(1) ACU Internal Student Communications Policy. (2) This Procedure applies to University-wide, large cohort and / or segmented audience communications, between the University and its current students. Current students are defined as all students from the point of enrolment through to graduation. (3) Communications covered by these procedures encompass emails and SMS, print collateral, and content on the University’s student-facing digital platforms and on-campus screens. This procedure does not cover one-to-one enquiry or transactional communications (including course-related communications between students and teaching teams (academic and professional staff) in the learning and teaching sphere, and communications between international student advisors or Indigenous Higher Education Units and their specific student contacts). These interactions are the responsibility of individual business units or Faculties. (4) The standards set in Section 3 of the Internal Student Communications Policy must be met for all student content and communications covered by this Procedure. (5) Email encompasses electronic direct mail (eDM) sent through the University’s CRM, emails sent through Outlook to a student distribution list (DL), and emails sent from other student-facing digital platforms. (6) The primary mechanism for sending a broadcast email (University-wide and large cohort e.g. all students on a single or multiple campuses, all students in a faculty, all enrolled students – or cohorts of equivalent sizes) to current students is an eDM sent through the University CRM. Emails of this nature require approval from Student Communications in Marketing and External Relations (MER). The exception is emails sent by the following staff members: (7) The following authorised senders may only send email messages that have originated from and relate to their own areas of responsibility (ie. not on behalf of other ACU business units or any external organisations) and are recommended to first consult with Student Communications about the appropriate channel for distributing their message, unless the message is urgent (both time-critical and unforeseen): (8) For further detail of the above authorised senders, see the Email Distribution List Policy and Email Distribution List Procedure. (9) Student Communications will work with teams to ensure the appropriate audience, channel/s and timing for their messages. When determining whether email is the appropriate channel for any given message, the following parameters and categories will apply. Content will be assessed by Student Communications on a case-by-case basis. (10) Scheduled, cohort-wide or University-wide messages about essential information related to courses and important administrative matters are suitable for single-topic email. These are to be added to the shared content and communications calendar. (11) Scheduled cohort-wide or University-wide messages related to student support and services are sometimes suitable (e.g. when introducing significant or new programs and services, as opposed to ongoing BAU updates) for single-topic email and are to be added to the shared content and communications calendar. Ongoing updates and event promotions are to be included in the centrally managed student bulletin / newsletter emails. (12) Updates, offers, news, promotions and events related to co-curricular activities are generally not suitable for single-topic email and are to be added to the centrally managed student bulletin / newsletter emails. These bulletin emails may be used to direct students to the platform/s where they can sign up for events or join student groups and opt in for future communications. (13) Student Communications will determine the appropriate priority and timing of email communications, prioritising the student experience, but balancing this with business needs. The determination of email priority will be based on whether the message is critical, important or general in nature (from the student perspective). (14) Lead times for email creation / approval requests must be observed. Exceptions may be accommodated in urgent or emergency circumstances. ‘Urgent’ is defined as both time-critical and unforeseen. Emails will not be considered urgent if they have been inadequately forward planned. (15) Reminder / duplicate emails will not be sent unless there is a critical need. These emails must undergo the same, centralised approval process. (16) Where possible, emails are to be sent from an email address associated with the message owner (e.g. advocacy.service@acu.edu.au), and the email content must contain a point of contact or avenue for students to obtain further information or clarification. (17) Email content will be reviewed by Student Communications from a holistic, student perspective and may be edited to align the messaging with strategic, brand or style requirements. (18) Items included in bulletins and newsletters should be: (19) The bulletins are intended to be a representative snapshot of the University’s offerings and news. The Student Communications team will review submitted items from a holistic, student perspective and ensure that the content is balanced and sourced from a range of contributors. (20) The Student Communications team will endeavour to accommodate all items requested for inclusion in the bulletins, provided these are submitted by the specified content due dates and comply with the above guidelines. (21) The MER Communications team compiles, edits and sends the monthly Student News and Events bulletin, which is sent to all students, nationally. This bulletin includes a broad cross-section of news, announcements, events and stories from across the University, and a lead column from a member of the executive, usually the Provost. Students cannot unsubscribe from this communication. (22) The co-curricular teams (Campus Ministry; ACU Sport, and Student Life) compile fortnightly campus-based events newsletters to be edited and sent by CEI. These newsletters are intended to provide comprehensive and targeted calendars of the University’s co-curricular events, segmented by campus. Students can choose to unsubscribe from this communication. (23) Platform purpose: The digital ‘front door’ for students providing an overview of all ACU services and offerings in one place, with commonly used functionality. Intended to be the starting point for students’ online environment, the Student Portal links to Canvas and other supporting platforms. (24) Content types: (25) Who can add content to this platform: (26) Platform purpose: Canvas serves as ACU’s learning management system (LMS) and facilitates online course/unit management, delivery, assessment, and communication between staff and students. (27) Content types: (28) Who can add content to this platform: (29) Requirements for communicating from this platform: (30) Global Announcements allow for communication to all or specific users, such as faculty sub-accounts, within Canvas. Messages are displayed to users on the Canvas Dashboard. (31) There are five different types of announcements: (32) Who can make a Global Announcement: Canvas Platform Owners and Learning Technologists within CEI. (33) Requirements: staff must submit a request via this Service Central ticket. The ticket outlines the requirements for using Global Announcements. (34) Course Announcements communicate important information, updates, and reminders to students enrolled in a course. Staff should avoid duplicating messages across emails and announcements to students. (35) Content types: (36) Who can add content to Course Announcements: Editing Lecturers and Lecturers within the Canvas course. (37) IMPACT is software that provides support resources tailored to a user's specific action within Canvas. (38) Content types: (39) Who can add content to IMPACT: Canvas Platform Owner and Learning Technologists within CEI. (40) Requirements: the usage of IMPACT is restricted to the Canvas Platform Owner and Learning Technologists within CEI. Staff are not able to request new content. (41) This is a forum and thread-based tool to facilitate interactive communication, collaboration, and engagement among students and lecturers. (42) Content types: (43) Who can add content to discussions: (44) Requirements: staff will need to decide whether to use a single discussion forum for all students in the unit or set up smaller forums for different Canvas sections (such as campus-based Banner cohorts). (45) Allows students and staff to directly send and receive messages from one another. (46) Messages via the Canvas inbox can be sent to the users Outlook inbox using the notification settings in the users' profile. (47) Content types: (48) Who can add content to the course inbox: editing Lecturers, Lecturers, PASS Coordinators, Course Designers, as well as Students within the Canvas course. (49) Canvas New Analytics is a tool within Canvas that provides instructors with data and insights about student engagement and performance in their courses. (50) Requirements: staff should not use this tool for direct communication with students. If you would like to explore this tool further, please contact CEI@acu.edu.au for assistance. (51) Platform Purpose: Banner is the ACU student management system. It is a database of student records from application, enrolment, fees, results and graduation. Student Connect is the interface to Banner for use by students and academic staff. The data accessible via Student Connect is drawn from Banner. (52) Content types: (53) Who can add content to this platform: (54) Requirements for communicating from this platform: only communications that need to be recorded against the student record should be sent using Banner. Otherwise, emails should be distributed through MER. (55) Email communications to students’ ACU email accounts: (56) Email communications to students’ personal email accounts: (57) SMS communications to students: (58) Platform purpose: Secure, 24-hour online booking for appointments, events and courses and a place for relevant services’ resources and online functionality. (59) Content types: (60) Who can add content to this platform: Careers and Employability, Counselling Service, Access and Disability Service, Connect2Uni, First Peoples and ACU International staff who have a presence on UniHub and who require appointment booking, resource and event management functionality. (61) Requirements for communicating from this platform: UniHub email functionality is only to be used for communicating appointment or event booking information/confirmation to students who have used the platform for this purpose. (62) Platform purpose: Dynamic co-curricular (social, sport and community-related) content and events aligned with specific, joinable student groups and linked from the static, high-level content on the Student Portal or other key platforms. ACU Life is the place for students to opt in for co-curricular communications from specific student groups. It facilitates peer-to-peer and group communication, group administration, event management, memberships and payments. (63) Content types: (64) Who can add content to this platform: (65) Requirements for communicating from this platform – communications requirements for specific groups are detailed below: (66) Platform purpose: InPlace is ACU’s professional placement management system, used to administer the student placement process for clinical and community engagement units. InPlace allows students to view their personal details, record pre-placement requirements, and view current, past and upcoming placements. (67) Content types: (68) Who can add content to this platform: (69) Requirements for communicating from this platform: (70) Platform purpose: Vygo is ACU’s student mentoring platform, used to connect current students with student mentors for one-to-one or group mentoring sessions. Student participation is on an opt-in basis. (71) Content types: Content is limited to information directly related to the facilitation of student mentoring. (72) Who can add content to this platform: Student Transition and Retention team members. (73) Requirements for communicating from this platform: No outbound email communications are permitted except for correspondence between mentor and mentee. (74) Various microsites have been developed to respond to specific temporary needs of some business units. Microsites will be decommissioned where the content need can be met by other, pre-existing ACU student digital platforms. (75) The Digital Marketing team (MER) facilitates the sending of SMS to current students. SMS is to be used sparingly as an option to support or complement other communication channels. SMS is suitable for very brief follow-ups/reminders/alerts or timely prompts for students to act. Sending SMS carries a cost and this needs to be budgeted and paid for in advance by the requester via credit card. (76) Please consult with Student Communications (MER) for advice about the use of SMS before approaching Digital Marketing. (77) The University has several on-campus digital TV screens that are available for the display of student-facing content. Content must relate to ACU or ACU-affiliated events / programs / initiatives relevant to current students and it must meet ACU brand and style requirements. (78) Student Communications reviews and approves digital screen content; IT uploads and ensures timely removal of content from the centrally managed screens. (79) ACU’s approach to social media is governed by its Social Media Policy. Staff may request to have content for students promoted on ACU’s social media channels. These requests are assessed by the Digital Marketing Social Media team against their appropriateness for these audiences, as well as against other events and activities on the calendar. Organic promotion can be done without cost but will have limited reach. Paid promotion will have a broader reach, but you will need a budget to allocate to this activity. Specific requirements and processes are explained in the Service Central knowledge article. (80) Surveys, interviews and focus groups to students are structured by the Survey, Interview and Focus Group Governance Framework. The Survey, Interview and Focus Group Governance Framework aims to minimise the risks of over-researching students and to promote a clear and transparent methodology for the governance of research involving ACU students as participants. Applications for permission to collect data from students must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the fieldwork. Applications will be processed within ten (10) working days of being received and are approved in the order they are received. They will be approved based on: (81) Student research requests are to be completed using the application form and sent to the Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI) via CEI@acu.edu.au for review and approval by the Director, Centre for Education and Innovation. (82) ACU research is prioritised over external research. (83) Projects seeking approval should ensure the proposed dates are scheduled outside of University Block out periods and Institutional Survey dates by consulting the Research Register calendar. No communications or promotion from non-institutional research should take place during block-out periods. (84) Applications which conflict with other research projects in terms of purpose, fieldwork dates or target population will be declined until recommendations to lower the risk of research fatigue for ACU students have been integrated in the plan. (85) The number of communications (including reminders / follow-ups) that can be sent to students will be determined by the classification of the research - ranging from: (86) The application form requires the inclusion of a communications plan covering the following information: (87) Contact CEI@acu.edu.au for further advice. (88) Messages for current students are to be drafted in accordance with ACU’s brand, verbal identity and style guide. The Student Communications Writing and Style Guide is derivative of the ACU style guide and indicates basic written and visual conventions to be used for consistency and clarity. (89) Marketing and External Relations will govern student communications when not related to learning and teaching, except in emergent or emergency situations as directed by the Vice-Chancellor and President or delegate. The Communications team will advise teams from across the University on the appropriate audience, channel/s and timing for their messages. (90) Communication requests are reviewed from a holistic student perspective and will be approved if they follow the required communication principles indicated in the Internal Student Communications Policy. (91) The guidelines contained in this procedural document inform the acceptable and appropriate use of ACU’s different student communication channels. (92) Digital screens – Content approved by Student Communications (MER). Content uploaded by End User Computing Services (IT). (93) Poster/brochure/collateral design – Produced by Design (MER). Content approved by Student Communications (MER). (94) National student bulletins – Produced and distributed by the Communications team (MER). (95) Campus-based ‘what’s on’ newsletters – Produced and distributed by the Communications and Operations Coordinator in CEI. (96) Single-topic eDMs – Student Communications (MER) or Digital Marketing (MER) if part of a comprehensive email campaign. (97) SMS – Distributed by Digital Marketing (MER). Content approved by Student Communications (MER). (98) General communications advice – Student Communications (MER). (99) Communications planning and strategy – Student Communications (MER). (100) Content review – Student Communications (MER). (101) Student Portal – MER are platform owners. Digital Operations (MER) look after operational and technical issues. Student Communications (MER) reviews and approves content and advises on content strategy. (102) ACU Life – Centre for Education and Innovation are platform owners. Content strategy informed by the ACU Internal Student Communications Policy and this Procedure. (103) UniHub – Student Experience is the platform owner. Content strategy informed by the ACU Student Content and Communications Policy and procedures. (104) Canvas – Centre for Education and Innovation are platform owners. Content strategy informed by the ACU Internal Student Communications Policy and Procedure. (105) Banner – Student Systems (Student Administration) are platform owners. (106) Community of Practice – Student Communications (MER). (107) Student Portal platform access, training or troubleshooting – Digital Operations (MER). (108) Video production – Design (MER). (109) Social media – Digital Marketing (MER). (110) Student research/survey, interview and focus group approval and scheduling – Centre for Education and Innovation. (111) In line with the University's Policy Development and Review Policy, this Procedure will be reviewed in line with the governing policy and is scheduled for review every five years or more frequently if appropriate. (112) Unless otherwise indicated, this Procedure will still apply beyond the review date. (113) For further assistance, please contact Student Communications within Marketing and External Relations, visit Marketing and External Relations in Service Central or check the Student Communications knowledge articles in Service Central. (114) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Internal Student Communications Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Section 3 - Email
Authority to Send Emails to Current Students
Message Categorisation
Other Requirements
Section 4 - Student Bulletins
Overarching Principles
National Student News and Events Bulletins
Campus-based “What’s On” Newsletters
Section 5 - Digital platforms
Student Portal
Global Announcements
Course Announcements
Course inbox
New Analytics
Banner (Student Connect)
ACU Life
VYGO – Student Mentoring
Section 6 - SMS
Section 7 - Digital TV Screens
Section 8 - Social Media
Section 9 - Student Research
Approval to Send Research Communications to Current Students
Research Scheduling/Timing
Research Communications
Section 10 - Style Guide
Section 11 - Roles and approval processes
Student Communication Channels: Area of Responsibility
Section 12 - Review
Section 13 - Further Assistance
Section 14 - Associated Information
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