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Academic Documents Procedure

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Section 1 - Governing Policy

(1) This Procedure is governed by the Academic Documents Policy.

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Section 2 - Testamur


(2) Graduations and Protocol will provide the original hard-copy testamur to a graduate following award conferral, consistent with the Conferral and Graduation Policy. A digital version of the testamur will also be provided via the My eQuals platform following award conferral.

(3) Graduations and Protocol will provide a new hard-copy and digital version of the testamur in cases of requests relating to gender reassignment or witness protection.

(4) All relevant fees and charges must be paid before the new testamur is issued.


(5) A replacement testamur can be issued by the University, consistent with clause (22) of the Academic Documents Policy and subject to approval of the Academic Registrar.

(6) Replacement testamurs will be produced by Graduations and Protocol.

(7) Replacement testamurs must be annotated and:

  1. be marked with ‘REPLACEMENT’;
  2. identify the original student name, when replaced due to a name change;
  3. identify the date of replacement; and
  4. identify the predecessor institution if applicable.

Replacement of damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed testamurs

(8) The Academic Registrar may approve the re-issue or replacement of a testamur that has been damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed, upon receipt of an application which includes:

  1. the completed application form including personal details;
  2. the original testamur if available;
  3. a statutory declaration and other supporting documentation if the original testamur is not available; and
  4. payment of the prescribed fee.

Replacement testamurs for legal name change

(9) The Academic Registrar may approve the replacement of a testamur in the case of a legal name change upon receipt of an application which includes:

  1. the completed application form;
  2. the original testamur, or a statutory declaration if the original testamur is not available;
  3. certified legal documents confirming the change of name and linking the new name with the original name;
  4. evidence of identity, including photographic identification; and
  5. payment of the prescribed fee.

(10) Where a replacement testamur is approved in the case of a legal name change, all official student records held by the University will be amended to reflect the name change. Details of the prior name will be held in the student management system.

(11) The replacement hard-copy testamur will be sent to the postal address nominated on the application form. A digital version of the testamur will also be provided via the My eQuals platform. Graduations and Protocol will maintain a record of any replacement testamur issued, along with accompanying tax invoice, statutory declaration or other supporting documentation.

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Section 3 - Academic Transcript


(12) Academic transcripts are produced by Student Administration using the student’s details as recorded on their student record in the student management system at the time of production.

(13) The name which appears on the academic transcript is the name which is recorded in the student management system as the student’s full name. Students are advised to use their name as it appears on their passport or birth certificate.

(14) Students can access and print an unofficial transcript at any time during their studies via the student management system.

(15) Once a student is approved as course complete, a digital academic transcript is provided to a student free of charge via the My eQuals platform.

(16) An official hard copy academic transcript may be issued to a student, on payment of the prescribed fee, at any time after at least one result has been achieved for a unit of study through submission of the relevant form and payment of the prescribed fee, online or in person at an Ask ACU Operations Centre.

(17)  Where an error has been made in the production of a transcript, a new transcript will be provided free of charge.


(18) In the case of a legal name change, a student can update their student record using the relevant form. These changes will be reflected in any future copies of transcripts that the student requests.

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Section 4 - Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)


(19) The AHEGS is produced by Graduations and Protocol using the student’s details as recorded on their student record in the student management system at the time of production.

(20) The name which appears on the AHEGS is the name which is recorded in the student management system as the student’s full name. Students are advised to use their name as it appears on their passport or birth certificate.

(21) A digital version of the AHEGS will also be provided via the My eQuals platform following award conferral. Graduations and Protocol can provide a hard copy upon request, for a prescribed fee.

(22) All relevant fees and charges must be paid before the AHEGS is issued.


(23) A replacement AHEGS will be produced by Graduations and Protocol upon submission of the completed online application form and payment of the prescribed fee.

(24) In the case of a replacement AHEGS requested for legal name change, a student can update their record on the student management system using the relevant form, prior to application. These changes will be reflected in the replacement AHEGS.

(25) A digital version of the replacement AHEGS will be provided via the My eQuals platform. A replacement hard-copy AHEGS will be sent to the postal address recorded in the student management system if the student previously applied and paid the prescribed fee. The AHEGS cannot be emailed.

(26) Graduations and Protocol will maintain a record of any replacement AHEGS issued, along with accompanying tax invoice and other supporting documentation.

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Section 5 - Verification of Academic Documents Requested by Third Parties

(27) Employers, professional registration, licensing bodies and others may wish to verify that the academic document is genuine, and that the information contained therein is accurate.

(28) Requests for verification must be made in writing, via Ask ACU Operations and include a copy of the complete document for which verification has been requested. The University will advise the requesting party whether the information contained in the copy of the submitted academic document is or is not consistent with its current official records. A fee for this service may apply.

(29) Academic documents may be provided to external organisations, other educational institutions and for employment purposes where the student has provided appropriate written authority for the University to do so.

(30) Academic documents may also be required to be provided under specific legislation and to policy or other law enforcement agencies under subpoena, police search warrant or other similar written official request.

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Section 6 - Revision to this Procedure

(31) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Date Major/Minor or Editorial Description of Revision(s) 
30 November 2016 Minor Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015 compliance review amendments
12 May 2021 Minor Amendments as part of the scheduled review
21 May 2023 Minor Amendments in line with current processes
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Section 7 -  Associated Information

(32) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab