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(1) There shall be a Senate Standing Committee of the Senate that reports directly to Senate consisting of the following:
- The Chancellor (Chair);
- The Pro-Chancellor (ex-officio) as Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee;
- The Vice-Chancellor and President (ex-officio);
- The Chair, Academic Board; and
- The Chair, Audit and Risk Committee.
(2) The Senate Standing Committee shall, subject to the direction and control of the Senate, exercise the following functions:
- Act as a conduit between the Chapters and Senate in relation to the nomination of Senators pursuant to clause 13.2(f) of the Constitution;
- Consider and advise Senate regarding the appointment of Senators pursuant to clause 13.2(g) of the Constitution;
- Consider and advise Senate regarding the Vice-Chancellor and President's remuneration as defined in clause 32.1 of the Constitution;
- Following discussion between the Chair of the Committee and the Vice-Chancellor and President, exercise during intervals between meetings of the Senate a standing delegation to deal with urgent issues pursuant to clause 16.1 of the Constitution;
- Review proposals or amendments to Statutes and Regulations and recommend to Senate for approval;
- Review and approve proposals or amendments to Policy and report to Senate for noting;
- Provide policy advice and / or consider items requiring legislative review or interpretation;
- Consider and report to Senate on any other matters referred to it by Senate; and
- Obtain legal, financial or other independent professional advice from external persons or bodies with relevant experience and expertise, at ACU's expense, in the exercise of the functions set out in this Statute.
(3) In furtherance of clause 2(b) the Senate Standing Committee shall identify the requisite education, expertise and / or experience with particular reference to the Senate Skills Matrix, and advise Senate accordingly.
(4) The Senate Standing Committee shall regulate its own proceedings at meetings.
(5) Four members of the Senate Standing Committee shall constitute a quorum. Should the quorum include the Vice-Chancellor and President during a meeting in which the Committee considers:
- The Vice-Chancellor and President's remuneration: and / or
- Any issue upon which the Vice-Chancellor and President has specifically sought advice from the Committee in the Vice-Chancellor and President's capacity as Vice-Chancellor and President; and / or
- Any other matter in respect of which the Vice-Chancellor and President is required to be absent from the meeting on the basis of any real or perceived conflict of interest,
the quorum for the Committee shall be reduced to three for any such period of the Vice-Chancellor and President's absence.
(6) Meetings of the Senate Standing Committee shall be called:
- At least twice per year; or
- As required to give effect to clause 2(d); or
- Upon the request of at least two members of the Senate Standing Committee.
S 2016/038 |
15 June 2016 |
1 |
S 2019/040 |
13 June 2019 |