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Student Cards and Photographic Images Policy

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Section 1 - Policy Statement

(1) This Policy describes the collection and use of student data for the production of the ACU student card (ACU Card), the purpose of the card and the use of the student photographic image collected for this purpose.

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Section 2 - Policy Scope

(2) This Policy applies to all students and staff in terms of access to and use of student photographic images and ACU Card.

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Section 3 - Definitions

(3) Terms used in this Policy and the associated procedures are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms In addition, the following words and expressions in this Policy have the meanings listed below:

Term Definition
ACU Card data refers to the information contained on an ACU Card as extracted from the Banner student system. The ACU Card also contains a photographic image of the student, which is stored on the student card system and/or the Banner student system.
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Section 4 - Purpose and Uses of Student Cards

(4) ACU Card data may vary from time to time but will generally be limited to information necessary to identify the student, their course of study and their current enrolment status.

(5) Every student must obtain an ACU Card and must produce their ACU card upon request by an authorised member of the University.

(6) An ACU card may be required for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to:

  1. confirmation of identity;
  2. professional experience program placements;
  3. entry to an examination;
  4. Library use;
  5. access to teaching and/or research activities or facilities;
  6. access and/or entry to recreational, cultural and/or sporting activities or facilities;
  7. photocopying and/or printing;
  8. purchase of goods or services.

(7) The ACU Card may also be used by students to access external benefits or discount arrangements with external providers.

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Section 5 - Student Responsibility

(8) Students must:

  1. obtain an ACU Card at, or prior to, the commencement of their first study period within the timelines specified by the University;
  2. ensure that they upload an acceptable photographic image according to the requirements set out at Schedule 1;
  3. ensure that information contained on the student card is correct at the time of production and that it is updated should the student’s details, including enrolment status, where applicable, change;
  4. ensure the security of their ACU Card and not provide it to, or allow it to be used by, any other person;
  5. notify the University at the earliest opportunity if their ACU Card is lost, stolen or damaged;
  6. obtain a replacement ACU Card in the event of loss, theft or damage. A fee will normally apply for replacement in cases of loss or damage. In case of theft, where a police report is provided, the replacement will be free of charge;
  7. obtain a replacement ACU Card if it expires while the student is still enrolled. An ACU Card is normally valid for a maximum period of five years.

(9) Failure to obtain an ACU Card may result in denial of access to University services.

(10) A student may not use an ACU Card for any purpose if they cancel their enrolment, if they have their enrolment terminated or suspended by the University, or otherwise discontinue their study at ACU.

(11) Any attempt to fraudulently obtain or use an ACU Card will be dealt with under the Student Conduct Policy and/or referred to law enforcement agencies.

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Section 6 - Ownership and Production of the ACU Card

(12) ACU Cards remain the property of the University.

(13) The University may engage external providers to produce ACU Cards.

(14) ACU Card data and photographic images are subject to restrictions in relation to storage, access and disclosure in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

(15) The initial card obtained is free of charge and is valid for the duration of a student’s enrolment to a maximum period of five years.

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Section 7 - Use of Photographic Images of Students

(16) Photographic images will be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

(17) The photographic image associated with a student’s ACU Card forms part of the personal information on the student record.

(18) The photographic image will be used for verifying a student’s identity in furtherance of ACU’s functions and activities, as defined in clause (5) of the Privacy Policy, and so as to facilitate the provision of personalised services to that student consistent with ACU’s Constitution, Statutes, policies and procedures. These include:

  1. access to University examinations;
  2. reasons of student safety, such as large laboratory or field classes that require reference sheets in case of emergencies;
  3. where appropriate, confirmation of attendance at classes where attendance is a hurdle requirement for the unit;
  4. identification of a student when attending a professional experience placement, but not for the purpose of selection or allocation of such placement;
  5. identification of a student and production of an ID card for use when studying at the Rome campus;
  6. the provision of pastoral care, so that staff may more effectively provide tailored assistance to students;
  7. other reasonable purposes where the student has provided informed written consent for release of the photographic image to a staff member, or a nominated organisational unit.

(19) In an emergency situation under the Critical Incident Management Policy, where access to a student’s photographic image is required, the Incident Lead should contact the Academic Registrar, or nominee, for access.

(20) In any other circumstances in which access to a student’s photographic image is approved, it will be limited to the named staff member and must not be shared.

(21) The University will not release photographic images of students to persons inside or external to the University in any other circumstances, except in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

(22) Use of any student’s photographic image by any staff member for a purpose other than a purpose related to ACU’s functions and activities will be a breach of the Code of Conduct for Staff.

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Section 8 - Complaints Regarding Use of Student Photographic Images

(23) Any student who considers that their photographic image has been accessed or used in a manner contrary to this Policy or the Privacy Policy may lodge a complaint in accordance with the Student Complaints Policy or the Privacy Inquiry and Complaints Procedure.

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Section 9 - Schedule 1. Guidelines for Acceptable Photographic Images

(24) Photographic images used to produce ACU Cards must meet standards and allow for clear recognition of the student.

Directions for Taking Pictures

(25) When the photograph is taken students must:

  1. look directly at the camera;
  2. have their eyes open and clearly visible with no hair across their eyes;
  3. face square onto the camera not tilted showing both edges of the face.

Photographic Images Requirements

(26) The image must show the facial features from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead and both sides of the face and must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. No sunglasses;
  2. no shadow on face or red eye;
  3. no reflection on glasses;
  4. plain, light-coloured background;
  5. must be in a supported format as follows:
    1. BMP;
    2. JPG; or
    3. PNG.
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Section 10 -  Revisions made to this Policy

(27) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Date Major Minor or Editorial Description of Revision(s)
13/09/2017 Major Renaming and redrafting in line with current processes and as a consequence of the new Privacy Policy.
1/12/2021 Minor Changes in line with scheduled AB review
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Section 11 - Associated Information

For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.