have Experienced Sexual Misconduct
ACU Internal Support Services
Phone: 1300 729 452
Mobile app: SafeZone
Email: yalbalinga@acu.edu.au
Phone: 02 9701 4258
Phone: 02 9465 9273 or 1800 180 391 (after hours)
Request form: https://acu.wisewouldmahony.com.au
External Support and Assistance
National service available 24/7 providing confidential information, counselling and support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.
Webchat and interpreters available.
Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline – 1800 497 212
Online counselling available
A free 24/7 telephone and online crisis counselling service for anyone who has experienced sexual assault, or is a family member or friend of someone who has experienced violence.
Telephone interpreters available.
1800 184 527
A dedicated service for men who have experienced child sexual assault in Australia
CRCC supports women, children and men who have experienced sexual assault, or people who are supporting others who have experienced sexual assault. They provide free and confidential crisis and ongoing counselling, support, advocacy, and information about medical and legal processes.
A free 24/7 telephone and online crisis counselling service for anyone who has experienced sexual assault, or is supporting a family member or friend of someone who has experienced violence. Interpreters are available.
NSW Health Sexual Assault Services offer free information, counselling, court support, medical treatment, and forensic examinations at various locations in NSW:
• Northern Sydney Sexual Assault Services: Call (02) 9462 9477 (After hours: Royal North Shore Hospital, call (02) 9926 7111)
• Eastern and Central Sydney Sexual Assault Service: Call (02) 9515 9040 (After hours: Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, call (02) 9515 6111)
• Westmead Sexual Assault Service: Call (02) 8890 7940 (After hours: Westmead Hospital, call (02) 9881 8000)
The Sexual Assault Helpline offers emotional support and referral pathways to anyone who has or thinks they may have been sexually assaulted or abused. It is also for those who are concerned someone they care about might have been assaulted or abused.
A free confidential 24-hour emergency or crisis care service for victim / survivors who have recently been sexually assaulted. Services also includes counselling support and may include access to medical care and legal processes.Appendix B - ACU Internal and External Support Services for Students who are the Subject of a Formal Report of Sexual Misconduct
Top of Page
Email: yalbalinga@acu.edu.au
Phone: 02 9701 4258
Phone: 02 9465 9273 or 1800 180 391 (after hours)
Request form: https://acu.wisewouldmahony.com.au
https://mensline.org.au/ or call 1300 78 99 78
https://ntv.org.au/get-help/ or phone 1300 766 491
Section 14 - Associated Information
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If the University is required to take action, the action taken and the reasons for it will be explained to the student;
Support option
Available to students
Available to staff
Safeguarding and Student Safety team
24 Hour ACU Mental Health Support Line
Student counselling service
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Counselling service
The intention is that by providing this information and responding to any questions a student may have, a student who has made a formal report of sexual misconduct by another student will be in a position to make an informed decision about how they would like their matter to proceed, if at all.
A member of the Safeguarding and Student Safety team will offer to work with a student to help them identify which information to submit.
Consent – A person consents to a sexual act if they freely and voluntarily agree to that act. For the purposes of this Policy and the Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Procedure:
Sexual assault occurs when a person is forced, coerced or tricked into sexual acts against their will, without their consent, or after their consent has been withdrawn. Examples include:
Sexual harassment is any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour which makes a person feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated. Examples include:
ACU 24 Hour Mental Health Support Line
ACU Medical Centres
ACU Security
ACU National Security Centre 24/7
Access and Disability Service
Campus Ministry
Counselling Service
Indigenous Higher Education Units
Yalbalinga (Blacktown, North Sydney and Strathfield)
Global Engagement
Legal Advice Service
Wisewould Mahoney Lawyers - Note: restrictions on the nature and extent of the advice may apply.
Safeguarding and Student Safety team
Email: respectandsafety@acu.edu.au
Student Advocacy Service
1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
Reachout.com provides information about what is sexual assault, including myths and facts around sexual assault, and can assist with support. https://au.reachout.com
Full Stop Australia (formerly Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia)
National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service – 1800 211 028
National LGBTIQA+ helpline and webchat – free and anonymous peer support and referral service
Survivors and Mates Support Network (SAMSN)
1800 472 676
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre (CRCC)
(02) 6247 2525 (7am – 11pm)
NSW Sexual Violence Helpline (formerly NSW Rape Crisis)
1800 424 017
NSW Health Sexual Assault Services Directory
State-wide Sexual Assault Helpline
1800 010 120 (7:30am – 11:30pm), 7 days
Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA)
1800 806 292
ACU 24 Hour Mental Health Support Line
ACU Medical Centres
Access and Disability Service
Campus Ministry
Counselling Service
Indigenous Higher Education Units
Yalbalinga (Blacktown, North Sydney and Strathfield)
Global Engagement
Legal Advice Service
Wisewould Mahoney Lawyers - Note: restrictions on the nature and extent of the advice may apply.
MensLine Australia
A telephone and online counselling service for men with emotional health and relationship concerns, including issues of violence.
Men’s Referral Service
A men’s family violence telephone counselling, information and referral service for men using or at risk of using violent or controlling behaviour.
Student Advocacy Service