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Microcredentials and Short Course Guideline

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this document to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Governing Policy

(1) These Guidelines are governed by the Microcredentials and Short Course Policy.

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Section 2 - Academic Approval


(2) For all microcredentials, a proposal for academic approval must be submitted to the Courses and Academic Quality Committee by the relevant Faculty Board, using the prescribed template.

(3) The proposal for academic approval must include the following:

  1. proposed name and code;
  2. rationale and purpose of the microcredential identifying the specific community need that it will meet;
  3. statement of aim and objectives of the microcredential;
  4. a business case including:
    1. a market/demand analysis;
    2. a cost/benefit analysis; and
    3. proposed fee.
  5. details of the way that the offering aligns with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values;
  6. a maximum of three learning outcomes which are aligned with the identified community need for the course and its aim;
  7. details of quality assurance measures and processes that will be used to ensure the quality and integrity of the microcredential;
  8. a description of the overarching strategy to be used to support client learning;
  9. details of the overarching assessment strategy to be used to assess client learning;
  10. details of credit arrangements where appropriate;
  11. mode of delivery;
  12. location of delivery;
  13. resource requirements, including consultation checklist triggered by resource requirements; and
  14. proposed commencement date.

(4) Approved microcredentials will be reported to Academic Board via the minutes of Courses and Academic Quality Committee.

Short Courses

(5) For short courses offered by Faculties a proposal for academic approval must be submitted to the relevant Faculty Board via the Academic Programs Committee or equivalent, using the prescribed template.

(6) For short courses offered by Executive Education, a proposal for academic approval must be submitted:

  1. in the case of a short course offered in partnership with a Faculty, the relevant Faculty Board;
  2. in the case of a short course which is not offered in partnership with a particular Faculty, the Faculty Board in Faculty of Law and Business.

(7) The proposal for academic approval must include the following:

  1. proposed course title (course titles must not use Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification titles);
  2. course details, including the following:
    1. rationale and purpose of course;
    2. mode of delivery;
    3. commencement date;
    4. learning outcomes;
    5. hours of learning; and
    6. assessment (if applicable).
  3. resource requirements, including consultation checklist triggered by resource requirements;
  4. details of credit arrangements where appropriate.

(8) Prior to each offering of a short course, the Faculty must develop a business plan considering the following:

  1. course budget and proposed fee;
  2. location of delivery; and
  3. any special facility requirements.

(9) Approved short courses will be reported to Academic Board via the minutes of Faculty Board.

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Section 3 - Client Administration

(10) The organisational unit offering the microcredential or short course will retain records of client registration, engagement and completion (including assessment results if relevant) for a period consistent with the Records and Archive Management Policy.

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Section 4 - Certification and Nomenclature

(11) Clients who successfully complete the requirements of a microcredential will receive a “Statement of Attainment”.

(12) Where the microcredential is offered by a Faculty the “Statement of Attainment” is awarded by the Executive Dean of the relevant Faculty.

(13) Where the microcredential is offered outside a Faculty the “Statement of Attainment” is awarded by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

(14) Clients who successfully complete the requirements of a short course will receive:

  1. where assessment has been completed clients are issued with a “Certificate of Completion”;
  2. where no assessment is undertaken participants are issued with a “Certificate of Participation”.

(15) Statements and certificates issued for microcredentials or short courses must contain the text ‘This Statement/Certificate is not issued under the Australian Qualifications Framework’.

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Section 5 - Revisions to this Guideline

(16) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any
later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Major, Minor or Editorial
Description of Revision(s)
July 2021
Amendment to assessment requirements for Microcredentials (Section 6.6)
17 November 2021
Expansion of section 4.1 to allow microcredentials at all AQF levels.
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Section 6 - Associated Information

(17) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.