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Joint (Cotutelle) Doctoral Enrolment Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information and Purpose

(1) Joint doctoral enrolment provides ACU’s doctoral students with an opportunity to conduct research with well-regarded overseas institutions. This provides ACU students with an opportunity to broaden their research exposure and to improve their future employment prospects. These arrangements also allow ACU researchers to develop and to strengthen valuable research collaborations internationally and to conduct research with highly-talented research students from overseas.

(2) Normally, joint doctoral enrolment will occur where ACU researchers have existing collaborations overseas, or where such an enrolment is likely to result in a strategic research development for ACU.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(3) This Policy provides the framework for the establishment and management of joint (Cotutelle) doctoral enrolments at ACU.

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Section 3 - Policy Scope

(4) This Policy applies to all research doctoral degrees at ACU.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(5) The following definitions have specific meaning in this Policy. Other terms used are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms.

Term Definition
Cotutelle is the French word commonly used to describe joint doctoral enrolment.
Joint Doctoral Enrolment is the simultaneous enrolment in a research doctoral degree at ACU and at least one other University.
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Section 5 - Application of Policy

Agreement and Approvals

(6) The Agreement will outline relevant institutional obligations and requirements for the enrolled student including the agreed examination requirements.

(7) Students must satisfy the doctoral entry requirements of ACU and the partner institutions.

(8) Students enrolled under a Joint Doctoral Agreement will be of demonstrated exceptional ability and capacity to conduct high quality research as shown by their academic track record and/or research track record.

(9) The Agreement will make clear the roles and responsibilities of the respective supervisors in relation to the progression of candidature.

(10) A Joint Doctoral Enrolment Agreement (the Agreement), approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise), must be signed by all parties before commencement of the doctoral student at ACU.

(11) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) must be satisfied that the Agreement will align with the strategic research goals of the University and that the facilities and levels of support are appropriate at all institutions to conduct the research being proposed.

(12) Agreements will be developed within the Research Institute / School under the direction of the Associate Dean, Research before being endorsed by the Executive Dean and the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise), with initial approval provided by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) and final approval and endorsement provided by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) as per clause (10) of this Policy.

(13) Once approved, the Agreement must be forwarded to the Director, Global Engagement, the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) and Director, Graduate Research School.  


(14) Students must satisfy the requirements of all Institutions in relation to enrolment, progression of candidature, intellectual property agreements, and ethics clearances. Agreement on these processes and milestones must be obtained prior to the commencement of research and must be reflected in the Joint Doctoral Enrolment Agreement.

(15) Wherever possible, the processes of all institutions should be aligned to avoid unnecessary duplication and repetition of clearances and other requirements for students. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) will have discretion in ensuring the alignment of these processes for ACU students.

(16) Normally, the student will spend at least one year (either continuously or in blocks of time) at an institution other than ACU.

(17) The student will have opportunities to work with and access all the appropriate research equipment and infrastructure in all institutions in order to satisfy degree requirements.

(18) If a student is making unsatisfactory progress and all institutions are in agreement, action will be taken in accordance with clauses (305) – (334) of the Higher Degree Research Regulations.

(19) Normally, students will pay fees only at their home institution.

(20) Unless otherwise specified, the student will meet all incidental fees and charges, health cover, travel and associated costs, and personal expenses.

Thesis Submission and Examination

(21) The student will prepare one thesis, which will be subjected to the examination processes and procedures as outlined in the Joint Doctoral Agreement.

(22) Students must provide ACU with the thesis in English, unless otherwise agreed. All translation costs will be borne by the student.

(23) Unless otherwise agreed, ACU must receive all examiners reports in English. The Associate Dean, Research (ADR) will ensure that communication occurs between supervisors in finalising any revisions or modifications to the thesis as may be required by external examiners.

(24) Each institution will individually award a testamur and a transcript that recognises the joint enrolment and that records the name of other universities, as specified in the Agreement.

(25) Each university may determine not to award the degree and, in that instance, the name of the non-awarding university will not appear on the testamur. This decision of the non-awarding university does not preclude another university from awarding the degree.

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Section 6 - Roles and Responsibilities

(26) The Faculty / Research Institute / School has responsibility for developing the Agreement in consultation with the ADR before being endorsed by the Executive Dean and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research). Final endorsement is provided by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) in accordance with clause (12) of this Policy.

(27) The Graduate Research School are responsible for the administration of the candidate lifecycle.

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Section 7 - Review

(28) Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy will still apply beyond the review date.

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Section 8 - Associated Information

(29) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources, please refer to the Associated Information tab.