(1) Australian Catholic University is committed to high-quality learning and teaching, research, and community engagement. The Evaluation of Learning and Teaching Policy reflects the University’s commitment to a systematic approach to evaluation and improvement of learning and teaching. It also presents a framework for evaluation to ascertain and monitor the quality of learning and teaching processes and outcomes. In turn, the Policy will provide an informed basis for making decisions to enhance and achieve continuous improvement of learning and teaching in the University. (2) For the purposes of this Policy, evaluation constitutes a process of gathering information to develop an understanding of one or more aspects of learning and teaching in order to draw conclusions as to its merit, worth or value, and to the factors that are helping and hindering its operation. An underpinning component of the process is critical reflection, based on sound evidence. The prime beneficiaries of such evaluation are academic staff and students, in terms of the enhancement of learning and teaching that they are able to promote and experience in the light of the evaluation findings. The evaluation process is in turn of benefit to Schools, Faculties and the University, as well as to other significant stakeholders, in terms of the information it provides and the decision-making that it helps to inform. (3) Evaluation is an integral element of the University’s planning and development procedures, contributing to evidence-based decision-making on a continuing basis. As part of this, there are points at which the process is focused into formal evaluation exercises with distinct and discrete intended outcomes, such as: (4) Learning and teaching comprise an educational partnership that exists within the particular context of Australian Catholic University. In evaluating learning and teaching, the unique aspects of this context need to be recognised and taken into account. These include, for example: (5) The quality of learning and teaching can only be understood and evaluated in their particular contexts. These contexts generate both enabling and constraining factors, and an understanding of such factors and their impacts is needed in reaching evaluative conclusions. (6) The evaluation of learning and teaching may be undertaken for a range of purposes, such as to: (7) The following principles underpin this Policy: (8) The approaches adopted for evaluation of learning and teaching, and the particular requirements attaching to each approach, may vary according to the purpose(s) for which the evaluation is being undertaken. As noted in the underlying principles, however, multiple data collection techniques and sources need to be used for a range of specific purposes. Any comparison of data from multiple sources should be accompanied by: (9) The following are examples of ways of collecting data for the evaluation of learning and teaching in the University: (10) As a general requirement, student ratings and comments should be gathered every time a unit is taught. (11) The University will utilise appropriate survey and/or other instruments to assist in the evaluation of learning and teaching. The instruments include the Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching (SELT) and the Professional Experience (ProfEx) surveys for student feedback on, and evaluation of: (12) Such instruments will be developed and managed by the Centre for Education and Innovation. Response rates should be taken into account when analysing the survey data, with care being taken to avoid drawing conclusions based on very small returns. (13) In undertaking evaluation of learning and teaching, due regard needs to be given to the rights, privacy, dignity and entitlements of those who are participating in or who are likely to be affected by the evaluation. This relates to all elements of the evaluation, including its design, operation and reporting and subsequent use of the evaluation data and findings. (14) Evaluation provides a fundamental component of the learning and teaching partnership. Consequently there are distinct roles and responsibilities for each of the participants in the partnership, including Staff, Students, Schools and Faculties. (15) Teaching staff and other staff involved in the delivery of units play a leading role in helping to establish with their Studenets an environment for learning and teaching that encourages and incorporates reflective evaluation, on a continuing basis, that is seen to carry benefit for their Students, themselves, the University and the wider community. (16) Students play an important role, not only as providers of critical evaluation data but also as co-contributors to the conceptualisation and implementation of optimal learning settings in the light of those data. Students have the responsibility to provide feedback in a professional and appropriate manner. (17) Schools and Faculties play a supporting and enabling role, seeking to promote the use of evaluation data and findings in ways that serve the interests of staff, students and the University. (18) The Centre for Education and Innovation facilitates the conduct of SELT and ProfEx surveys and the dissemination of the results thereof in accordance with this Policy. (19) All of the partners carry responsibility for providing honest and timely feedback to those who have participated in or who are likely to be affected by the evaluation. (20) These various roles and responsibilities imply an openness of process in which the intentions and procedures are clearly identified in advance and faithfully adhered to in practice. (21) Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy will still apply beyond the review date.Evaluation of Learning and Teaching Policy
Section 1 - Background Information
Top of PageSection 2 - Contextual Issues
Section 3 - Evaluation Purposes and Criteria
Top of PageSection 4 - Underlying Principles
Top of PageSection 5 - Approaches to Learning and Teaching Evaluation
Section 6 - Instrument to Facilitate Evaluation of Learning and Teaching
Section 7 - Ethical Issues
Section 8 - Roles and Responsibilities
Section 9 - Revisions Made to This Policy
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