(1) This Procedure supports the Critical Incident Management Policy. (2) The purpose of this Procedure is to: (3) The following principles should guide all actions when managing an Incident or Critical Incident: (4) The scope of this Procedure extends to all areas and operations of the University. (5) The Critical Incident Management Policy identifies three types of potential disruptions to the University: Events, Incident and Critical Incidents. Their definitions are provided in Section 5 – Incident Assessment Levels. This Procedure provides processes for the management of Incidents and Critical Incidents, not Events. An Event is managed on campus by local Emergency Services, Facilities Managers, State Facilities Manager, Security Managers and local resources. (6) The Event, Incident and Critical Incident Flowchart outlines how ACU responds to an Event, an Incident or a Critical Incident. (7) The Incident Flowchart outlines in further detail the processes for responding to an Incident. (8) Due to the broad definition of what comprises a Critical Incident, ACU is committed to applying the International Coding of Incidents to increase its response preparedness and effectiveness. (9) Incidents are allocated to one of the Incident Convenors based on these four categories - Students, Staff, Physical, Virtual. Incident Convenors will manage the Incident and notify the relevant Incident Lead. (10) The Incident Lead works with the Incident Convenor and activates the Incident Response Group as required. (11) The Chief Operating Officer is the Critical Incident Convenor and can declare a Critical Incident at their discretion and activate the Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) if required. (12) CIRG will include officers of the University who can provide their expertise, resources and support in managing a Critical Incident. CIRG will oversee Critical Incident and recovery processes in conjunction with the Critical Incident Convenor. (13) The Incident Response Group can provide additional expertise and resources via local knowledge and skill to support the Incident Lead in managing an Incident, including recovery processes and access to required resources. (14) The following Microsoft Groups have been pre-established to be used by Incident Convenors as needed to communicate information about a particular Incident. (15) The groups are administered by the National Manager, Strategic Programs; the Program Officer, Strategic Programs, Office of Deputy Chief Operating Officer and each Executive Officer listed below. Administrators can add or remove staff from each Group or establish additional Groups as required. All members of a Group can directly email the Group. (16) For the purposes of reporting and archiving, the Groups will be managed by: (17) The five Groups are: (18) Each Group contains the following members: (19) Also included in each Microsoft Group are: (20) The following rooms (and buildings) are to be used as required during the management of an Incident or Critical Incident. (21) Each campus has physical kits that contain equipment and information to help manage an Incident or Critical Incident in the event that virtual communication is not possible. The kits are utilised when a Command Room is set up. The kits are supplied in a portable suitcase and should always be kept in the following locations: (22) ACU’s Security, Emergency Wardens and Facilities Management teams will take initial control of the scene of a Physical Incident until the arrival of Emergency Services. (23) The Incident scene may include a few different areas: (24) See also the Incident Scene Containment Set-up. (25) Incident Convenor Checklist (26) Incident Convenor Impact Assessment Tool (28) National Security Centre Checklist (29) Support Coordinator Checklist (30) People Coordinator Checklist (31) Facilities Coordinator Checklist (32) Communications Coordinator Checklist (33) Business Continuity & Recovery Coordinator Checklist (35) Asbestos Exposure Checklist (37) Construction Accident Checklist (39) Death of Staff or Student Checklist (40) Environmental, Biological, Radiological, or Chemical Release Checklist (42) Health Issue Disease Outbreak Checklist (43) Improvised Explosive Device (IED) (in mass gatherings) Checklist (44) Lost Group Checklist (46) Natural Disaster Checklist (47) Sabotage of Critical Facility Checklist (48) Serious Act of Violence Checklist (49) Sexual Assault (including Allegations) Checklist (50) Utility and IT Failure Checklist (51) The business resumption strategy contains a series of actions and steps designed to return the affected campus to its pre-interruption status and should be conducted by the Business Continuity and Recovery Coordinator. This includes restoration or relocation of campuses and resumption of operations to maximum capacity. The business resumption strategy should commence as soon as possible without interfering with critical tasks or diverting key personnel from the initial recovery process. (52) See the Business Resumption Checklist. (53) Information Management – Visual Boards (54) Post Incident Review (PIR) (55) Initial Report Form (56) Incident Log (57) Incident Action Plan - Briefing Template (58) Situation Report (SITREP) (59) Debriefing Template (60) Meeting Agendas: (61) People – Internal Team Tracking Log (62) People – People at Risk LogCritical Incident Management Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Principles
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Flowcharts
Event, Incident and Critical Incident Flowchart
Incident Flowchart
Section 5 - Assessment
Incident and Critical Incident Assessment Categories
Criteria / Description
Who to Notify
Level 0
A minor issue that has a localised small impact on staff, students, contractors, visitors, volunteers, the ACU community and the public and may entail some property damage.
The Event has largely been contained and is unlikely to escalate in severity but still requires response and management by local ACU personnel. It can usually be handled using normal operating procedures.
Local responsible staff (e.g. first aid officers)
Campus Facilities
Emergency ServicesResponses recorded as required in business as usual (BAU) processes and procedures.
Level 1
A moderate issue that has a localised impact on staff, students, contractors, visitors, volunteers, the ACU community and the public and may entail some property damage.
The Incident has largely been contained and is unlikely to escalate in severity but still requires response and management by ACU personnel.
It can usually be resolved using normal operating procedures.
National Security Centre
Incident ConvenorsIncident Leads
Incident Response Group
Critical Incident Convenor
External Regulators
Level 2
Critical Incident
A major issues or series of issues that have the potential to severely damage ACU’s people, operations, environment, its long-term prospects and / or its reputation.
It requires a significant response and ongoing management.
Critical Incident Convenor
Vice-Chancellor and President
Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG)Incident and Critical Incident Codes
Top of Page
Colour Code
Type of Incident
Examples of Threats and Risks
Internal Incident
IT / Business Systems
Fire / Smoke
Bomb threat
Medical Emergency / Threat
Personal Threat
Sexual assault / harassment
Section 6 - Management
Incident Convenors
Incident Convenors and Categories
Director, Student Administration
Chief People Officer
Director, Properties and Facilities
Chief Information and Digital Officer
Critical Incident Convenor
Chief Operating Officer
Incident Leads
Incident Leads
Campus Dean Ballarat
Campus Dean Canberra
Campus Dean Strathfield
Campus Dean Brisbane
Campus Dean Melbourne
North Sydney
Campus Dean North Sydney
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance
Sexual Assault / Harassment
Director, Student Experience
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Education Pathways)
Student Accommodation
Director, Student Experience
Critical Incident Response Group
Incident Response Group
Microsoft Groups Communication Tool
Top of Page
Section 7 - Command and Support Rooms
Command and Support Room Locations
Rooms Required
Back up Command Room - Off Campus
Critical Incident
Dependent on location of Critical Incident
Melbourne campus if required
Dickson College, Phillip Avenue Dickson
Level 5, 215 Spring Street, East Melbourne
North Sydney
Room 529.3.17, Level 3, 21 Berry Street North Sydney
Activation Procedure
Command and Support Room Kits
Command and Support Room Equipment
Top of Page
Section 8 - Incident Staging Area Management
Top of Page
Section 9 - Acronyms
Top of Page
Section 10 - Checklists
Incident Convenor
Section 11 - Specific Response Procedures and Actions
Section 12 - Business Resumption Checklist
Section 13 - Tools
Forms and Templates
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See also the Critical Incident Response Group Diagram.
Primary Command Room
For use by the Critical Incident Convenor, Incident Convenor, Incident Lead and Incident Response Group while managing an Incident or Critical Incident
Communications Team Room
During an Incident, this room will be used by the IRG Communications and Reputation Management Team to coordinate the communications aspects of an incident.
Triage Area
Located close to one of the assembly areas – this room or area is private and has access to first aid equipment
Family Reception Area
This area will be located away from the command and support rooms and be an area for family and friends to wait for situation updates
Media Staging Area
This area is for external media personnel. This area should be located away from the command and support rooms and be an area for the media personnel to wait for media statements or conferences. Having an area will minimise the risk of media personnel accessing unauthorised areas of the campus.
Primary Command Room
Critical Incident
Apostolic Delegation Room 500.G.06
Vice Chancellery Building
Torney Room 100.G.17
Carn Brea
Room 200.2.23
Office of the Campus Dean (QLD)
Boardroom 301.1.18
Veritas Building
IT Videoconference Room 464.2.07
174 Victoria Parade
North Sydney
Room 529.3.17
21 Berry Street
Videoconference room 600.1.02
Edmund Rice Building
Back-up Command Room - On Campus
Critical Incident
Videoconference Room 529.3.17
21 Berry Street
Videoconference 212.2.19
Saint John Paul II
Room 100.G.13
Office of the Campus Dean, Carn Brea
Boardroom 300.G.35
Blackfriars Building
Callinan Board Room 460.8.57
250 Victoria Parade
North Sydney
Apostolic Delegation Room 500.G.06
Vice Chancellery Building
Videoconference 640.1.16
Clancy Building
Level 3, Building 280
Brisbane Leadership Centre
229 Elizabeth St, Brisbane
Mary MacKillop Place, Mount Street North Sydney, or
ACU Strathfield Campus
North Sydney
Primary Command Room (including Critical Incident Command Room)
Support Kit / Suitcase
Communications Team Room
Triage Area
Family Reception Area
Media Staging Area
Confirm with the Emergency Coordinator where the Incident has occurred and where perimeters should be established.
Retrieve Incident Control Point kit and take to Incident Control Point
Ensure access to mobile phone (charged) and two-way radio
Establish Incident scene containment:
Preserve the scene were possible for Police and Regulator investigations.
Hot Zone
Containing the immediate incident area to prevent people from entering. Only first responders should be in this area.
Warm Zone
Only internal response teams and Emergency Services should be in this area. When Emergency Services arrive, they will most likely contain the area further, and restrict access to only their teams.
Cold Zone
This area will be where the Emergency Services will establish their command post and coordinate their resources and equipment from.
Incident Control Point
Point where the Emergency Coordinator will generally coordinate the internal response teams from, and where they will meet external Emergency Services. This point will generally be just outside the cold zone.
ACU Staging Areas
Areas where people will meet. ACU should establish staging areas to manage large groups of persons. Some of these areas will be in conjunction with Emergency Services. Examples: media staging area, Emergency Services staging areas, triage areas, assembly points, family reception centre.
Resources needed
Australian Catholic University
Business Continuity Plan
Critical Incident Response Group
Disaster Recovery
Emergency Control Organisation
Incident Action Plan
Incident Response Group
National Security Centre
Occupational Health and Safety
Personal Protective Equipment
Rural Fire Brigade
State Emergency Service
Security Logs and Incident Reporting
Post Incident Review
Work, Health and Safety
Situation Report