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Telecommunications Usage Policy

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Section 1 - Scope

(1) This Policy describes the Telecommunication Usage of Australian Catholic University. Telecommunication includes telephone lines, telephone handsets, and facsimile, modem, and voice mail services.

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Section 2 - Audience

(2) The following Policy applies to all ACU full and part-time employees, including sessional, casual and contract staff that have access to the University's telecommunication infrastructure.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(3) Historically University staff who require access to telecommunication services for the purpose of conducting University business were provided with telephone handsets and access to appropriate call service facilities. All staff had access to local call and STD services from their handsets, with access from handsets to mobile and IDD services provided only on a "needs to" basis.

(4) This Policy is intended to allow for the proper use of the University's telecommunications resources.

(5) Access to telecommunications resources owned or operated by the University imposes certain responsibilities and obligations. Abuse of this Policy can result in access to University Telecommunication services being restricted or removed. Such abuse includes conducting personal business during work hours, and / or receiving or making excessive personal phones calls.

(6) As a general rule, staff are discouraged from making or receiving personal telephone calls using the University's telephone system. The University does recognise that under certain circumstances, staff will need to make or receive a telephone call of a personal nature. Those calls must be kept to a minimum in both time and number.

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Section 4 - Operating and Financial Policy on Telephony Provisions

(7) Information Technology (IT) is responsible for providing Telecommunication services to the Australian Catholic University community.

(8) Telecommunication services represent a finite resource and therefore need to be provided and used cost effectively. To ensure that Telecommunication usage costs are controlled and moderated, some Telecommunication services will be charged back to departments while others will be provided without charge.

(9) Telecommunication Services that will be charged back to departments:

  1. IDD and Call Forwarding to Mobile Phones:
    1. The adoption of IP Telephony has provided cost savings to the University. All Inter-campus calls incur local call rates. STD phone calls incur local call rates when calls are made to destination phone numbers within specific Capital City telephone number ranges. See url:
  2. STD calls made to destinations outside the major capital cites, IDD calls and calls to mobile phones incur the full Telecommunication Carrier cost rates. To control this expenditure, the call costs incurred by staff making calls to IDD services and call forwarding to Mobile Phones will be charged back to their departments. Staff are therefore encouraged to limit IDD calls and call forwarding calls to mobiles.
  3. Fax Usage: The University has provided a limited number of phone lines on each campus for the purposes of providing access to departmental and School fax machines. As the numbers of phone lines are limited ITCS will only fund the rental and usage of one fax line per department per campus. Departments which require additional fax lines will be charged back monthly the associated line rental and call costs of additional phone lines.
  4. PSTN and Spectrum phone lines: Departments that require PSTN or Spectrum phone lines will be charged back monthly the associated line rental and call usage costs of these services.

(10) Telecommunication Services that will be provided without charge to departments:

  1. Emergency Telephones: Emergency telephones have been provided on each campus. This emergency service has been provided to ensure that basic continuity for telecommunication access can be maintained in the event of failure of the existing system. Emergency telephones are provided for that specific reason and should not be used for any other purpose.
  2. Fax Usage: ITCS will provide and fund the rental and usage costs of one fax line per department per campus.
  3. Modem lines: ITCS has provided on every campus a dial up modem service for those staff who need to work from home. This service has been provided in the ratio of one modem line for every ten staff members. Therefore with the exception of modem phone lines required to support Campus Security and alarm systems, no other dial in modem phones lines will be provided or supported by the University.
  4. IP Telephony Handsets: ITCS will fund the purchase of new and replacement IP Telephony handsets. Requests for IP Telephony handsets must be sent to the helpdesk and must be authorised by the Manager or Head of School of the Department requiring the handset.
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Section 5 - Routine Telephony Services to Staff

New Phone Extensions and Phone book listing

(11) All requests for new extensions should be forwarded to the Helpdesk at least two weeks prior to the requirement for a new extension. It is the responsibly of the departments to inform the Helpdesk of any changes in the name of the registered user of a phone extension in order for the University Phone Directory to be updated.

(12) All requests for access to IDD and Mobile phone services from ACU Handsets must be sent to the Helpdesk and authorised by the relevant Member of the Executive.

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Section 6 - Review

(13) In line with the Policy Development and Review Policy, this Policy is scheduled for review every five years or more frequently if appropriate.

(14) Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy will still apply beyond the review date.