(1) Terms used in these Academic Regulations are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. (2) It is the responsibility of students to familiarise themselves and comply with University statutes, regulations, policies and associated procedures. (3) The roles and responsibilities for Academic and Student Matters are subject to the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (4) These Academic Regulations delegate the following roles to the Head of School or equivalent as follows: (5) A Course Coordinator may undertake roles under these Academic Regulations in accordance with delegations from the Head of School, or equivalent, in a particular program. (6) The preferred method of correspondence with an applicant/student is email unless another form is required under specific ACU policies. (7) A notice or advice to an applicant/student is sufficient if it is in writing and is: (8) Unless a later delivery date can be proven, any notice or advice is deemed to have been received: (9) Correspondence from a student will take effect from the date it is received by the University, except where the correspondence is received on a day which is not a business day, when it will be deemed to have been received on the next business day. (10) A student's full legal name must be recorded on their student record and will be used on all official academic documents. (11) Students must formally notify the University within 5 working days, in accordance with the prescribed administrative process, of any change of: (12) Any document or form submitted by a student and all correspondence between the University and a student is retained by the University and is disposed of according to the University's Records and Archive Management Policy. (13) Applications for admission and applications to defer commencement will be dealt with in accordance with the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy. (14) A student must reapply for admission in accordance with the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy where they have: (15) A student is eligible to apply for readmission to the University where they have: (16) A student who is eligible for readmission to the University under clause (15) of these Regulations, may apply to return to their previous program or apply for a new program. (17) An applicant for readmission may be required to demonstrate a capacity to resume study and any request for admission to a new course is subject to the availability of places. (18) A student who is readmitted to the University in their previous program, will normally be required to complete the program in accordance with the conditions and program rules in force at the time of the return. (19) Credit may be granted towards an ACU program for formal, non-formal or informal learning in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. (20) Credit may be in the form of any one or more of the following: (21) Applications for credit and/or recognised prior learning should be made in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. (22) There is no maximum credit that may be granted for: (23) The maximum credit that may be granted in any other circumstances for recognised prior learning is: (24) Normally a student must complete at least one-quarter of the units required for a program, and at least one-quarter of the units required for a major, double major or specialisation: (25) Credit will only be granted for prior learning acquired within the last 10 years. (26) Credit for prior study or learning based on any completed award may be granted only once towards an award at ACU. (27) A student may not seek credit for a failed unit unless the application is based on equivalent tertiary study successfully completed after the failure in the unit. (28) If a student has been granted the maximum available credit, in accordance with clause (23) in these Regulations, for studies undertaken at another institution or for recognised prior learning, approval will not normally be granted for other units to be undertaken elsewhere on a cross-institutional basis. (29) Credit will only be granted for a whole unit. (30) Credit for formal learning can normally only be granted for: (31) A student may not be granted credit towards any program for any study, learning, professional experience or community engagement undertaken elsewhere during any period of termination of enrolment or exclusion from this or another University or other educational institution. (32) A student who transfers from a Double Bachelor Degree to one of the component Bachelor Degrees must meet the requirements of that Bachelor Degree. A student will only receive credit for units that are consistent with the applicable program rules of the Bachelor Degree. This may be less than the total credit points completed within the Double Bachelor Degree. (33) To become an enrolled or re-enrolled student, a person who has been offered a place or a student who is continuing in a program must, by the prescribed date: (34) The Course Coordinator, on the advice of the Lecturer in Charge, may cancel a student’s enrolment in a unit before the relevant census date where the student: (35) A student will have their enrolment in a unit cancelled where the pre-requisite(s) to enrol in the unit have not been met. (36) All continuing students are required to re-enrol in at least one unit in any two study periods across each academic year unless they: (37) A student who has not enrolled in unit(s) at census date for two consecutive standard study periods, or equivalent duration of non-standard study periods, will be deemed to be inactive and will be required to apply for readmission to the University in accordance with clauses (15)-(18) of these Regulations. (38) A student who has who has not enrolled in unit(s) at census date for four consecutive standard study periods, or equivalent duration of non-standard study periods, will be deemed to have abandoned their studies and will be required to reapply for admission in accordance with clause (14) of these Regulations. (39) A student must maintain their enrolment by ensuring they: (40) A student who fails to complete the process for re-enrolment or variation of enrolment by the due date will be required to pay a late fee in order to be an enrolled student. (41) A student who incurs a fee under clause (40) in these Regulations will remain liable for that fee if they withdraw from the relevant unit(s). (42) The University may limit the number of enrolments in any unit in any study period and may make any unit available only to students in a nominated cohort(s) or program(s). (43) A student may not normally enrol concurrently in more than one program at ACU. This provision may be waived in exceptional circumstances with the approval of the Academic Registrar. This constraint is not applicable to students enrolled in approved programs where concurrent enrolment is intended and specified in the course rules, or to students enrolled in double degrees who are enrolled in one program of study, but two courses. (44) International students: (45) Enrolment in a program or unit, or variation of enrolment, will not be accepted after the relevant date prescribed in the University Calendar and is subject to clauses (49)-(50) and clauses (55)-(56) in these Regulations. (46) With the prior written approval of the Course Coordinator a student may be enrolled concurrently at ACU and another tertiary institution in a unit or units which, if successfully completed, will be credited to the student’s program at ACU. (47) Cross-institutional enrolment will only be approved: (48) Cross-institutional enrolment will only be approved as a substitute for a unit failed at ACU where the unit is necessary for completion of the student’s program. (49) A student may add a unit to an existing enrolment, provided that such changes are actioned: (50) A student may add a unit to an existing enrolment after the periods noted in clause (49) of these Regulations only if authorised by the Lecturer in Charge and approved by the Course Coordinator before the census date; any such late change may incur additional fees and charges. (51) A student may not enrol in more units than a standard full-time program load in any study period without the approval of the Course Coordinator except where concurrent enrolment in two courses is intended and allowed for in the course rules. The student's previous academic record will be considered in determining the application. (52) A student may be required by the Course Coordinator to re-enrol in a previously completed unit following an interruption to their studies for two or more standard-study periods under clause (75), or to maintain professional registration recency requirements. Each attempt will be recorded on the transcript and will contribute to the calculation of the GPA. (53) A student who wishes to re-enrol in a previously completed unit, may do so with the approval of the Course Coordinator on a non-award full fee-paying basis. Each subsequent attempt will be recorded on the transcript but will not contribute to the calculation of the GPA. (54) Students are responsible for seeking advice from the Course Coordinator before withdrawing from units or their program of study. Completing the formal withdrawal process and the consequences of the withdrawal are also the responsibility of the student. (55) Enrolment for a study period will not be recorded on the student’s transcript if a student withdraws from all units, or their program of study: (56) A commencing student who withdraws from all units up to the census date in their first study period will be withdrawn from their program of study. (57) A commencing student who is withdrawn from their program of study up to the census date in their first study period may apply to defer their offer under the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy (58) A student who has withdrawn from their program of study, and who has not deferred their offer at clause (57), will be required to re-apply for admission in accordance with clause (14) of these Regulations. (59) A student may withdraw from a unit without academic and financial penalty up to the relevant census date of the study period unless clause (60) in these Regulations applies. (60) A student who has commenced a professional experience placement prior to the relevant census date of the study period may only withdraw from the unit without academic and financial penalty: (61) Where a student has withdrawn from a unit in accordance with clause (59) or (60) in these Regulations, the unit will not be recorded on the student’s transcript. (62) Under special circumstances specified under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) a student may apply to be withdrawn from a unit without financial penalty. (63) A student may withdraw from a unit without academic penalty and receive a Withdrawn Without Academic Penalty (WW) grade after the dates specified in clause (59) in these Regulations and: (64) A student will not be able to withdraw from a unit without academic penalty under clause (63) in these Regulations where: (65) Withdrawal without academic penalty after the dates specified in clause (63) in these Regulations may be approved by the Executive Dean or Head of School, or equivalent, as an outcome from an application for formal review or appeal or the resolution of a formal complaint. (66) A student will be liable for fees relating to a unit if the student withdraws after the census date for the relevant study period. (67) On the advice of the relevant Course Coordinator or Professional Experience Coordinator, a student may be withdrawn from a professional experience placement by the Head of School, or equivalent if the student: (68) In any such case, the Head of School, or equivalent, will advise the student within 10 working days in writing of: (69) On the advice of the relevant Course Coordinator or Professional Experience Coordinator, a student may also be withdrawn from a professional experience placement in accordance with: (70) A student who has been withdrawn from a professional experience placement: (71) In special circumstances the Course Coordinator may approve a student's substituting an equivalent unit from this or another university for a required unit in a program. Where a substitute unit was undertaken at ACU, that unit will be recorded on the student's academic transcript. Where the unit was undertaken at another university, it will be handled as cross-institutional study. (72) A student who has completed and achieved final results for at least one study period in their current program may interrupt their studies, subject to visa requirements in the case of international students. (73) A student may formally interrupt their studies for up to a maximum of two standard study periods over the duration of their course. (74) A student may apply to the Course Coordinator for further interruption of studies under exceptional circumstances. Such an extension: (75) Where an interruption of studies is approved for more than two standard-study periods, the Course Coordinator may attach conditions to the student’s return to studies, including requiring the student to: (76) A student who does not re-enrol following their period of interruption: (77) If the program rules change during the currency of a student’s enrolment for the program, the student must follow the approved transition plan. (78) In exceptional circumstances, where the student has pursued the program without interruption and pursuit of the transitional program would substantially disadvantage the student, the Course Coordinator may permit them to complete the program under the rules applicable at the time of initial enrolment, within a timeframe approved by the Course Coordinator. The maximum period during which a student would be permitted to complete a program under these circumstances would be four standard study periods beyond the minimum time for course completion within the program rules. (79) Students who transfer from a Double Bachelor Degree to one of the component Bachelor Degrees are required to: (80) A student may apply for a right of correction where they can demonstrate that a university error caused, or significantly contributed to, an error in their enrolment. (81) ACU will set fees or charges associated with student enrolments, due dates for payment and penalties for failure to adhere to the due date for a nominated course of action, or failure to pay the prescribed amount by the relevant due date. (82) A student who is in debt to the University because of non-payment of any fee, charge or other debt and who fails to make satisfactory settlement of that debt after notice from the University may be prevented from: (83) A student will have their enrolment cancelled if they do not: (84) Students who wish to resume study following a cancellation of enrolment will be charged a late payment and reinstatement fee in addition to the outstanding fees. (85) Any student in a Commonwealth Supported Place or receiving FEE-HELP assistance who believes that the enrolment and/or payment details on their Commonwealth Assistance Notice are incorrect must apply for a right of correction within 14 days of the date of issue of that notice. (86) A Commonwealth-supported place will be available only for study in units prescribed for completion of the relevant course. If a student seeks to enrol in units not so required, they may do so only on a fee-paying basis and is subject to the approval of the Course Coordinator. (87) This section should be read in conjunction with the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure. (88) To complete the requirements for a unit a student must: (89) Failure to complete all the requirements of clause (88) in these Regulations will result in failure of the unit. (90) Any allegation of academic misconduct will be investigated and resolved in accordance with the Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy. (91) Examinations will be conducted in accordance with the Examination Policy. (92) Results in a unit are assigned by the Lecturer in Charge, and must be ratified by the Head of School, or equivalent, or nominee prior to release to student. (93) A student's result in a unit may be changed: (94) Results will be released by Student Administration on the published date. (95) Results will not be released to a student where they: (96) All units will be assessed and unit results will be recorded: (97) Subject to clause (129) in these Regulations, a student who fails a unit may either re-enrol in that unit in a subsequent study period in which it is offered or, if the unit is not a core curriculum or compulsory discipline unit, enrol in another unit consistent with the relevant course rules. (98) A student who re-enrols in a unit that was failed previously must complete the whole unit. This includes the completion of all assessment including any professional experience placement. (99) Where a student cannot be awarded a final result for a unit at the end of the study period, an interim grade will be recorded. If no final grade has been assigned to the unit by the deadline set by the University, a Fail (NN) or Fail Ungraded (NU) grade will be assigned to the unit. (100) Credit will be recorded as follows: (101) The following administrative grades will be recorded in accordance with these regulations. (102) The following interim grading codes will be temporarily recorded and will be converted to an academic or administrative grade according to the Student Results Procedure. (103) All Honours courses will be assessed and recorded according to the codes listed in Table 5. (104) The award of the overall Honours Grade will be based on marks obtained in all units required in the Honours course, weighted according to their credit point values (illustrated by the formula below). (105) The grade point average is calculated as the average of unit grades obtained by the student, weighted by the credit point value of each unit (illustrated by the formula below). The GPA value of grades for this purpose are as listed in Table 1 and Table 2 to clause (96) in these Regulations. (106) Pass Ungraded (PS), Credit Granted (CG) and Withdrawn Without Academic Penalty (WW) grades are excluded from the calculation of the grade point average. (107) A student must maintain satisfactory academic progress in a program or non-award course. (108) Unless the program rules otherwise specify, or the Head of School, or equivalent, otherwise approves, a student must complete the requirements of the program within a maximum time limit calculated from the first undertaking of any units counted or the date any credit is granted towards the program requirements, and not including an interruption of studies to a maximum of two standard study periods authorised under clause (73) in these Regulations. The time limits are: (109) A student’s academic performance will be formally assessed at the completion of the following progression review periods: (110) Notwithstanding clause (109) in these Regulations, a student’s academic performance may be assessed following any study period where the Head of School, or equivalent, determines it is necessary. (111) A student who has failed 50% or more of enrolled units or credit points during a progression review period will be warned that they are at risk of not making satisfactory academic progress. (112) The student will be formally notified by the Course Coordinator of their at risk status. The notice must be consistent with the correspondence requirements of clauses(6)-(8) in these Regulations and will normally be issued within 20 working days from the date of finalisation of their results for the relevant progression review period to: (113) A student’s academic progress will be determined as being unsatisfactory in the following circumstances: (114) A student who is assessed as making unsatisfactory academic progress: (115) The student will be formally notified by the Course Coordinator of the requirement to show cause as to why their enrolment should not be terminated. The notice must be consistent with the correspondence requirements of clauses(6)-(8) in these Regulations and will normally be issued within 20 working days from the date of finalisation of their results for the relevant progression review period. (116) Any submission from a student showing cause why their enrolment should not be terminated must: (117) Failure to show cause in the format required under clause (116) in these Regulations may result in termination of enrolment. (118) The student’s show cause submission will be assessed by the relevant Course Coordinator who will consider: (119) The Course Coordinator will determine whether the student: (120) The student will be advised of the decision within 20 working days from the date of the student’s lodgement of the show cause submission. (121) Unless otherwise determined by the Head of School, or equivalent, a student’s enrolment in a program or non-award course is terminated if the student: (122) A student who is terminated under clause (121) must be terminated from the program that triggered the termination but may be given the option to be awarded an approved exit qualification if the requirements for such an award have been met. (123) Termination under clause (121) will take effect from the end of the study period during which the student became liable for termination where a student: (124) Where the decision to terminate under clause (121) is subject to a formal review or appeal lodged within 20 working days of the notification of the decision, the termination will take effect from: (125) A student may apply for a formal review or appeal of any termination of enrolment under the provisions of Section 12 of these Regulations. (126) Failure to apply for a formal review or appeal within 20 working days of the notification of a termination of enrolment decision may result in an international student receiving a Notice of Intention to Report to the Department of Home Affairs and Department of Education. (127) Where no application for formal review or appeal of a termination decision has been submitted by an international student, there are no further appeal rights relating to the Notice of Intention to Report to the Department of Home Affairs and Department of Education. (128) An applicant whose enrolment, at this or another university, has been terminated for unsatisfactory progress, may only be considered for re-admission into a course or individual unit(s) under Section 4 of these Regulations after two standard study periods have elapsed from the date of termination unless they are applying for admission to remedial or preparatory study at ACU. Such study will not be credited towards any program. (129) A student who has failed the same unit or its equivalent on three occasions and whose enrolment has been terminated may not enrol in units in that discipline until at least two standard study periods have elapsed from the date of termination; re-enrolment in such units is subject to the approval of the Head of School, or equivalent concerned. (130) A student who wishes to apply for review of or to appeal an academic or administrative decision will do so in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy and Student Appeals Procedure. (131) To be eligible for conferral in any award of the University, a student must: (132) Failure to complete all the requirements of clause (131) in these Regulations will result in ineligibility for conferral in the relevant award. (133) Where the course rules provide for an exit point, a student who has satisfied relevant course requirements may apply to take out the lower level award. (134) In instances where it has been confirmed that an award was wrongly conferred, either through administrative error or based on provision of fraudulent or misleading information, ACU may rescind or revoke the award in accordance with the Rescission, Revocation or Relinquishment of an Award Procedure. (135) Awards will be conferred in accordance with the Conferral and Graduation Policy. (136) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Academic Regulations an Executive Dean may, in any case deemed appropriate, vary, dispense with or suspend any requirements of or prescription in these Regulations. Any such action by an Executive Dean must be reported to Academic Board annually.Academic Regulations
Section 1 - Definitions
Section 2 - Roles and Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities
Staff Roles and Responsibilities
Section 3 - Formal Communications
Correspondence to Applicants/Students
Correspondence from Student
Personal or Correspondence Details
Record Keeping
Section 4 - Admission and Readmission
Section 5 - Credit for Previous Study or Learning
Types of Credit
Credit Applications
Maximum Allowable Credit
Minimum Level of Studies Required for an Award of ACU
Limits on Credit for Recognised Prior Learning
Section 6 - Enrolment
Program Enrolment
Requirements for Enrolment and Re-enrolment
Continuing Enrolment
Fee for Late Re-enrolment or Variation
Constraints on Enrolment
Non-acceptance of enrolment or variation of enrolment after prescribed date
Cross-institutional Enrolment
Addition of Units
Period for Adding Units
Late Addition of Units
Credit Point Limit in a Study Period
Repeating a Previously Completed Unit
Withdrawal from a Program of Study
Withdrawal from a Unit Without Academic or Financial Penalty
Withdrawal from a Unit Without Academic Penalty
Withdrawal from a Professional Experience Placement for Unsatisfactory Performance
Withdrawal from a Professional Experience Placement for Other Reasons
Interruption of Studies
Applicable Program Rules
Right of Correction
Section 7 - Fees
Levying Fees and Charges
Payment Requirements
Units Not Prescribed in the Course Requirements
Section 8 - Assessment
Unit Completion Requirements
Academic Misconduct
Section 9 - Examinations
Section 10 - Results
Allocation, Change and Release of Results
Allocation of Results
Change of Results
Release of Results
Grading and Results
Unit Results
Table 1 – Academic Grading for Graded Units
Final Result Grade
Mark Range (%)
Grade Point Value
High Distinction
Fail Hurdle
Table 2 – Academic Grading for Ungraded Units
Final Result Grade
Mark Range (%)
Grade Point Value
Pass Ungraded
no mark
Fail Ungraded
no mark
Fail Grade
No Final Grade Assigned
Record of Results for Credit
Administrative Grades
Table 3 – Administrative Grading Codes
Grade Point Value
Credit Granted
When a student has been granted credit for the unit based on equivalent studies (Section 5 of these Regulations)
Fail absent
When a student has made no attempt at any assessment for a unit
Withdrawn Without Academic Penalty
When a student withdraws from a unit in accordance with clauses (63) or (65) in these Regulations
Interim Grading Codes
Table 4 – Interim Grading Codes
Current Exchange
Interim grade pending a final result when a student is studying an equivalent unit on a study abroad arrangement.
Continuing Unit
Interim grade for a research higher degree thesis, dissertation, project, research, performance unit extending over more than one standard study period:
Deferred examination
Interim grade pending a Deferred Examination
Incomplete Practicum
Interim grade pending completion of required professional experience within a unit
Interim Fail
Interim grade pending supplementary assessment.
Result Pending
Interim grade pending completion of an assessment item within a unit.
Result Withheld
Interim grade where a student has been awarded a result for a unit but the result is withheld because a matter concerning the student is under investigation under the Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy or the Student Conduct Policy.
Honours Course Grading Codes
Table 5 – Grading Codes - Honours
Overall Honours Grades
Mark Range %
First Class Honours
Second Class Honours - Division A
Second Class Honours - Division B
Third Class Honours
Grade Point Average
Section 11 - Academic Progress
Satisfactory Academic Progress
At Risk Process
Unsatisfactory Academic Progress
Show Cause Process
orTermination of Enrolment for Unsatisfactory Academic Progress
Effective Date of Termination
Request for Formal Review of Termination
Application for Readmission or Re-enrolment Following Termination
Section 12 - Review and Appeals
Section 13 - Conferral of Awards
Eligibility for Award
Revocation or Rescission of an Award
Conferral of Award
Section 14 - Saving Clause
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until the debt is repaid or arrangements, satisfactory to the Academic Registrar, have been made for settlement of the debt.
Mark range = SUM (Honours unit marks x unit credit points) / SUM Honours unit credit points
GPA = SUM (GPA value x unit credit points) / SUM unit credit points