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Position Classification for Professional Staff Procedure

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Section 1 - Governing Policy

(1) This procedure is governed by the Position Classification for Professional Staff Policy and applies to all Professional Staff positions up to an including Level 10.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure informs Professional Staff and Nominated Supervisors of the process for classifying Professional Staff positions at ACU utilising the Position Review Request via Staff Connect. 

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Section 3 - When to review Position Descriptions for classification

(3) Professional Staff position descriptions should normally undergo a classification review when:

  1. a new position is developed;
  2. an existing position will be advertised and the position description is no longer current;
  3. an existing position has changed in a significant way;
  4. an existing position has not been reviewed for a number of years; or
  5. as a result of a change management process.
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Section 4 - Updated Positions Descriptions

(4) Classification review is not necessary for changes the Nominated Supervisor considers are not significant, and do not impact on the nature of the role or the level at which it is expected to operate.

(5) Position descriptions that require minor changes to the role are to be submitted on the Position Review Request in Staff Connect with ‘Updated Documentation’ chosen as the review purpose.

(6) If the changes appear to warrant a classification, once the Position Review Request is received by People and Capability, the changes will be discussed with the Nominated Supervisor, before undertaking a classification review.

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Section 5 - Requests for Classification Review

(7) All requests for classification of a position must be completed on the Position Review Request in Staff Connect, with approval by the appropriate delegated officer and submitted to People and Capability.

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Section 6 - Requests for Classification of an Existing Position

(8) When considering whether an existing position needs to be classified, Nominated Supervisors should consider whether the changes are significant and impact on the expected level at which the position is operating.

(9) Classification is not appropriate:

  1. when the volume of work has increased but the level of task is the same; and/or
  2. as a mechanism for salary increase on the grounds of personal merit or performance.

(10) Other forms of reward and recognition may be available. Further information can be accessed via the Rewards and Recognition webpage and via Service Central.

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Section 7 - Staff Initiated Requests

(11) A Professional Staff member may submit a request for their position classification to be reviewed directly by People and Capability. It is the normal expectation that an application for a classification review should have undergone consultation between the Nominated Supervisor and the staff member.

(12) Where a staff member has submitted a position classification request without consulting their Nominated Supervisor, People and Capability will:

  1. liaise with the staff member in order to establish whether the staff member has consulted with and sought the support of their Nominated Supervisor; and
  2. liaise with the Nominated Supervisor, advising a request for a classification review has been received from the staff member.

(13) People and Capability will seek to first enable a discussion with the Nominated Supervisor and the staff member to ascertain the accuracy of the context and come to an agreement regarding the content of the request submitted by the staff member.

(14) Where agreement is not reached, People and Capability will undertake a classification review. In order that a fair and equitable decision is made relevant additional documentation will be sought from both the staff member and the Nominated Supervisor.

(15) The staff member will submit a Position Review request vis Staff Connect and provide:

  1. a copy of the current position description if the most recent position description is not already attached within the Position Review Request in Staff Connect.
  2. a statement advising how the current position description differs from the proposed position description.
  3. how the proposed position description meets the business and organisational goals of the unit.
  4. any other information the staff member may consider relevant to consideration of the classification of the position.

(16) The Nominated Supervisor will provide:

  1. a statement confirming or not the duties required to be performed described in the proposed position description
  2. include the proposed impact on the work organisation of the unit.
  3. any additional information the Nominated Supervisor may consider relevant to the consideration of the classification of the position.

(17) People and Capability will classify the position based on the material submitted.

(18) A staff member or supervisor can request a further review of the classification outcome. A review of the classification outcome will be undertaken by a Classification Review Subgroup which meets on an as-needed basis.

(19) If a consensus outcome cannot be reached by the Classification Review Subgroup, the classification review will be referred to the Classification Review Committee that meets four times a year.

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Section 8 - Classification Process

(20) Positions will be classified using DWM (primary) and where necessary Hay (secondary) classification methodologies.

(21) All classification reviews will be undertaken on an as needs basis by a member of People and Capability in the first instance.

(22) Changes to the position description may be recommended by People and Capability as part of the classification process.

(23) Once a decision has been made by People and Capability on the classification outcome, no additional information provided after this can be considered. Any additional information must be submitted as part of a new request for classification.

(24) A staff member, Union, or Supervisor can request a review of the classification outcome undertaken by People and Capability. A review of the classification outcome is undertaken by a Classification Review Subgroup which meets on an as-needed basis.

(25) If a consensus outcome cannot be reached by the Classification Review Subgroup using the primary and secondary descriptors, the classification review will be referred to the Classification Review Committee which meets up to four times per year.

(26) A staff member cannot participate in a Classification Review Subgroup/Committee while a position in their own functional unit, their own position, or a position they directly supervise, is being evaluated.

(27) The Classification Review Subgroup/Committee may contact the Nominated Supervisor of the position and where relevant both the Nominated Supervisor and the staff member together.

(28) The database of all position classifications will be updated on a regular basis and will normally be provided to all members of the Classification Review Committee up to four times per year.

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Section 9 - Effective Date of Classification

(29) People and Capability will advise the Member of the Executive, Nominated Supervisor and the staff member of the classification outcome in writing. People and Capability will be available for discussion on the outcome of the review.

(30) The date of effect for all classification decisions will be the date on which the role was classified.

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Section 10 - Appeals

(31) A staff member may appeal an unsuccessful application for classification review of their position in accordance with the Staff Appeals Policy.

(32) The staff member may only appeal a classification outcome on the grounds that a breach of procedure occurred which materially affected the decision on the classification outcome.

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Section 11 - Revisions Made to This Procedure

(33) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Description
1 July 2019 Major Updated to incorporate provisions of ACU Staff Enterprse Agreement 2017-2021.
20 January 2021 Minor Updated in relation to paper based PCR to Aurion online.

(34) The University may make changes to this Procedure from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about these procedures may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 12 - Further Assistance

(35) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this policy should first consult their Nominated Supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central

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Section 13 - Associated Information

(36) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.